Siebel Server Sync Guide

What's New in This Release

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Introducing Siebel Server Sync for Microsoft Exchange Server

About Siebel Server Sync for Microsoft Exchange Server

SSSE Deployment Options

SSSE Synchronization Options

Important SSSE Terminology

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Siebel Server Sync for Microsoft Exchange Server Architecture Overview

About PIMSI Engine

About PIMSI Dispatcher

About Exchange Connector

PIMSI Engine Task Flow

SSSE Architecture

SSSE System Requirements

Initial Extract and Ongoing Extract

About Synchronizing Records during Initial Extract

Initial Extract of Microsoft Exchange Contact Records

Initial Extract of Microsoft Exchange Task and Calendar Records

About Synchronizing Records During the Ongoing Extract Process

About SSSE Contact Record Matching

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Installing Siebel Server Sync for Microsoft Exchange Server

Roadmap for Installing SSSE

Process of Preparing a Microsoft Exchange 2007 Environment for SSSE Installation

Installing Exchange 2007 System Management Tools

Installing Messaging Application Program Interface

Installing MSXML 4.0 SP2

Checking Domain Controller Properties

Configuring Firewalls for Use with SSSE

Installing Siebel Server for SSSE

Installing a Remote DCOM Exchange Connector

Requirements for Installing SSSE Components in a Cluster Configuration

Applying SSSE Index Files to the Database

About Migrating SSSE Users to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

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Configuring Siebel Server Sync for Microsoft Exchange Server

About Configuring SSSE

Roadmap for Configuring SSSE

About the Default Account Setting

Using the Siebel Configuration Wizard to Configure SSSE

About Tuning SSSE for Optimal Performance

Modifying Enterprise and Server Component Parameters

PIMSI Engine Server Component Parameters

SSSE-Related Siebel Enterprise Server Parameters

About the Exchange Service Account

Configuring User Mailbox Access for the Exchange Service Account

Configuring Exchange Service Account Access Permissions Using a Script

Configuring Exchange Service Account Access Permissions Manually

Configuring Exchange Connector Support

Process of Configuring the Web Service Exchange Connector

Configuring the Autodiscover Service URL

Importing Autodiscover and EWS SSL Certificates

Configuring SSSE for Multiple AD Forest Environments (Web Connector)

Configuring the IIS Web Server for Microsoft Exchange (Web Connector)

Process of Configuring the DCOM Exchange Connector

Setting Up the DCOM Exchange Connector Share Directory

Configuring DCOM Exchange Connector Application Security

Configuring the IIS Web Server for Microsoft Exchange (DCOM Connector)

Designating Trusted Microsoft Exchange Servers

Setting DCOM Exchange Connector Log Levels

About Mapping DCOM Exchange Connectors to Microsoft Exchange Servers

About Using Exchange Virtual Directories

Configuring DCOM Exchange Connector Parameters

Using Fully Qualified Email Addresses

About Configuring SSSE for Multiple AD Forest Environments (DCOM Connector)

Process of Configuring SSSE for Multiple AD Forests (DCOM Connector)

Setting Up Administrator Users in a Multiple Active Directory Forest Environment

Configuring the DCOM Exchange Connector in a Multiple Active Directory Forest Environment

Providing Access to the PIMSI Engine in a Multiple Active Directory Forest Environment

Configuring SSSE for Multiple Active Directory Forest Support

Modifying SSSE Log File Settings

Configuring the Database for SSSE

About Enabling and Disabling Components on SSSE Servers

Restarting Siebel Services

Configuring and Starting PIMSI Dispatcher

Configuring Support for Items Archived in Microsoft Outlook

Configuring Recurring Appointments

Process of Configuring Additional Appointment Instances for Recurring Appointments

Creating and Running the Refan Job

Updating the Siebel Calendar Profile

Creating a New PIMSI Data Map Entry

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Administering Siebel Server Sync for Microsoft Exchange Server

