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OracleVirtual Directory Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use DirectoryString


Uses of DirectoryString in com.octetstring.vde


Fields in com.octetstring.vde declared as DirectoryString
 DirectoryString EntryChange.attr
 DirectoryString Attribute.type


Methods in com.octetstring.vde that return DirectoryString
 DirectoryString EntryChange.getAttr()
          Retrieves the attribute type associated with this change.
 DirectoryString Attribute.getAttributeType()
 DirectoryString Entry.getBase()
          Retrieve the entry immediately above this entry in the directory tree.
 DirectoryString EntryChangesListener.getECLBase()
          This method returns the top level of the directory tree that is being listened to by an instance of a class implementing the EntryChangesListener interface.
 DirectoryString Entry.getName()
          Retrieve the distinguished name of this entry
 DirectoryString EntryChanges.getName()
          Retrieve the name of a modified or deleted entry
 DirectoryString EntryChanges.getNewName()
 DirectoryString Credentials.getOrclGuid()
 DirectoryString Credentials.getUser()
static DirectoryString Entry.removeLangTag(DirectoryString attribute)


Methods in com.octetstring.vde that return types with arguments of type DirectoryString
 java.util.Enumeration<DirectoryString> Entry.keys()
          Returns an enumeration of all attribute types available in this entry


Methods in com.octetstring.vde with parameters of type DirectoryString
 boolean Entry.containsKey(DirectoryString attributeType)
          Checks to see whether this entry contains a particular attribute type.
 boolean Attribute.equals(DirectoryString attributeType)
 java.util.Vector<Syntax> Entry.get(DirectoryString attributeType)
          Retrieves the value(s) associated with a particular attribute type.
 void Entry.put(DirectoryString attributeType, java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> values)
          Replaces/Adds one or more values to this entry
 void Entry.put(DirectoryString attributeType, java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> values, boolean checkExist)
          A version of the put method that allows a bypass of checking for the previous existence of the specified attribute type.
 void Entry.remove(DirectoryString attributeType)
          Removes the specified attribute type from this entry
static DirectoryString Entry.removeLangTag(DirectoryString attribute)
 void EntryChange.setAttr(DirectoryString newAttr)
          Sets the attribute type associated with this change.
 void Entry.setBase(DirectoryString base)
          Set the entry immediately above this entry in the directory tree
 void Entry.setName(DirectoryString name)
          Set the distinguished name of this entry
 void Entry.setName(DirectoryString name, boolean bypassConstruct)
          Set the distinguished name of the entry with an option for bypassing the normalization step.
 void Credentials.setOrclGuid(DirectoryString orclGuid)
 void Credentials.setUser(DirectoryString newUser)


Method parameters in com.octetstring.vde with type arguments of type DirectoryString
 void Entry.setReturnAttrs(java.util.List<DirectoryString> returnAttrs)


Constructors in com.octetstring.vde with parameters of type DirectoryString
Credentials(DirectoryString bindDN)
Entry(DirectoryString name)
          Creates a new Entry instance with the specified DN
EntryChange(int modType, DirectoryString attr, java.util.Vector<? extends Syntax> values)
          Creates a new EntryChange given basic information about the change.
EntryChanges(DirectoryString name, DirectoryString newname, Entry afterChange)
          Constructor that generates a rename change from old and new DN values.
EntryChanges(DirectoryString name, Entry beforeDelete)
          Constructor that generates a delete entry change from a DN
EntryChanges(DirectoryString name, EntryChange[] entryChanges, Entry afterChange)
          Constructor that generates a modification change from a DN and an EntryChange array.


