Siebel Server Sync Guide > Setting Up and Using Embedded Outlook Calendar >

About Embedded Outlook Calendar and the Siebel Mobile Web Client

If your computer is set up to use the Siebel Mobile Web Client with a local database and file system, and to use Microsoft Outlook in offline mode, you can use Embedded Outlook Calendar even when your computer is not connected to a network. The following capabilities are available in this situation:

  • If a user has a responsibility that grants visibility for the HI Activity Outlook Calendar View, then the Embedded Outlook Calendar is the only calendar view that the Siebel application displays when that user is connected to the local database.
  • Records that are created in the Embedded Outlook Calendar are stored on the Microsoft Exchange Server if Outlook is connected to the server, and in a local file if Outlook is being run offline.
  • Records that are created in Siebel Business Applications are stored in the local database.
  • Records are not completely synchronized until all of the following have taken place:
    • Microsoft Outlook synchronizes locally stored data with the Microsoft Exchange Server.
    • SSSE synchronizes the Microsoft Exchange Server with the Siebel database.
    • Oracle's Siebel Mobile Web Client synchronizes with the Enterprise or Regional database.
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