Installation Guide

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Installation of SOA Facades

This chapter describes the tasks you have to complete in order to install the SOA Facades for Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper. It also describes the different deployment types.



The Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper SOA Facades smoothly integrates Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper into an SOA environment. The SOA Facades are deployed in Oracle Service Bus and expose an interface identical to the SOAP interfaces in the Web Services SOAP Facades. From an application point of view, there is no difference between interacting with a SOA Facade or a SOAP Facade. Since the SOA Facades are deployed in Oracle Service Bus, this product must be installed in addition to the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.

The SOA Facades and the Access Tier are co-located in one cluster, and the Network Tier is in one cluster.

The Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper services, both core services and communication services, are deployed in each Oracle Service Bus server and the Service Bus servers are used instead of the Access Tier and Network Tier servers.


Task Overview

Below are the main installation steps described:

  1. Install Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper on all servers, see Install Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.
  2. Install Oracle Service Bus on all servers, see Install Oracle Service Bus.
  3. Configure the Domain for the SOA Facades. There are a set of ways to do this, as outlined in:
  4. Add Service Bus settings in the domain configuration script, see Edit Set Domain Environment Script.
  5. Make sure that the Service Bus installation directory is set in the domain configuration file, see Verify Domain Configuration Settings.
Note: After installing Oracle Service Bus on a UNIX or Linux system, make sure that the directory /tmp/alsbTempJars has the same access privileges as the BEA Home directory. Alternatively, remove the directory /tmp/alsbTempJars after the installation if the directory exists.


Install Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper

Install Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper in the same manner as for non-SOA installations. See Installing Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.


Install Oracle Service Bus

Install Oracle Service Bus on all Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper servers. See Oracle Service Bus Installation Guide at

Use the same BEA home directory for Oracle Service Bus as the one used for Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.


Configure the Domain

Configure the Domain Using the Graphical Domain Configuration Wizard

The domain configuration is very similar to the domain configuration for a non-SOA Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper domain configuration. See The Graphical Mode Configuration Wizard.

Always use the configuration template:

OCSG OSB Integration configuration

The configuration template is very similar to the template OCSG Domain with Access and Network Clusters.

It contains a few extra configuration settings, as described in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1 SOA Facade specific configuration settings
Configure JDBC Datasources
wlsbjmsrpDatasource tab
An additional datasource, wlsbjmsrpDatasource, is added to the configuration template.
It should be set up in exactly the same way as the datasource wlng.localTX.datasource. Make sure it is defined as a non-transactional datasource by leaving the checkbox Supports global transactions unchecked.
Configure JMS File Stores
Use the default settings for:
  • WsseFilestore
  • FileStore

For information on how to start and use the Oracle Service Bus Domain Configuration Wizards, see Oracle Service Bus Installation Guide at

Configure Oracle Service Bus Domain Using the Console Configuration Wizard

The Console Configuration Wizard is designed to mimic as closely as possible the choices available in the GUI version, but in a completely text-based form.

See The Console Configuration Wizard.

Configure Oracle Service Bus Domain Using the Configuration Scripts

Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper provides a WLST script for the SOA Facade installation:

Make the same edits to this scripts as for the other configuration scripts, see The Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool scripts.


Edit Set Domain Environment Script

Edit the script for setting the domain environment to include Oracle Service Bus definitions.


Find the setDomainEnv.cmd script file in $DOMAIN_HOME\bin and make the following edits.

  1. At the top of the script, add the following snippet of OSB information:
  2. Note: <Oracle Service Bus Home directory> is the installation directory for Oracle Service Bus on your system, for example c:\bea\osab_10.3
    Listing 9-1 First script snippet
    set ALSB_HOME=<Oracle Service Bus Home directory>
    for %%i in ("%ALSB_HOME%") do set ALSB_HOME=%%~fsi
    set ALSB_DEBUG_FLAG=true
    set ALSB_DEBUG_PORT=7453 
  3. After the script line that reads

    add the following snippet:

    Listing 9-2 Second script snippet
    set POST_CLASSPATH=%POST_CLASSPATH%;%WL_HOME%\..\modules\features\osb.server.modules_10.3.0.0.jar;%ALSB_HOME%\lib\flow\sb-flow.jar;%WL_HOME%\..\modules\com.bea.core.jaxen_1.0.0.0_1-1-1.jar;%ALSB_HOME%\lib\version.jar;%ALSB_HOME%\lib\alsb.jar;%ALSB_HOME%\3rdparty\lib\j2ssh-ant.jar;%ALSB_HOME%\3rdparty\lib\j2ssh-common.jar;%ALSB_HOME%\3rdparty\lib\j2ssh-core.jar;%ALSB_HOME%\3rdparty\lib\j2ssh-dameon.jar;%ALSB_HOME%\3rdparty\classes;%WL_HOME%\..\modules\com.bea.core.apache.commons.logging_1.1.0.jar


Find the script file in $DOMAIN_HOME/bin and make the following edits.

  1. At the top of the script, add the following snippet of OSB information:
  2. Note: <Oracle Service Bus Home directory> is the installation directory for Oracle Service Bus on your system, for example /var/bea/osab_10.3
    Listing 9-3 Linux/UNIX script snippet
    ALSB_HOME="<Oracle Service Bus Home directory>"
    export ALSB_HOME
    export ALSB_DEBUG_FLAG
    export ALSB_DEBUG_PORT


Verify Domain Configuration Settings

After you have run the script, make sure that your settings are now correct:

  1. Verify that the Service Bus installation directory is defined in the domain configuration file.
    1. Open $DOMAIN_HOME/config/config.xml.
    2. Verify that value for the variable ALSB_INSTALL_DIR is correct and refers to the installation directory for Oracle Service bus, for example /var/bea/osb_10.3
  2. If you are using Windows, also verify your classpath to make sure it matches Listing 9-2.
    1. Right click My Computer
    2. Select Properties ->Advanced ->Environment Variables


Configure the SOA Facades

In addition to configuring the domain and making changes to the environment script, you must also configure the SOA Facades themselves. To do so, follow the information in “Managing and Configuring SOA Facades” in the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper System Administrator’s Guide, found at

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