Uses of DirectoryString in com.octetstring.vde.backend


Fields in com.octetstring.vde.backend declared as DirectoryString
static DirectoryString AdapterServiceInterface.ATTR_ALL
static DirectoryString AdapterServiceInterface.ATTR_NONE
static DirectoryString AdapterServiceInterface.DN
static DirectoryString AdapterServiceInterface.OBJECTCLASS


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.backend with parameters of type DirectoryString
 boolean Adapter.bind(DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Credentials creds, Chain chain)
 boolean AdapterServiceInterface.bind(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password)
          The bind method passes a DN and Password to the appropriate adapter to complete a bind.
 boolean AdapterServiceInterface.bindBy(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, java.lang.String adapterName, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password)
          The bind method passes a DN and Password to a specific adapter adapter to complete a bind.
abstract  Int8 Adapter.delete(Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, Chain chain)
 Int8 AdapterServiceInterface.delete(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString name)
          The delete method checks access control to validate operation request, locates an appropriate adapter, and passes a delete entry request to that adapter.
 Int8 AdapterServiceInterface.delete(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, java.lang.String adapterName, Credentials creds, DirectoryString name)
          The delete by adapter method checks access control to validate operation request, using the selected adapter passes a delete entry request to that adapter.
abstract  EntrySet Adapter.get(Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Chain chain)
 java.util.Vector<EntrySet> AdapterServiceInterface.get(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> results)
          The get method finds the appropriate adapters to perform searches against and passes the query to qualifying adapters and collects the results.
 ChainEntrySet AdapterServiceInterface.getByAdapter(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Adapter adapter, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes)
 ChainEntrySet AdapterServiceInterface.getByAdapter(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, java.lang.String adapterName, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes)
          The getByAdapter by adapter method works in similar function to the get method except that it allows specific selection of the target adapter.
 Entry AdapterServiceInterface.getByDN(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString normalizedDN)
          getByDN retrieves an entry by name from the most appropriate adapter.
 Entry AdapterServiceInterface.getByDN(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, java.lang.String adapterName, Credentials creds, DirectoryString normalizedDN)
          getByDN by adapter retrieves an entry by name from the adapter specified.
abstract  void Adapter.modify(Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries, Chain chain)
 void AdapterServiceInterface.modify(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          The modify method checks access control, schema, and finds an appropriate adapter to submit requested changes to.
 void AdapterServiceInterface.modify(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, java.lang.String adapterName, Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          The modify by adapter method checks access control, schema, and submits requested changes to selected adapter.
abstract  Int8 Adapter.rename(Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldname, DirectoryString newname, DirectoryString newsuffix, boolean removeoldrdn, Chain chain)
 Int8 AdapterServiceInterface.rename(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldName, DirectoryString newName, DirectoryString newSuffix, boolean removeOldRDN)
          rename: Checks access control, finds the appropriate adapter or adapters and either does the rename by calling add/delete on two adapters or passing a rename request to a single adapter.
 Int8 AdapterServiceInterface.rename(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, java.lang.String adapNumFrom, java.lang.String adapNumTo, Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldName, DirectoryString newName, DirectoryString newSuffix, boolean removeOldRDN)
          rename Checks access control, finds the appropriate adapter or adapters and either does the rename by calling add/delete on two adapters or passing a rename request to a single adapter.
 Int8 AdapterServiceInterface.renameFromAdapter(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, java.lang.String adapNum, Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldName, DirectoryString newName, DirectoryString newSuffix, boolean removeOldRDN)
          renameFromAdapter: Checks access control, finds the appropriate adapter to locate the original entry and automatically selects a target adapter.
 boolean AdapterServiceInterface.simpleBind(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Credentials creds)
 boolean AdapterServiceInterface.simpleBind(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Credentials creds, Adapter adapter)
abstract  void Adapter.unbind(DirectoryString bounddn)


Method parameters in com.octetstring.vde.backend with type arguments of type DirectoryString
abstract  EntrySet Adapter.get(Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Chain chain)
 java.util.Vector<EntrySet> AdapterServiceInterface.get(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> results)
          The get method finds the appropriate adapters to perform searches against and passes the query to qualifying adapters and collects the results.
 ChainEntrySet AdapterServiceInterface.getByAdapter(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Adapter adapter, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes)
 ChainEntrySet AdapterServiceInterface.getByAdapter(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, java.lang.String adapterName, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes)
          The getByAdapter by adapter method works in similar function to the get method except that it allows specific selection of the target adapter.
static boolean Adapter.isCompareOperation(int scope, Filter filter, java.util.List<DirectoryString> attributes)
          This method returns true if the LDAP search request satisfies LDAP compare request.


