Siebel VB Language Reference > Methods Reference for Siebel VB > Mathematical Methods >

Get Number Sign Method

The Get Number Sign method returns a value that identifies the sign of a number. It returns a different value depending on the following value of the number:

  • Number is less than zero. It returns negative 1.
  • Number is equal to zero. It returns 0.
  • Number is greater than zero. It returns 1.


This method uses the same arguments as the Get Absolute Value method. For more information, see Get Absolute Value Method.


The following example examines the value of the profit variable. If this value is a negative number, then it displays 0 for profit:

Sub Button_Click
      Dim profit as Single
      Dim expenses
      Dim sales
      expenses = 100000
      sales = 200000
      profit = Val(sales)-Val(expenses)
      If Sgn(profit) = 1 then
         'Yeah! We turned a profit!
      ElseIf Sgn(profit) = 0 then
         'Okay. We broke even.
         'Uh, oh. We lost money.
         End If
End Sub

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