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Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (

Interface IdentityPluginManager

public interface IdentityPluginManager

An interface for a manager of identity-based security.

See Also:

Field Summary
static String VERSION


Method Summary
 String getBaseAPIVersion()
          Returns the version string of the plug-in API.
 String getCanonicalAttribute()
          Returns the name of the attribute that is stored in the index and returned by the methods in the IdentityPlugin interface.
 IdentityPlugin getIdentityPlugin()
          Returns an instance of IdentityPlugin associated with this IdentityPluginManager.
 String getPluginDescription()
          Returns the description of the identity plug-in manager.
 String getPluginName()
          Returns the name of the identity plug-in manager.
 List getPluginParameters()
          Returns a list of parameter objects for the identity plug-in manager.
 String getPluginVersion()
          Returns the version string of the identity plug-in manager.
 String[] getSupportedAuthenticationAttributes()
          Returns the names of the attributes that are supported for authentication.
 void init(ParameterValues params, String authenAttr, Logger logger)
          Initializes the identity plug-in manager with parameter values provided in the administration tool.
 void setLocale(Locale locale)
          Sets the locale to be used for this plug-in manager and all the plug-ins created by it.
 boolean validateParams(ParameterValues params, String authenAttr)
          Validates the parameter values that will later be used by the administration tool, crawler, or query application to call init.


Field Detail


static final String VERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


void setLocale(Locale locale)
Sets the locale to be used for this plug-in manager and all the plug-ins created by it.
locale - the Locale


String getBaseAPIVersion()
Returns the version string of the plug-in API. This method should always return IdentityPluginManager.VERSION.
the plug-in API version string


String getPluginName()
Returns the name of the identity plug-in manager.
name of the plug-in


String getPluginDescription()
Returns the description of the identity plug-in manager. The description should respect the locale as set by setLocale.
description of the plug-in


String getPluginVersion()
Returns the version string of the identity plug-in manager.
version of the plug-in


List getPluginParameters()
Returns a list of parameter objects for the identity plug-in manager. The administration tool uses this list to collect values for each parameter, and those values are used to call init.
list of ParameterInfo objects


String getCanonicalAttribute()
Returns the name of the attribute that is stored in the index and returned by the methods in the IdentityPlugin interface. This should be hard-coded by the plug-in.
the name of the canonical attribute


String[] getSupportedAuthenticationAttributes()
Returns the names of the attributes that are supported for authentication.
a String array of the supported authentication attributes


boolean validateParams(ParameterValues params,
                       String authenAttr)
                       throws PluginException
Validates the parameter values that will later be used by the administration tool, crawler, or query application to call init. This method is called when the plug-in is activated in the administration tool.
params - the parameter values
authenAttr - the name of the authentication attribute that was selected by the administrator. This is used to authenticate users at login time.
true if the parameters and authentication attribute are valid, false otherwise
PluginException - if an error occurs


void init(ParameterValues params,
          String authenAttr,
          Logger logger)
          throws PluginException
Initializes the identity plug-in manager with parameter values provided in the administration tool.

This method will only be called with parameters which have been approved by a prior call to validateParams. However, the prior call to validateParams may have been made on a different object (of this class).

Note: This method may not be called on every instance of this interface, and it is only guaranteed to be invoked before a call to getIdentityPlugin. As a result, the Logger object may not always be available.

params - the parameter values
authenAttr - the name of the authentication attribute that was selected by the administrator. This is used to authenticate users at login time.
logger - logger object
PluginException - if an error occurs


IdentityPlugin getIdentityPlugin()
                                 throws PluginException
Returns an instance of IdentityPlugin associated with this IdentityPluginManager. As a precondition, this object will have been initialized with a call to init.
an instance of IdentityPlugin
PluginException - if an error occurs

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Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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