Siebel eSales Administration Guide > Integrating Siebel eSales with Third-Party Payment Applications >

About CyberSource Internet Commerce Suite

Siebel eSales retrieves credit card information from CyberSource as part of the eSales - Authorize Order Process workflow (Figure 13) when the customer clicks Confirm Order on the Order Summary page.

The CyberSource Internet Commerce Suite (ICS) is a set of third-party eCommerce applications. Siebel eSales uses the ICS to authorize credit card payments.

Siebel eSales accesses the ICS using an application programming interface (API), which is installed on the Web server. Messages are sent using CyberSource's Simple Commerce Messaging Protocol (SCMP), which is based on Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), for authentication and encryption.

These messages contain a set of fields that describe the ICS application requests and provide information about the customer, the merchant, and the order form. SCMP messages are digitally signed and armored for transmission over an HTTP connection, allowing them to pass through firewalls and proxy servers.

For more information on the ICS, see Internet Commerce Suite Version 2 Application Programming Interface (API) Developer's Guide, which is available from the CyberSource Support Center (

NOTE:  You must obtain a merchant ID from CyberSource to access the Support Center.

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