Uses of DirectoryString in com.octetstring.vde.chain


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.chain that return DirectoryString
 DirectoryString ChainEntrySet.getBase()


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.chain that return types with arguments of type DirectoryString
 java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> ChainEntrySet.getReturnAttribs()


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.chain with parameters of type DirectoryString
 boolean Plugin.available(Chain chain, DirectoryString base)
          Determines if a plugin is available for the current chain
 boolean BasePlugin.available(Chain chain, DirectoryString base)
 void Plugin.bind(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Bool result)
          Moves through the "bind" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.bind(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Bool result)
 void VirtualServicesInterface.bind(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Bool result)
          Moves through the "bind" operation's chain
 void VirtualServicesInterface.bind(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Bool result, Plugin begin)
          Moves through the "bind" operation's chain
 void Plugin.delete(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString object, Int8 results)
          Moves through the "delete" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.delete(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString dn, Int8 results)
 void VirtualServicesInterface.delete(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString object, Int8 results)
          Moves through the "delete" operation's chain
 void VirtualServicesInterface.delete(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString object, Int8 results, Plugin begin)
          Moves through the "delete" operation's chain
 void Plugin.get(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesonly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> result)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.get(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> result)
 void VirtualServicesInterface.get(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, com.octetstring.vde.chain.ChainVector result)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 void VirtualServicesInterface.get(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, com.octetstring.vde.chain.ChainVector result, Plugin begin)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 Entry VirtualServicesInterface.getByDn(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 Entry VirtualServicesInterface.getByDn(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Plugin begin)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 void Plugin.modify(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Moves through the "modify" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.modify(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
 void VirtualServicesInterface.modify(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Moves through the "modify" operation's chain
 void VirtualServicesInterface.modify(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries, Plugin begin)
          Moves through the "modify" operation's chain
 void Chain.nextBind(Credentials creds, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Bool result)
          Moves through the "bind" operation's chain
 void Chain.nextDelete(Credentials creds, DirectoryString object, Int8 results)
          Moves through the "delete" operation's chain
 void Chain.nextGet(Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesonly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> result)
          Moves through the global "get" operation's chain
 void Chain.nextModify(Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Moves through the "modify" operation's chain
 void Chain.nextPostSearchEntry(Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
          Run on each entry after a "get" is performed.
 void Chain.nextRename(Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldName, DirectoryString newName, DirectoryString newSuffix, Bool removeOldRdn, Int8 results)
          Moves through the "rename" operation's chain
 void Plugin.postSearchEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
          Run on each entry after a "get" is performed
 void BasePlugin.postSearchEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
 void Plugin.rename(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldName, DirectoryString newName, DirectoryString newSuffix, Bool removeOldRdn, Int8 results)
          Moves through the "rename" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.rename(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldName, DirectoryString newName, DirectoryString newSuffix, Bool removeOldRdn, Int8 results)
 void VirtualServicesInterface.rename(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldName, DirectoryString newName, DirectoryString newSuffix, Bool removeOldRdn, Int8 results)
          Moves through the "rename" operation's chain
 void VirtualServicesInterface.rename(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldName, DirectoryString newName, DirectoryString newSuffix, Bool removeOldRdn, Int8 results, Plugin begin)
          Moves through the "rename" operation's chain
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runBind(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString dn, BinarySyntax password, Bool result)
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runDelete(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString object, Int8 results)
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runGet(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesonly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, com.octetstring.vde.chain.ChainVector result)
 Entry GlobalServicesInterface.runGetByDn(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base)
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runModify(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString name, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runPostSearchEntry(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet, int start)
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runRename(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString oldName, DirectoryString newName, DirectoryString newSuffix, Bool removeOldRdn, Int8 results)
 void ChainEntrySet.setBase(DirectoryString base)


