Using Siebel Tools > Localizing Strings and Locale Data > Configuring Symbolic Strings >

Setting a Symbolic String Reference

A symbolic string reference is a reference to a symbolic string. It allows you to set the text that Siebel CRM displays in the Siebel client for an object property, such as an applet title or application display name. This topic describes two different ways that you can set this text.

Using the String Reference Property to Set a Symbolic String Reference

This topic describes how to use the String Reference property to set a symbolic string reference.

To use the String Reference property to set a symbolic string reference

  1. Make sure the EnableToolsConstrain parameter is set to FALSE.

    For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings.

  2. In the Object List Editor, locate the object you must modify.

    For example, locate the Account List Applet. For more information, see Locating and Modifying an Object Definition in the Object List Editor.

  3. In the Title - String Reference property, click the drop-down arrow.

    This property varies according to object type. For more information, see Properties That Store a Symbolic String.

  4. In the Title - String Reference dialog box, locate the string reference you require, and then click Pick.

    Siebel Tools enters a value in the Title property according to the current language mode and the value in the String Value property of the child symbolic string locale.

  5. If no existing symbolic string meets your requirements, then you can enter a string override.

    For more information, see Entering a String Override.

Properties That Store a Symbolic String

Table 13 describes the properties that store a symbolic string. The property varies according to object type. Siebel Tools displays these properties only in the Object List Editor. It does not display them in the Properties window.

Table 13. Properties That Store a Symbolic String
Object Type
Label for the String Reference Property

Web Page

Title - String Reference


Title - String Reference


Viewbar Text - String Reference


A view includes the following properties that reference a symbolic string:

  • Title - String Reference
  • Thread Title - String Reference


Display Name - String Reference

Entering a Value to Set a Symbolic String Reference

This topic describes how to enter a value to set a symbolic string reference.

To enter a value to set a symbolic string reference

  1. Make sure the EnableToolsConstrain parameter is set to FALSE.

    For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings.

  2. In the Object List Editor, locate the object you must modify.

    For more information, see Locating and Modifying an Object Definition in the Object List Editor.

    For example, locate the Account List Applet.

  3. In the Title property, enter the text that Siebel CRM must display in the Siebel client.

    This property varies according to object type. For more information, see Properties That Store the Display Text.

  4. Tab out of the field.

    Siebel Tools searches for a string reference that includes a value in the String Value property that matches the value you enter, and then does one of the following depending on the result of the search:

    • A unique match exists. Siebel Tools enters the symbolic string reference it finds into the String Reference property. It enters this value according to the current language mode and the value that the String Value property of the child symbolic string locale contains.
    • Multiple matches exist or no match exists. Siebel Tools displays an error dialog box. You can click OK to close the dialog box, and then use the String Reference Property. For more information, see Using the String Reference Property to Set a Symbolic String Reference.
Properties That Store the Display Text

Table 14 describes the properties that store the display text. The property varies according to object type. Siebel Tools displays these properties in the Object List Editor and in the Properties window.

Table 14. Properties That Store the Display Text
Object Type
Property That Stores the Display Text

Web Page





Viewbar Text


A view includes the following properties that include display text:

  • Title
  • Thread Title


Display Name

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