A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y


AND operator, about   1


sine, calculating   1

Tan function, about using to calculate tangent   1

AppActivate, about   1


write routines, about using to   1


IsMissing function, about using to query callers for a procedure   1

array data types, about and using ReDim statement   1 ,  2


LBound function, about using to return lower bound of subscript range   1

resizing when full of data   1

statements, table of   1

UBound function, about using to return upper bound subscript range   1

upper bound of the subscript range   1

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Boolean data type, simulating   1

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Call statement

arguments, used in procedures   1

example   1

syntax, returns, usage   1

calling procedure, transferring control to   1

cash flows, constant periodic stream   1

CCur function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

ChDir statement, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

ChDrive statement, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

CInt function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Clipboard methods, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

CLng function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

code, identifying as a comment   1

COM automation objects

creating   1

Object class, about using to provide access to   1

COM objects

file or application, associated with   1

new object, about using to initialize   1

Set statement, about assigning to a variable   1

COM-compliant objects, about accessing   1

comparison operators, numeric and string (table)   1


queries on   1

storing queries in a file   1

Const statement, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1


subprogram or function, transferring to   1

control-based objects, differences between Siebel VB and Visual Basic   1

CreateObject function

example   1

syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

CSng function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

CStr function, syntax. returns, and example   1

CurDir function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

currency data type, converting to   1

current date, about using Date function to return string representing   1

current user ID, returning   1

CVar function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

CVDate function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

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data source

SQLGetSchema function, about using to return information   1

SQLRequest function, about using to connect to   1

data types

about   1

arrays, about and using ReDim statement   1 ,  2

arrays, declaring for   1

currency, about using CCur function to convert expression   1

default, about specifying for one or more variables   1

five numeric types (table)   1

integer, about using Cln function to convert expression   1

long, about using CLng function to convert expression   1

record, about and example   1

Siebel VB and previous Basic versions, differences between   1

Siebel VB and Visual Basic, differences between   1

single, about using CSng function to convert expression   1

string, about fixed and dynamic   1

string, about using CStr function, about using to convert expression   1

type characters, about and table of suffix characters   1

variant of type, about using CVDate function to convert expression   1

variant, about using CVar function to convert expression   1

databases, query warning   1

data-time value, about using Year function to return year component   1

Date function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Date statement

example   1


formatting   1

IsDate function, about using to confirm   1

Now function, about using to return current date and time   1

DateSerial function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

date-time value

month component, about   1

Weekday function, about using to return day of the week   1

year component   1

DateValue function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Day function, syntax, usage, and example   1

day, about using Weekday function to return day of the week   1

debugging, about using Option Explicit statement   1

Declare statement

syntax. returns, and usage   1

declaring variables, about using Option Explicit statement   1

default drive

changing   1

returning   1

default folder

changing   1

returning   1

Deftype statement, syntax. returns, usage, and example   1

Dim statement

arrays, about declaring   1

dynamic array, using to declare   1

fixed-length and dynamic strings   1

numeric variables, about declaring   1

object variables, about   1

record variables, about declaring   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

variable, about using to declare type   1

variant example for each data type   1

variants, about declaring variables as   1

Dir function

syntax and returns   1

usage and example   1

disk control, statements (table)   1 ,  2

DLL (dynamic link library)

C procedures, calling   1

passed-in value   1

procedures, declaring   1

procedures, external   1

writing your own functions   1 ,  2

Do...Loop statement

syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

DTYPE_BOOL field, about calling in a script   1

dynamic link library

See Create Function Method

dynamic strings

about and example   1

variable types   1

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elapsed time, about using Timer function to return elapsed time   1

Environ function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

environmental control

Siebel VB and previous Basic differences   1

Eof function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

EQV operator, about   1

Erl function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Err function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Error function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

error handling

error message, returning   1

error statements, table of   1

routine, halting   1

statements and functions, about   1


ODBC function call, derived from   1

Exit statement, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1


about   1

comparison operators, numeric and string (table)   1

formatted string, converting to   1

Is operator, about using to compare expressions   1

Like operator, about using to compare contents   1

logical operators, table of   1

numeric operators, table of   1

string operators, table of   1

External DLL procedures   1

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file control statements (table)   1