Method parameters in com.octetstring.vde.chain with type arguments of type DirectoryString
 void Plugin.get(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesonly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> result)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 void BasePlugin.get(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> result)
 void VirtualServicesInterface.get(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, com.octetstring.vde.chain.ChainVector result)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 void VirtualServicesInterface.get(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, com.octetstring.vde.chain.ChainVector result, Plugin begin)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 void Chain.nextGet(Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesonly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> result)
          Moves through the global "get" operation's chain
 void Chain.nextPostSearchEntry(Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
          Run on each entry after a "get" is performed.
 void Plugin.postSearchEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
          Run on each entry after a "get" is performed
 void BasePlugin.postSearchEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runGet(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, Int8 scope, Filter filter, Bool typesonly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, com.octetstring.vde.chain.ChainVector result)
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runPostSearchEntry(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet, int start)
 void ChainEntrySet.setReturnAttribs(java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attribs)


Uses of DirectoryString in com.octetstring.vde.join


Fields in com.octetstring.vde.join declared as DirectoryString
static DirectoryString Joiner.ATTR_ANY
static DirectoryString Joiner.ATTR_DN
static DirectoryString Joiner.ATTR_JOINDN
static DirectoryString Joiner.ATTR_OBJECTCLASS
static DirectoryString Joiner.EMPTY_DS


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.join that return DirectoryString
 DirectoryString Joiner.getBindTarget(Chain chain, Credentials creds, Entry entry)
          This method returns the target binddn based on the Entry provided.
 DirectoryString Joiner.getTargetSuffix()
          This method returns the base suffix of the target adapter.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapAddTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an add operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapDeleteTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an delete operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapModifyTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an modify operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapRenameTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for a rename operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapRenameTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, Entry oldentry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a * joined adapter for a rename operation.


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.join that return types with arguments of type DirectoryString
 java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> Joiner.getPrimaryJoinAttrs()
          This method returns a Vector of DirectoryStrings representing the primary adapter attributes to join with the target adapter.
 java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> Joiner.getRetrieveAttrs()
          This method returns a Vector of attributes (DirectoryString) that the target adapter is capable of returning.
 java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> Joiner.getStoreAttrs()
          This method returns a Vector of attributes(DirectoryString) that the target adapter will allow modification to.
 java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> Joiner.getTargetJoinAttrs()
          This method returns a Vector of DirectoryStrings representing the target adapter attributes to join with the primary adapter.
 java.util.List<DirectoryString> Joiner.mapModifyTargetDNsByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attribs)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an modify operation.


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.join with parameters of type DirectoryString
 ChainEntrySet Joiner.getJoinCandidatesByFilter(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Filter filter)
          This method returns all the possible DNs (as Entry's) found in the target adapter for a particular search filter.
 ChainEntrySet Joiner.getJoinCandidatesBySearch(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter)
          This method returns all the possible DNs (as Entry's) found in the target adapter for a particular search filter and base/scope specification.
 Entry Joiner.joinByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> srchattrs)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target Entry in a joined adapter for a get operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapAddTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an add operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapDeleteTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an delete operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapModifyTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an modify operation.
 java.util.List<DirectoryString> Joiner.mapModifyTargetDNsByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attribs)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an modify operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapRenameTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for a rename operation.
 DirectoryString Joiner.mapRenameTargetDNByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, Entry oldentry)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a * joined adapter for a rename operation.
 Entry Joiner.preAddOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and maps for insertion into joined adapter.
 Entry Joiner.preDeleteOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and performs any secondary manipulations.
 java.util.Vector<EntryChange> Joiner.preModifyOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          This method takes an inbound entry and change request and performs all necessary manipulations in the context of the joined adapter.
 Entry Joiner.preRenameOperation(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry)
          This method takes an inbound entry and performs any secondary manipulations.


