Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server > Process of Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server >

Configuring Siebel Management Agents

This topic describes how you configure the Siebel Management Agents after installation. You configure each instance using the Siebel Management Agent Configuration Wizard.

NOTE:  On Microsoft Windows, if you are using database authentication, then, in order to select the Configuration Wizard option to start the Siebel Management Agent immediately, you must have already installed the Siebel database schema and seed data. For more information about performing these tasks, see Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS.

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server.

To configure Siebel Management Agents

  1. Review About Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server and Requirements for Installing and Configuring Siebel Management Agents and Siebel Management Server.
  2. Start the Siebel Management Agent Configuration Wizard.

    A screen appears that requests the account details of the Siebel user who accesses Siebel Management Agent.

  3. Enter the Siebel user name and password, confirm the password, and then click Next.

    Specify a Siebel administrator user, such as SADMIN.

    The wizard requests the location of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) home directory.

  4. Click Browse to navigate to the JRE home directory. Select the directory, and click Next.

    The wizard displays a check box that allows you to enable RC2 encryption for the Siebel user account that you specified in Step 3. By default, the check box is clear. For more information about RC2 encryption, see Siebel Security Guide.

  5. Take the appropriate action:
    • To enable RC2 encryption of the Siebel user's password, select the check box, and click Next. Specify the full path to the RC2 key file.
    • To leave the Siebel user's password encoded in base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding, leave the check box clear, and click Next.

      The wizard requests the port number for the RMI Registry. Requests to connect to this Siebel Management Agent use this port number (default 1199).

  6. Enter the port number for the RMI Registry, or accept the default, and then click Next.

    The wizard requests the type of authentication to deploy for Siebel Management Agent. You must select the same type of authentication for both Siebel Management Server and any Siebel Management Agents that connect to this Siebel Management Server. For more information about authentication types, see Siebel Security Guide.

  7. Select the type of authentication. Do one of the following, and click Next:
    • If you selected LDAP or Database, then go to Step 8, and specify the path to the security adapter file. Use one of these options for production deployments.
    • If you selected None, then go to Step 9. This option is not suitable for production deployments.

      NOTE:  Selecting None allows the user specified in Step 3 to perform Siebel ADM deployment operations without any other authentication.

  8. Specify the path to the security adapter file (located in the bin subdirectory of the Siebel Management Agent installation directory), and click Next.
    • For LDAP, specify the file secadp.cfg.
    • For database authentication, specify the file odbcsecadp.cfg.

      The wizard asks if you want to deploy the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for Siebel Management Agent. For more information about SSL, see Siebel Security Guide.

  9. Take the appropriate action:
    • To deploy with SSL, select the SSL radio button, and click Next. Go to the next step.

      For more information about configuring SSL for Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management Server, see Siebel Security Guide.

    • To deploy without using SSL, select the NoSSL radio button, and click Next. On Windows, go to Step 14. On UNIX, go to Step 16.
    • To deploy for local communications only (with no SSL between different computers), select the LoopBack radio button, and click Next. Go to Step 14.

      This option binds to a loopback address and accepts connections only from the same computer. You can use this option when Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management Server are installed on the same Windows computer.

  10. Take the appropriate action:
    • To use the SSL protocol for communications from the client, select Client, and click Next. (The client in this context is the Siebel Management Server.) The wizard requests the Private Key File Name and Private Key File Password. Go to Step 12.
    • To use the SSL protocol for communications in both directions (between the Siebel Management Server and the Siebel Management Agents), select Dual, and click Next. The wizard requests the name of the SSL provider.
    • To use the SSL protocol for communications from the server, select Server, and click Next. (The server in this context is the Siebel Management Agent.) The wizard requests the name of the SSL provider.
  11. For Dual or Server configuration, specify the name of the SSL encryption provider, and click Next. Specify one of the following:
    • JSSENoStubProviderWrapper
    • RSAProviderWrapper
    • SunJSSEProviderWrapper

      For more information about these options, see Siebel Security Guide.

      The wizard requests the Private Key File Name and Private Key File Password.

  12. Enter values for the Private Key File Name and Private Key File Password, and click Next.

    The wizard requests the name of the Truststore file.

  13. Enter the name of the Truststore file, and click Next:
    • On Microsoft Windows, go to the next step.
    • On UNIX, go to Step 16.
  14. Enter the Windows User Account and the Windows User Account Password, confirm the password, and then click Next.

    The wizard asks if you want to start Siebel Management Agent.

  15. Take the appropriate action:
    • To start Siebel Management Agent when configuration completes, select the check box, and click Next.

      NOTE:  On Microsoft Windows, if you are using database authentication, then, in order to select this option, you must have already installed the Siebel database schema and seed data. For more information about performing these tasks, see Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS.

    • To start Siebel Management Agent at a later time, leave the check box clear, and click Next.

      The wizard summarizes the selections that you have made.

  16. Review this information, and take the appropriate action:
    • If the information is correct, then click Next to complete the configuration. A dialog box appears that asks if you want to execute the configuration. Go to the next step.
    • If the information is incorrect, then click Back to return to the parameter that you want to modify.
  17. Click OK to execute the configuration, and complete the configuration of the Siebel Management Agent.

    After you have configured all of the Siebel Management Agents, do one of the following:

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