Configuring Siebel Open UI > Customizing Styles, Applets, and Fields > Customizing Fields >

Configuring Spell Checker on Fields

The example in this topic describes how to configure Spell Checker for the Summary field of the Service Request form applet.

To configure spell checker on fields

  1. Log in to the client.
  2. Navigate to the Service Request screen, and then the Service Request list.
  3. Right-click in the Summary field of the service request form, and then click Inspect Element.

    Siebel Open UI displays the HTML source code for the applet in a separate Developer Tools window with the following code highlighted. This code defines the Summary field:

    <textarea name="s_1_1_128_0" aria-labelledby="Abstract_Label" aria-label="Summary" style="height: 96px; width:192px" maxlength="100" aria-disabled="false" value=""></textarea>

    For more information about using Developer Tools, see Customizing Client Logo, Background, and Style.

  4. Replace the code highlighted in Step 3 with the following code:

    <input type="text" name="s_1_1_128_0" value="" aria-labelledby="Abstract_Label" aria-label="Summary" style="height: 96px; width: 192px; " maxlength="100" aria-disabled="false">

    Siebel Open UI comes predefined to check the spelling of any text the user enters in a text field. To enable spell checking on a textarea field, you must modify this field to a text field.

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