Method parameters in com.octetstring.vde.join with type arguments of type DirectoryString
 Entry Joiner.joinByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> srchattrs)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target Entry in a joined adapter for a get operation.
 java.util.List<DirectoryString> Joiner.mapModifyTargetDNsByEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Entry entry, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attribs)
          This method takes the Entry of primary adapter and maps it to a target DN in a joined adapter for an modify operation.


Uses of DirectoryString in com.octetstring.vde.router


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.router that return DirectoryString
 DirectoryString BaseRoutingPlugin.getSuffix()
          Method getSuffix returns a DirectoryString value representing the virtual base or "backend.x.root" of the adapter.


Uses of DirectoryString in com.octetstring.vde.schema


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.schema that return DirectoryString
 DirectoryString AttributeType.getName()
 DirectoryString AttributeType.getSuperior()


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.schema that return types with arguments of type DirectoryString
 java.util.Map<DirectoryString,java.util.List<DirectoryString>> AttributeType.getExtensions()
 java.util.Map<DirectoryString,java.util.List<DirectoryString>> AttributeType.getExtensions()


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.schema with parameters of type DirectoryString
 void AttributeType.addExtension(DirectoryString extnName, DirectoryString extnValue)
 void AttributeType.setName(DirectoryString name)
 void AttributeType.setSuperior(DirectoryString superior)


Method parameters in com.octetstring.vde.schema with type arguments of type DirectoryString
 void AttributeType.setExtensions(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,java.util.List<DirectoryString>> extns)
 void AttributeType.setExtensions(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,java.util.List<DirectoryString>> extns)


Uses of DirectoryString in com.octetstring.vde.syntax


Subclasses of DirectoryString in com.octetstring.vde.syntax
 class DistinguishedName
          Class representing a Directory String syntax (case insensitive string)


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.syntax that return DirectoryString
 DirectoryString DirectoryString.substring(int first, int last)


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.syntax with parameters of type DirectoryString
 int DirectoryString.compareTo(DirectoryString ds)
          Compare this directory string to another.
 boolean DirectoryString.endsWith(DirectoryString endsString)
          Determine if this directory string ends with the one passed as an argument.
 boolean DirectoryString.equals(DirectoryString dirString)
          Determine if this directory string equals another.
 int DirectoryString.indexOf(DirectoryString indexString)
          Find the first occurance of the index string in this directory string.
 int DistinguishedName.indexOf(DirectoryString indexString)
          Find the first occurance of the index string in this directory string.
 boolean DirectoryString.startsWith(DirectoryString startString)
          Determines if the specified directory string is at the beginning of this directory string.
static DistinguishedName DistinguishedName.toDNSyntax(DirectoryString dn)


Constructors in com.octetstring.vde.syntax with parameters of type DirectoryString
DistinguishedName(DirectoryString dn)


Uses of DirectoryString in com.octetstring.vde.util


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.util that return DirectoryString
 DirectoryString PluginUtil.convertBase(DirectoryString base, DirectoryString origBase, DirectoryString newBase)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 DirectoryString DNUtility.createDN(java.util.List<java.lang.String> rdnComponents)
 DirectoryString LDAPURL.getBase()
          Get the value of base.
 DirectoryString DNUtility.getBase(DirectoryString dn)
 DirectoryString DNUtility.getRDN(DirectoryString dn)
 DirectoryString DNUtility.normalize(DirectoryString dn)