file input/output statements, table of   1

file mode, returning   1

file number, lowest unused   1

FileAttr function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

FileDateTime function, syntax, returns, and usage   1

FileLen function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

filename, returning   1


attributes, returning   1

closing an open file   1

disk and folder control, table of   1 ,  2

end, determining   1

file control, table of   1

input/output statements, table of   1

length, returning   1

Lof function, about using to return length   1

modification date and time   1

Seek position, about using to return current file position for open file  See Get File Position Method

fixed strings, about and example   1

fixed-length string variables, declaring   1

folder control, statements (table)   1 ,  2


attributes, returning   1

removing   1

For...Next statement

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

Format function

dates and times, formatting   1

examples   1

predefined numeric formats, table of   1

scaling numbers   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

user-defined numeric format, creating   1


dates and times   1

numbers   1

FreeFile function, syntax. returns, usage, and example   1

function procedure, defining   1

Function...End Function statement

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1


Help syntax   1

Siebel VB and previous Basic version, differences between   1

FV function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

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Get statement

example   1

GetAttr function syntax, returns, and usage   1

GetLastErrText method, availability of   1

GetObject function

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

Global statement

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

global variables

Global statement, about declaring   1

GoTo statement

good practice, and about using   1

syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

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Hour function, syntax, returns, and usage   1

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If...Then...Else statement, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

IMP operator, about   1

Input function, syntax, returns, usage   1

InStr function

example   1

syntax, returns, usage   1


data type, converting to   1

interest payments, about using IPmt function to calculate   1

interest rates, about using Rate function to calculate   1

investment, about using NPV function to return present value   1

IPmt function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

IRR function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Is operator, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

IsDate function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

IsEmpty function

syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

IsMissing function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

IsNull function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

IsNumeric function, syntax, returns, and usage   1

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keystrokes, using SendKeys statement to send keystrokes to Windows application   1

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labels, Siebel VB and previous Basic versions, differences between   1

LBound function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

LCase function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Left function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

legal date, about using IsDate function to confirm   1

Len function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Like operator

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

line numbers, Siebel VB and previous Basic versions, differences between   1

loan payments, converting to a currency value   1

Loc function, syntax, returns, and example   1

Lof function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Log function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

logarithms, about using Log function to return logarithm   1

logical operators, table of   1

long data type, converting to   1


Do...Loop statement   1

For...Next statement   1

loop statements, terminating   1

While...Wend statement   1

LTrim function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

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syntax, returns, usage, and example   1


accessing syntax   1

object, about causing action on   1

Microsoft Visual Basic, compared to Siebel VB   1

Mid function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

minute component, about Minute function to return date value   1

Minute function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Month function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

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negative numbers, about using Sgn function to return value   1

New operator, syntax, returns, and usage   1

non-Siebel VB errors, trapping user-defined errors   1

NOT operator, about   1

Now function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

NPV function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Null function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1


Sgn function, about using to indicate negative/positive   1

Str function, about returning string representation of number   1

numeric comparison operators, table of   1

numeric data types, list   1

numeric expressions

formatting   1

numeric format, about creating user-defined numeric format   1

numeric operators, table of   1

numeric value of first number   1

numeric variables, Dim statement   1

Back to top


Object class, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

object handling

accessing syntax   1

object variables, about declaring   1


COM-compliant, about accessing   1

Me, about using to refer to current object   1

Set Statement, about using to instantiate   1

Siebel object types, syntax for declaring   1

statements (table)   1

Typeof function, about using to return a value   1

Oct function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

octal (base 8) number, about using Oct function to convert number   1


data source, connecting to   1

data source, disconnecting from   1

function call, about using SQLError function to retrieve data   1

On Error statement

body of code, trapping errors within   1

error handler, using   1

example   1

example using to trap run-time errors   1

On...Goto statement, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Open statement

example   1

operating system events, about processing with Windows   1

Option Base statement

example   1

Option Explicit statement

syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

OR operator, about   1

Back to top



Pmt function, about using to calculate constant periodic   1

PPmt function, about using to return principal portion of payment   1

Pmt function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

positive numbers, about using Sgn function to return a value   1

PPmt function, about using   1

present value, calculating   1


Spc function, about printing a specified number of spaces   1

program execution, about using Stop statement to halt   1


accessing syntax   1

objects, about handling   1

Put statement

example   1

PV function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Back to top


random numbers

Rmd function to return number, about using   1

Rate function, syntax, usage, and example   1

rate of return, about using IRR function to calculate   1


data types, about and example   1

record variable, about declaring   1

ReDim statement

example   1

redimensioning array, about   1 ,  2

setting subscript range, about   1

Rem statement, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

repetitive action, about using While...Wend statement to control   1

Resume Next argument, using to trap errors   1

Resume statement, syntax and returns   1

Right function, syntax. returns, usage, and example   1

Rnd function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

RTrim function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

run-time error

error code, returning for last error trapped   1

Back to top


Second function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1


function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Select Case statement

