Integration Guidelines for Partner Relationship Management

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The Interfaces



The Partner Relationship Management module consists of two sets of interfaces:

The Service Provider interface set contains a subset of the functionality of the Operator set. It can be used to perform operations for only one specific Service Provider Account; the one with which the user of the CRM/PRM application has authenticated. The Operator set can perform operations on all Service Provider Accounts and also has access to alarm reports. All operations are synchronous.

The Service Provider set of interfaces consists of the following groups:

The Operator set of interface consists of the following groups:


The following is a list of the Web Services interfaces available for integration with CRM/PRM applications. The interfaces use document/literal encoding and assume SOAP over HTTP.

The WSDL files that correspond to the interface sets can be found at the URIs listed below:


Service Provider Interfaces

Service Provider interfaces allow application service providers to request changes in their account and to monitor their accounts activities

Service Provider Service Interfaces

The Service Provider Service interface provides ways to interact with the following entities:

Management User

The management user account is the account by which the service provider is authenticated with the PRM system. The following operation can be performed on an ongoing management user account:

Service Provider Accounts

The following operations can be performed on Service Provider Accounts:

Application Account

The following operations can be performed on an Application Account:

Application Instances

The following operations can be performed on an Application Instance:

Service Provider CDR utility interface

The following operations are available:

Service Provider Statistics Utility interface

The following operations are available:

Service Provider Login interface


Operator Interfaces

Operator interfaces allow operators to approve changes in Service Providers’ accounts and to perform other account maintenance tasks.

Operator Service Interfaces

The Operator Service interface provides ways to interact with the following entities:

Management User

The following operations can be performed on a management user account:

Service Provider Account

The following operations can be performed on a Service Provider Account:

Service Provider Group

The following operations can be performed on a Service Provider Group:

Application Account

The following operations can be performed on an Application Account:

Application Account Group

The following operations can be performed on an Application Account group:

Application Instance

The following operations can be performed on an Application Instance:

Operator Alarm utility interface

The following operations are available:

Operator CDR utility interface

The following operations are available:

Operator Statistics utility interface

The following operations are available:

Operator login interface

The operator login interface is provided only for backwards compatibility purposes.

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