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.util with parameters of type DirectoryString
 void PluginUtil.appendAdd(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, Entry entry)
          Facilitates an "append" durring an inbound ADD request or and outbound GET request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to
target attribute
 void PluginUtil.appendModify(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changes)
          Facilitates an "append" during an inbound MODIFY request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to the request's entry changes
 void PluginUtil.converBaseEntry(Entry entry, DirectoryString attrib, DirectoryString oldBase, DirectoryString newBase)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 void PluginUtil.converBaseEntry(Entry entry, java.util.Set<DirectoryString> attribs, DirectoryString oldBase, DirectoryString newBase)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 DirectoryString PluginUtil.convertBase(DirectoryString base, DirectoryString origBase, DirectoryString newBase)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 void PluginUtil.convertBaseModify(java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries, DirectoryString attrib, DirectoryString oldBase, DirectoryString newBase)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 void PluginUtil.convertBaseModify(java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries, java.util.Set<DirectoryString> attribs, DirectoryString oldBase, DirectoryString newBase)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 void PluginUtil.convertFilterBase(Filter currentFilter, DirectoryString base, DirectoryString newBase, java.util.Set<DirectoryString> dnattrlist)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 void PluginUtil.copyAdd(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, Entry entry)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound ADD operation
or an outbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.copyGet(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.copyModify(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values during an inbound MODIFY operation
 java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> DNUtility.explodeDN(DirectoryString dn)
 java.util.List<Filter> PluginUtil.findFilters(DirectoryString target, Filter filter)
          Finds all instances of a given attribute in a filter
 DirectoryString DNUtility.getBase(DirectoryString dn)
 DirectoryString DNUtility.getRDN(DirectoryString dn)
 DirectoryString DNUtility.normalize(DirectoryString dn)
 void PluginUtil.renameAdd(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, Entry entry)
          Renames one attribute's values over another attributes values during an inbound ADD or outbound GET operation,
overwriting the target attribute if it exists
 void PluginUtil.renameGet(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes)
          Renames one attribute to another, overwriting the target attribute if it exists on an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.renameGet(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Renames one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound GET operation,
overwriting the target attribute if it exists
 void PluginUtil.renameModify(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Renames one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound MODIFY operation,
overwriting the target attribute if it exists
 void PluginUtil.revalueAdd(DirectoryString attrib, Syntax currValue, Syntax newValue, Entry entry)
          Revaules an attribute with a given value to a new value
 void PluginUtil.revalueGet(DirectoryString attrib, Syntax currValue, Syntax newValue, Filter filter)
          Revaules an attribute with a given value to a new value
 void PluginUtil.revalueModify(DirectoryString attrib, Syntax currValue, Syntax newValue, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changes)
          Revaules an attribute with a given value to a new value
 void LDAPURL.setBase(DirectoryString v)
          Set the value of base.
 void PluginUtil.setRDNEntry(Entry entry, DirectoryString oldRDNAttrType, DirectoryString newRDNAttrType)
          Changes the attribute of the RDN for the given dn on the given entry
 void PluginUtil.setRDNGet(Chain chain, DirectoryString currentName, DirectoryString old, DirectoryString name, Credentials creds)
          Changes the attribute of the RDN for the given dn
 void PluginUtil.setRDNModify(Chain chain, DirectoryString currentName, DirectoryString old, DirectoryString name, Credentials creds)
          Changes the attribute of the RDN for the given dn on an inbound MODIFY operation
 void PluginUtil.setRDNRename(Chain chain, DirectoryString currentName, DirectoryString old, DirectoryString name, Credentials creds, DirectoryString newEntryName)
          Changes the attribute of the RDN for the given dn on an inbound RENAME operation


