Configuring Siebel Open UI > Customizing Siebel Open UI for Siebel Mobile > Customizing Scrolling and Swipe >

Configuring Generic Scrolling in Siebel Mobile

Siebel Open UI uses the following physical renderers to render a list applet in Siebel Mobile:

  • jqmlistrenderer
  • jqmgridrenderer

Siebel Open UI uses the jqmscrollcontainer predefined class for each of these renderers or for any other renderer that renders scrolling in a list applet.

The jqmscrollcontainer supports pagination only in the Y direction. It does not support pagination in the X direction. It supports only one scroll container for one physical renderer for each list applet. A scroll container is an object that contains an HTML div element. Siebel Open UI makes any HTML markup that this div element contains scrollable.

To configure generic scroll in Siebel Mobile

  1. Identify the method you must use to configure generic scrolling.

    For more information, see Methods You Can Use to Configure Generic Scrolling.

  2. Edit the method that you identified in Step 1.

Methods You Can Use to Configure Generic Scrolling

Table 23 describes the methods that you can use with the jqmscrollcontainer class to configure generic scrolling. You can configure the physical renderers that use this class to directly reference these methods.

Table 23. Methods You Can Use to Configure Generic Scrolling


You use the following syntax:

EnableListScrolling = function(container_ID,list,x_direction,y_direction)


  • container_ID identifies the ID of the scroll container. This container is the parent container where this method creates a child div. Siebel Open UI makes any HTML markup that this child div contains scrollable.
  • list contains one of the following values:
    • true. The physical renderer uses the jqmlistrenderer to renderer the data in a list.
    • false.
  • X_direction contains one of the following values:
    • true. Siebel Open UI scrolls in the X direction.
    • false.
  • Y_direction contains one of the following values:
    • true. Siebel Open UI scrolls in the Y direction.
    • false.


You use the following syntax:

MakecontainerScrollable = function(container_ID,list,x_direction,y_direction)


  • container_ID identifies the ID of the scroll container. This method creates this div and uses it as the scroll container.

The MakecontainerScrollable method uses all other arguments in the same way that the EnableListScrolling method uses them.


You use the following syntax:

SetScrollcontainer = function(Scrollviewcontainer)

Scrollviewcontainer: is same as above.

If you configure Siebel Open UI to call this method, then you must make sure this method sends this argument as a null value. Siebel Open UI sets this method to the scroll container in the predefined class.


You use the following syntax:

GetScrollcontainer = function()

This method gets the div Id of the scroll container that Siebel Open UI sets in the predefined class.

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