Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > Performing the Siebel Incremental Repository Merge > Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x and 8.2.2.x (SIA Repository) >

Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

This task is a step in Process of Performing an Incremental Upgrade of the Siebel Database from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x and 8.2.2.x (SIA Repository).

Use this procedure to start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

To start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

  1. Navigate to the following directory:
    • Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin
    • UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin
  2. Enter the following command:
    • Windows: siebupg /m master_UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION.ucf
    • UNIX: srvrupgwiz /m master_UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION.ucf


      _UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION is the portion of the upgrade configuration file name that lists upgrade process, upgrade environment, and the Siebel release from which you are upgrading. The file is located in SIEBEL_ROOT\bin (UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin).

      The following numbers are used for the Siebel Release portion of the file name:

    • 811sia
    • 81110
      Table 27 lists an example of the file names for an upgrade from Siebel 8.1.1 (SIA).
      Table 27. Example of the File Names for an Upgrade from Siebel 8.1.1 SIA
      Upgrade Mode
      File Name

      Development env. upgrep


      Development env. upgphys


      Production env. upgrep and upgphys


      Table 28 lists an example of the file names for an upgrade from Siebel (SIA).
      Table 28. Example of the File Names for an Upgrade from Siebel (SIA)
      Upgrade Mode
      File Name

      Development env. upgrep


      Development env. upgphys


      Production env. upgrep and upgphys


  3. To begin the upgrade, click OK (Windows), or press ENTER (UNIX).

    The Siebel Upgrade Wizard will notify you when the upgrade process is complete.

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