Method parameters in com.octetstring.vde.util with type arguments of type DirectoryString
 void PluginUtil.appendAdd(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends, Entry entry)
          Facilitates a bulk "append" during an inbound ADD or an outbound GET request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to
the request's entry changes
 void PluginUtil.appendAdd(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends, Entry entry)
          Facilitates a bulk "append" during an inbound ADD or an outbound GET request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to
the request's entry changes
 boolean PluginUtil.appendFilter(Filter currentFilter, java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends)
          Used to append one attribute's values to another in a filter.
 boolean PluginUtil.appendFilter(Filter currentFilter, java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends)
          Used to append one attribute's values to another in a filter.
 void PluginUtil.appendGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Facilitates a bulk "append" during an inbound GET request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to the attribute request list and adjusting the filter.
 void PluginUtil.appendGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Facilitates a bulk "append" during an inbound GET request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to the attribute request list and adjusting the filter.
 void PluginUtil.appendGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Facilitates a bulk "append" during an inbound GET request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to the attribute request list and adjusting the filter.
 void PluginUtil.appendModify(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Facilitates a bulk "append" during an inbound MODIFY request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to the request's entry changes
 void PluginUtil.appendModify(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Facilitates a bulk "append" during an inbound MODIFY request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to the request's entry changes
 void PluginUtil.converBaseEntry(Entry entry, java.util.Set<DirectoryString> attribs, DirectoryString oldBase, DirectoryString newBase)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 void PluginUtil.convertBaseModify(java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries, java.util.Set<DirectoryString> attribs, DirectoryString oldBase, DirectoryString newBase)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
static Filter ParseFilter.convertFilter(Filter currFilter, com.octetstring.vde.util.NameConverter converter, java.util.Collection<DirectoryString> dnAttributes)
 void PluginUtil.convertFilterBase(Filter currentFilter, DirectoryString base, DirectoryString newBase, java.util.Set<DirectoryString> dnattrlist)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 void PluginUtil.copyAdd(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies, Entry entry)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values during an inbound ADD operation or
an outbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.copyAdd(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies, Entry entry)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values during an inbound ADD operation or
an outbound GET operation
 boolean PluginUtil.copyFilter(Filter currentFilter, java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies)
          Adjust the filter for copy.
 boolean PluginUtil.copyFilter(Filter currentFilter, java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies)
          Adjust the filter for copy.
 void PluginUtil.copyGet(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.copyGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.copyGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.copyGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.copyModify(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values during an inbound MODIFY operation
 void PluginUtil.copyModify(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values during an inbound MODIFY operation
static java.lang.String ParseFilter.filterToString(Filter currentFilter, boolean convert, java.util.Collection<DirectoryString> dnAttrList, com.octetstring.vde.util.NameConverter converter, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> binaryAttrList, java.util.List<byte[]> binaryDataList)
static java.lang.String ParseFilter.filterToString(Filter currentFilter, boolean convert, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> dnAttrList, com.octetstring.vde.util.NameConverter converter)
static void FilterTools.getFilterAttributes(Filter filter, java.util.Collection<DirectoryString> attributes)
 boolean PluginUtil.removeFilter(Filter currentFilter, java.util.Set<DirectoryString> removes)
          Removes an attribute from a a filter
 void PluginUtil.renameAdd(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames, Entry entry)
          Renames one attribute to another, overwriting the target attribute if it exists on an inbound ADD or outbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.renameAdd(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames, Entry entry)
          Renames one attribute to another, overwriting the target attribute if it exists on an inbound ADD or outbound GET operation
 boolean PluginUtil.renameFilter(Filter currentFilter, java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames)
          Renames one attribute's values over another attributes values.
 boolean PluginUtil.renameFilter(Filter currentFilter, java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames)
          Renames one attribute's values over another attributes values.
 void PluginUtil.renameGet(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes)
          Renames one attribute to another, overwriting the target attribute if it exists on an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.renameGet(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Renames one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound GET operation,
overwriting the target attribute if it exists
 void PluginUtil.renameGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Renames one attribute to another, overwriting the target attribute if it exists on an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.renameGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Renames one attribute to another, overwriting the target attribute if it exists on an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.renameGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Renames one attribute to another, overwriting the target attribute if it exists on an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.renameModify(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Renames one attribute to another, overwriting the target attribute if it exists on an inbound MODIFY operation
 void PluginUtil.renameModify(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames, java.util.Vector<EntryChange> changeEntries)
          Renames one attribute to another, overwriting the target attribute if it exists on an inbound MODIFY operation


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OracleVirtual Directory Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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