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Developing Applications

This chapter introduces developing client applications to interact with Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper:


Overview of Interfaces

Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper allows operators to provide client application developers with a choice of interface types, based on the needs of their applications. Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper provides:

SOAP-Based Interfaces

The SOAP-based Web Services APIs are based on the Parlay X 2.1 and 3.0 standards and also include three additional Extended Web Services ones to cover Binary SMS, Subscriber Profile, and WAP Push, functionality which is not supported by Parlay X. These interfaces include:

RESTful Interfaces

The RESTful APIs provide access to functionality similar to the SOAP Facade. The interfaces include:

Native Interfaces



Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper ships with Application Development Guide and RESTful Application Development Guide, separate documents in this set, which cover both the APIs themselves and some additional information an application developer needs. Because the SOAP and Restful APIs are Web Services based, applications can be developed using any environment that the developer chooses.



As an option, application developers using the SOAP-based interfaces can also access a set of tools created to ease the development process. The Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper SDK includes an Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper simulator and a network simulator. Applications use the interfaces on the Simulator just as they would on an Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper instance running on a telecom network.

Included with the Simulator is a developer’s copy of WebLogic Server, the environment in which the Simulator runs. For more on what is needed to use the SDK and run the Simulator, see the SDK User Guide, a separate volume in this set. The SDK also ships with a set of predefined Oracle Workshop for Weblogic controls.

In addition, there is a GUI-based testing environment that runs on the Simulator for applications that are developing MMS, SMS, WAP Push, and Terminal Location functionality. See Figure 5-1 below.

Figure 5-1 The Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Simulator GUI Testing Environment

The Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Simulator GUI Testing Environment

The Messaging and Location testing interface of the Simulator consists of a GUI which displays a map. The map can be changed to represent different geographical areas. Mobile terminals representing the application’s end users are added to the map and given a phone number. These terminals can then be used as testing targets, sending and receiving messages, and querying for location. After the terminals have been defined, they can be moved to different locations on the map.

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