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About Siebel Loyalty Web Services for Social Media

The functionality to reward Siebel Loyalty members for social actions and to acquire loyalty members through social networks is provided by methods of the following Siebel Loyalty Web services:

  • Enrolling contacts as loyalty members. Using the Siebel CRM Social Media Integration functionality, Siebel contacts can be created for users on social media platforms using only an individual's social profile information. These Siebel contacts can then be enrolled on a loyalty program using functionality provided by the EnrolContactAsMember method of the LOY Batch Enrollment service. The MemberEnrollment method cannot be used in these circumstances because it requires mandatory inputs, such as Program ID and Product ID, which might not be available for contacts created using social profile data.
  • Capturing social action data. To capture the actions of loyalty members on social networking sites so that members can be assigned rewards for those actions, the ProcessSocialActionTxn method of the LOY Accrual Service is used.

    The ProcessSocialActionTxn method captures the social action details of loyalty members and creates Siebel Loyalty transactions which can be used to reward members or update attributes.

  • Rewarding members with a referral bonus when their friends enroll in promotions. To enroll members into a promotion and reward the member who referred them, the PromotionEnrolmentForSMS method of the LOY Member Service is implemented.

    The PromotionEnrolmentForSMS method is used to enroll the member onto the promotion, award the member a promotion enrollment bonus, and assign a referral bonus to the referrer.

For detailed information on each of the Web services and operations described in this topic, see Siebel CRM Web Services Reference.

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