Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide for Mobile Web Client > Administration of Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging >

About Inspecting and Clearing Store-and-Forward Messaging Queues

From time to time, you may find that a Store-and-Forward Messaging queue is not operating properly. You can use the sfmutil.exe utility to inspect and clear inbound Store-and-Forward Messaging queues. You may need to do this after a server crash, a queue manager crash, or if you move a user from one queue to another without making sure that both inbound and outbound queues are empty.

For information about the command-line arguments that sfmutil.exe uses, see Table 8. For information about how to use sfmutil.exe for specific operations, see Inspecting and Clearing Store-and-Forward Messaging Queues.

Table 8. Arguments for the Sfmutil.exe Utility

/A file_name

(Optional) Save a copy of the message to the specified file. Does not affect the presence of the message in the queue. If you specify the name of an existing file, sfmutil overwrites that file. In some circumstances, a Support representative may ask you for this file as part of the effort to resolve a problem with the queue.

/C app_cfg_file

Full path and file name for the server copy of the configuration file for your Siebel application, such as path/uagent.cfg. For sfmutil.exe to work properly, the instance of the file that resides on the server must contain a [SmqRTSReceiverSubsys] section such as the following:

SmqReceiveTimeout = 30
SmqCompression = GZIP
SmqEncryption = RC4
SmqQueueType = MQe
SmqQueueManagerName = ServerQM
SmqQueueName = InboundRTSQ
SmqServerMachineName = localhost
SmqServerPortNumber = 8080
SmqServletPathName = /smq/ServerQM

NOTE:  The values shown here are provided as one example. Your implementation may require you to use different values for some of these settings.

/D table_owner

Siebel Table Owner.

/L language_code

Language code. Default value is ENU for United States English.

/M Y

(Optional) For the first message in the queue, displays the internal message number and message type on screen. Does not affect the contents of the queue.

/N mobile_web_client

Name of any Mobile Web Client that may be affected by queue problems, as shown by the logs or queue folders. The sfmutil.exe utility performs the actions that you specify on the individual inbound queue for this Mobile Web Client.

/P password

Password of the user that you specify with the /U argument.

/Q queue_name

Name of the queue.

/R Y

(Optional) Remove the first message in the queue.

/S ODBC_data_source

ODBC Data Source for the Siebel Enterprise database.

/U userID

User name of a Siebel Administrator.

/X subsystem_name

Name of the SMQ subsystem that is associated with the specified queue.

/Z Y

(Optional) Remove all messages from the queue.

NOTE:  When you remove messages using this argument, the messages are discarded and they cannot be recovered.

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