About Administering SSSE

About SSSE Domains

Changing SSSE Default Values For Synchronization Conflicts

Process of Configuring Siebel and PIM Domain Characteristics

Setting Siebel Domain-Level Synchronization

Setting PIM Category Values for Siebel Domains

Enabling and Disabling Contact Record Matching

Setting Required Siebel Domain Fields and Defaults

Setting Required PIM Domain Fields and Defaults

About Allowing or Preventing Record Deletions for a Domain

Allowing or Preventing Record Deletions

Mapping Siebel Domain and PIM Domain Fields

Creating Field Mappings

Setting Field-Level Synchronization

Setting Key Fields

Process of Setting SSSE Group and User Access Controls

Setting User-Level Synchronization

Setting Group-Level Synchronization

Mapping Individual Users

Mapping Multiple Users

Enabling or Disabling User Synchronization

Setting Extract Start Dates for Users

Implementing Import-Only Synchronization of Calendar Records

About Setting Calendar and Task Record Synchronization Options

Implementing Opt-In Synchronization for Calendar and Task Records

Skipping Private Calendar or Task Records During Synchronization

Process of Enabling Inbound Activity Filtering

Setting a Default Value for the Type Field

Setting Up Translation Mappings for Inbound Activity Filtering

About SSSE Table Maintenance

About SSSE Log Files

About Moving or Deleting Mailboxes for SSSE Users

Skipping Records That Generate Synchronization Errors

Process of Configuring Email Notification of Synchronization Errors

Configuring System Alerts for Email Notification of PIMSI Engine Synchronization Errors

Configuring System Alerts for Email Notification of DCOM Exchange Connector Synchronization Errors

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Customizing Siebel Server Sync for Microsoft Exchange Server

About Customizing SSSE

About Synchronizing Additional Fields

Process of Customizing SSSE

About SSSE Integration Objects

Changing Integration Objects

Example of Changing Integration Objects

About SSSE Data Maps

Changing SSSE Data Maps

Example of Changing Data Maps

Changing Siebel Domain Configurations

Example of Changing Siebel Domain Configurations

Changing PIM Domain Configuration

Example of Changing PIM Domain Configurations

Changing Domain Map Configurations

Example of Changing Domain Map Configurations

About SSSE User Filtering

Changing User Filtering Configurations

About Customizing Delta Queries

Changing Delta Query Profile Configuration Parameters

About Creating Custom Delete Triggers

Creating Custom Delete Triggers

Sample Delete Trigger

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Using Siebel Server Sync for Microsoft Exchange Server

About Using SSSE

Scenarios for Using SSSE

About Using SSSE with Calendar Records

Factors That Determine Calendar Synchronization

About Activities and Calendar Records

About Creating, Modifying, or Deleting an Appointment

All-Day Appointments

About Adding an Attachment to an Appointment

Calendar Appointments with Multiple Attendees

Calendar Items Created in Siebel Business Applications

Calendar Items Created in Microsoft Exchange

About Using SSSE with Task Records

Factors That Determine Task Record Synchronization

About Creating, Modifying, or Deleting a Task Record

About Adding an Attachment to a Task Record

Assigning Tasks to Other Users

How Priorities and Status Values Are Set for a Task Record

About Using SSSE with Contact Records

Enabling and Disabling Contact Records for Synchronization

About Creating, Modifying, or Deleting a Contact

About Adding an Attachment to a Contact

Creating a Personal Contact

Account-to-Contact Relationships

About Changing Contact Domains

Synchronization of Contact Phone Numbers

About Using SSSE with Employee Records

About Synchronizing Employees

Enabling and Disabling Employee Records for Synchronization

About Creating, Modifying or Deleting an Employee

Synchronization Error Messages

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Setting Up and Using Siebel Outlook Add-In

About Siebel Outlook Add-In

System Requirements for Siebel Outlook Add-In

Process of Setting Up Siebel Outlook Add-In

Setting Enterprise Server Parameters and Enabling Web Client Automation for Outlook Add-In

(Optional) Setting the Bucket Size User Property for Siebel Outlook Add-In

(Optional) Setting Siebel Outlook Add-In Objects and Fields

Installing Siebel Outlook Add-In

Initializing Siebel Outlook Add-In

(Optional) Configuring Siebel Outlook Add-In for Web Single Sign-On Authentication

Testing Siebel Outlook Add-In

Setting Siebel Outlook Add-In Options

Process of Configuring Custom Objects in Siebel Outlook Add-In

Configuring List of Values

Creating a New PIMSI Siebel Object

Updating Integration Objects

Updating the Data Maps

Updating the PIMSI Domain Configuration

Updating Domain Maps

About Using Siebel Outlook Add-In

Linking to Siebel Data from Microsoft Outlook

Using Outlook Add-In Quick Links

Using Outlook Add-In Links

Removing Links to Siebel Data

About Using Outlook Add-In with the Mobile Web Client

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Setting Up and Using Embedded Outlook Calendar

About Embedded Outlook Calendar

About Siebel Calendars and Views

System Requirements for Embedded Outlook Calendar

Process of Setting Up Embedded Outlook Calendar

Verifying the Outlook Day/Week/Month View Names

Enabling Embedded Outlook Calendar Visibility

About Using Embedded Outlook Calendar

About Embedded Outlook Calendar and the Siebel Mobile Web Client

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