Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide for Mobile Web Client > Overview of Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging >

Overview of Store-and-Forward Messaging for Mobile Web Client Architecture

The architecture of Store-and-Forward Messaging for Mobile Web Client consists of Siebel Server elements, Siebel Mobile Web Client elements, and IBM MQe queueing software, in the context of a Siebel Business Application deployment that includes Siebel Remote.

Table 4 specifies the kinds of data synchronization that are handled by Store-and-Forward Messaging, and the kinds of data synchronization that are handled by Siebel Remote.

Table 4. Synchronization Types Handled by Store-and-Forward Messaging and Siebel Remote
Direction of Synchronization
Handled by Store-and-Forward Messaging for Mobile Web Client
Handled by Siebel Remote

Mobile Web Client to Server

  • All local database transactions.
  • File attachments smaller than the maximum attachment size set by the administrator. For more information about this parameter, see Configuring Maximum Attachment Size.

File attachments larger than the maximum attachment size set by the administrator. For more information about this parameter, see Configuring Maximum Attachment Size.

Server to Mobile Web Client

  • New Activities assigned by means of the Dispatch Board to a Mobile Web Client that has Store-and-Forward.
  • Any enterprise database transactions that update existing Activities that have already been sent to the Mobile Web Client using Store-and-Forward Messaging.
  • All enterprise database transactions that Siebel Remote normally routes to the Mobile Web Client. Any transactions that were previously sent by means of Store-and-Forward Messaging are provided for redundancy, but duplication of records is prevented automatically.
  • All file attachments, regardless of size.

Figure 3 shows the components that are used to transmit messages from the Siebel Server and receive those messages on the Mobile Web Client using Store-and-Forward Messaging.

Figure 3. Components Used to Transmit Store-and-Forward Messages from the Siebel Server to Client

Figure 4 shows the components that are used to transmit messages from the Mobile Web Client and receive them on the Siebel Server using Store-and-Forward Messaging.

Figure 4. Components Used to Transmit Store-and-Forward Messages from Client to Server

Figure 5 shows the mixture of Siebel Remote components and Store-and-Forward components that are used to transmit all file attachments from the Siebel Server and receive them on the Mobile Web Client.

Figure 5. Siebel Remote and Store-and-Forward Components Sending All Attachments to Mobile Web Client

Figure 6 shows the mixture of Siebel Remote components and Store-and-Forward components that are used to transmit large file attachments from the Mobile Web Client and receive them on the Siebel Server.

Figure 6. Siebel Remote and Store-and-Forward Components Sending Large Attachments to Server

Store-and-Forward architectural elements are described in the following paragraphs. For information about Siebel Remote elements, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.


This server component retrieves transactions from the transaction log and creates Store-and-Forward work items that identify which Mobile Web Clients will receive Store-and-Forward messages.


This server component extracts the needed data from the database and creates the appropriate Store-and-Forward messages.


This server component sends Store-and-Forward Messages to the designated Mobile Web Clients by means of IBM MQe, and then deletes the associated work item.


IBM WebSphere MQ Everyplace (MQe) provides a secure transport layer for transmitting Store-and-Forward messages over wired and wireless networks. For more information about MQe, see About IBM WebSphere MQe.


This server component retrieves messages from the SMQ Receiver server component and applies the updates that are contained in the messages to the Siebel Server's database.

SMQ Receiver

This server component receives Store-and-Forward messages that Mobile Web Clients send by means of the transport service. SMQReceiver invokes the RTSQApplier component and passes the message to that component.


This architectural element is a background process on the Mobile Web Client. It performs the following functions:

  • Sending database updates from the Mobile Web Client to the Siebel Server as Store-and-Forward messages
  • Receiving Store-and-Forward messages from the Siebel Server and applying the database changes in the messages to the Mobile Web Client's local database.
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