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

SendKeys statement, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Set statement, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Sgn function, syntax, returns, and example   1

Siebel objects, about using Set Statement to instantiate   1

Siebel Visual Basic

Basic, difference between older versions   1

Err function, about using to view errors   1

Microsoft Visual Basic, compared to   1

trapping errors generated by methods   1

Visual Basic, user interface differences   1

Sin function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

sine, about using Sin function to calculate   1

single data type, converting to   1

Space function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1


LTrim function, about using to return strings with spaces removed   1

Space function, about using to return string of spaces   1

Spc function, about printing a specified number of spaces   1

Spc function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

SQL statements, executing   1

SQLClose function

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

SQLError function

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

SQLExecQuery function

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

SQLGetSchema function

example   1

syntax and returns   1

usage   1

SQLOpen function

example   1

syntax and returns   1

SQLRequest function

example   1

syntax and returns   1

SQLRetrieve function

example   1

syntax and returns   1

usage   1

SQLRetrieveToFile function

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

Sqr function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1


Help syntax   1

Select Case statement, about using to execute one or more statements   1

With statement, about using to execute series of statements   1

Static statement, syntax, returns, and usage   1

Stop statement, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Str function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

StrComp function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

string comparison operators, table of   1

string conversions

about   1

statements, table of   1

string function

syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

string operators, table of   1


data types, converting to   1

LCase function, about using to return lowercase copy of   1

Left function, about copying string from another string   1

Len function, about using to return string length   1

Like operator, about using to compare contents   1

LTrim function about using to return string with spaces removed   1

Mid function, about using to identify a portion of   1

numeric value of first number   1

Right function, about using to return end portion of string   1

RTrim function, about using to copy and remove trailing spaces   1

Space function, about using to return string of spaces   1

StrComp function, about using to compare strings   1

string conversions, table of   1

String function, about to return string of repeated character   1

trailing spaces, removing   1

Trim function, about using to return copy after copying   1

UCase function, about using to return a copy after converting to lowercase to uppercase   1

Val function, about using to return numeric value of the first number   1

Sub...End Sub statement

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

subprogram procedure, about using Sub...End Sub statement to define   1

symbolic constants, declaring   1

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table columns, returning information about   1

table names, returning information about   1

Tan function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

tangent, about using Tan function to calculate tangent   1


formatting, table   1

Now function, about returning current date and time   1

Time function, about returning current time   1

TimeSerial function, about returning time as a variant   1

TimeValue function, about returning time value for a string   1

Time function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

time value

hour component   1

Minute function, about using to return minute component   1

Second function, about using to return second component (0 to 59)   1

Timer function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

TimeSerial function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

TimeValue function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

To keyword, about using to specify a range of values   1

trailing spaces, removing   1

trapping errors

body of code, trapping errors within (example)   1

code examples, about   1

error handler, using   1

line number, where error was trapped   1

run-time error code   1

Siebel VB methods, generated by   1

Siebel VB, returned by   1

user-defined errors   1

Trim function, syntax, returns, and usage   1

type characters, about and table of suffix characters   1

Type statement

example   1

syntax, returns, and usage   1

Typeof function, syntax, returns, and usage   1

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UBound function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

UCase function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

Unicode, support of   1

user interface, differences between Siebel VB and Visual Basic   1

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Val function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

variable scope, placement of variable declaration (table)   1


Basic program, declaring for use in   1

default data type, specifying   1

IsNumeric function, about using to determine variable value   1

Option Explicit statement, about explicitly declaring variables in a module   1

passing by reference   1

Static statement, about using to declare variable and allocate storage space   1

variant data type

expression, converting to   1

expression, converting to type date   1


conversions, about   1

IsEmpty function, about using to determine initialization   1

Null value, determining   1

Null value, setting   1

ValType function, about returning specified variant type   1

variables, declaring as   1

VarType function

syntax, returns, and example   1

Visual Basic, Siebel Visual user interface differences   1

volume labels, attributes   1

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Weekday function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

With statement

syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

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XOR operator, about   1

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Year function, syntax, returns, usage, and example   1

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