System Administrator’s Guide

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Managing and Configuring Terminal Location Communication Services

The following section describes configuration and maintenance attributes and operations for the communication services that expose Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location Web Services interfaces. The sections also provide a workflow for the configuration:


Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location/MLP

This section contains a description of the configuration attributes and operations available for Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location/MLP network protocol plug-in instance.

To see a
Refer to
Detailed list of necessary for managing and configuring the plug-in instance
Configuration workflow
List of operations and attributes related to management and provisioning
Reference of management attributes and operations

Properties for Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location/MLP

Managed object in Administration Console
<domain name>Arrow symbolOCSGArrow symbol<server name>Arrow symbolCommunication ServicesArrow symbol<plug-in instance ID>
InstanceName is same as plug-in instance ID
Network protocol plug-in service ID
Network protocol plug-in instance ID
The ID is given when the plug-in instance is created, see Managing and Configuring the Plug-in Manager.
Supported Address Scheme
North interfaces
Service type
Exposes to the service communication layer a Java representation of:
Parlay X 2.1 Part 9: Terminal Location
Interfaces with the network nodes using:
MLP 3.0/3.2
Deployment artifacts
Plugin_px21_terminal_location_mlp.jar, px21_terminal_location_service.jar, and terminal_location_mlp.war
AT EAR: Normal
px21_terminal_location.war, px21_terminal_location_callback.jar, and rest_terminal_location.war
px21_terminal_location.war and px21_terminal_location_callback.jar

Configuration Workflow for Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location/MLP

Below is an outline for configuring the plug-in instance using the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Administration Console:

  1. Create one or more instances of the plug-in service: see Managing and Configuring the Plug-in Manager. Use the plug-in service ID as detailed in Properties for Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location/MLP.
  2. Using the Management Console or an MBean browser, select the MBean for the plug-in instance. The MBean display name is the same as the plug-in instance ID given when the plug-in instance was created.
  3. Configure the attributes of the plug-in instance:
  4. Specify heartbeat behavior, see Configuring Heartbeats.
  5. Set up the routing rules to the plug-in instance: see Configuring the Plug-in Manager. Use the plug-in instance ID and address schemes detailed in Properties for Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location/MLP.
  6. If desired, create and load a node SLA, see:
  7. Defining Global Node and Service Provider Group Node SLAs

    Managing Application SLAs

Continue with the provisioning of service provider accounts and application accounts.

Provisioning Workflow for Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location/MLP

No provisioning operations.

Management Operations for Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location/MLP

No management operations.

Reference: Attributes and Operations for Parlay X 2.1 Terminal Location/MLP

Below is a list of attributes for configuration and maintenance:

Attribute: MlpServerUrl

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: URL

Specifies the MLP server’s URL.

Attribute: Username

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: String

Specifies the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper user ID used when connecting to the MLP server. The user ID is provided by the MLP administrator.

Attribute: Password

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: String

Specifies the password used when Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper connects to the MLP server. The password is provided by the MLP server administrator.

Attribute: ServiceId

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: String

Specifies the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper service ID. If set to an empty string, the <serviceid> element will not be used in the MLP request. The service ID is provided by the MLP server administrator.

Attribute: Requestor

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: String

Specifies the requestor ID. If set to an empty string, the <requestorid> tag will not be used in the MLP request. The requestor ID is provided by the MLP server administrator.

Attribute: MlpRequestType

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: String [eme_lir | slir]

Specifies which type of location request to use towards the MLP server.

Valid values are:

Defines the DTD to be used for constructing the request towards the MLP server.

Attribute: MlpPushAddr

Scope: Server

Unit: n/a

Format: URL

Specifies the callback URL to which the MLP server delivers location reports, periodic or triggered, which is the URL at which the plug-in instance listens for location reports. The format for the URL is:


For example,

Attribute: CharacterEncoding

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: String

Indicates the type of Unicode character encoding accepted by the MLP node. The values are not case sensitive. A typical value is UTF-8.

Attribute: DecimalDegreesToDMSH

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: Boolean.

Specifies if the coordinates provided by an application, in the form of decimal degrees, shall be converted to DMSH (Degrees Minutes Seconds Hemisphere) format.


Attribute: MlpSrsName

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: String

Specifies requested MLP srsName attribute.

Normally this is

Attribute: MlpVersionSupported

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: String [3.0.0 |3.2.0]

Specifies which version of MLP to use.

Allowed values are:

Attribute: MlpLocationEstimates

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: Boolean [true | false], not case sensitive, all strings other than true are treated as false.

Specifies if the MLP server is allowed to estimate locations. Use true if estimates are allowed, otherwise false.

Defines the value of the attribute loc_estimates in MLP.

Attribute: MlpAltitudeSupported

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: Boolean [true | false], not case sensitive, all strings other than true are treated as false.

Specifies if the MLP server supports altitude requests. When set to true, the <alt_acc> tag will be included in requests towards the MLP server.

Only applicable when the plug-in instance operates in MLP 3.2 mode, see Attribute: MlpVersionSupported.

Attribute: XMLDoctypeTagUsage

Scope: Cluster

Unit: n/a

Format: Boolean [true | false], not case sensitive, all strings other than true are treated as false.

Specifies if the XML tag <!DOCTYPE> should be included in requests towards the MLP node. Valid values are:

Attribute: RequestTimeout

Scope: Cluster

Unit: seconds

Format: int [0-3600]

Specifies the HTTP time-out for MLP requests.

Attribute: CleanupInterval

Scope: Cluster

Unit: seconds

Format: int [0-3600]

Specifies the time interval at which periodic notification expiration checks are performed.

Attribute: MaxDuration

Scope: Cluster

Unit: seconds

Format: int

Specifies the maximum duration for a periodic location request.

Rejects startPeriodicNotification and startGeographicalNotification requests on the TerminalLocationNotificationManager interface if the duration is larger that this value.

If the duration is not provided in the request, this value is used.

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