Siebel VB Language Reference > Methods Reference for Siebel VB > String Methods >

Get First Number From String Method

The Get First Number From String method returns the numeric value of the first number that it finds in a string. If it finds no number, then it returns 0 (zero). It ignores any spaces that exist in the string.



The following table describes the arguments that you can use with this method.



A string or string expression that contains a number.


The following example examines the value of the profit variable. If profit contains a negative number, then it displays 0 (zero). The Sgn statement determines if profit is positive, negative, or zero:

Sub Button_Click
   Dim profit as Single
   Dim expenses
   Dim sales
   expenses = 100000
   sales = 20000
   profit = Val(sales)-Val(expenses)
   If Sgn(profit) = 1 then
      'Yeah! We turned a profit!
   ElseIf Sgn(profit) = 0 then
      'Okay. We broke even.
      'Uh, oh. We lost money.
   End If
End Sub

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