createAll altWord

Creates all alternate words described in an XML file.

See Also

create altWord


createAll altWord --INPUT_FILE=xml_filename [--DUPE_METHOD=action]


createAll altWord -i xml_filename [-d action]



Path to the XML document that contains the object descriptions. See altWord.


Action to take when an object already exists:

  • error: The createAll command fails with an error. (Default)

  • ignore: The existing object description is kept.

  • overwrite: The new description replaces the existing object description.


This example creates the three altWord objects defined in altwords.xml.

SES>createAll altWord --INPUT_FILE=altwords.xml

createAll operation succeeded for type "altWord".
  3 object(s) with status CREATE_SUCCEEDED

The next example shows use of the --DUPE_METHOD option:

SES>createAll altWord --INPUT_FILE=altwords.xml

The object with key "[keyword=text, altKeyword=Oracle Text]" and type "altWord"already exists.
SES>createAll altWord --INPUT_FILE=altwords.xml --DUPE_METHOD=overwrite
createAll operation succeeded for type "altWord".
  2 object(s) with status CREATE_SUCCEEDED
  1 object(s) with status DUPLICATE_OVERWRITTEN