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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package oracle.irm.engine.types.rights.context

Context Rights related objects, enumerations and exceptions.


Class Summary
AccountAlreadyAdministratorException Account Already Administrator exception information.
AccountAlreadyAssignedException Account Already Assigned exception information.
AccountAlreadyInspectorException Account Already Inspector exception information.
AccountAlreadyManagerException Account Already Manager exception information.
CannotRemoveAdministratorsException Cannot Remove Administrators exception information.
CannotRemoveContextInstanceException Cannot Remove Context Instance exception information.
CannotRemoveContextTemplateException Cannot Remove Context Template exception information.
CannotRemoveDocumentRoleException Cannot Remove Document Role exception information.
CannotRemoveManagersException Cannot Remove Managers exception information.
ContextInstance Context Instance type.
ContextInstanceAlreadyExistsException Context Instance Already Exists exception information.
ContextInstanceRef Context Instance reference.
ContextTemplate Context Template type.
ContextTemplateAlreadyExistsException Context Template Already Exists exception information.
ContextTemplateRef Context Template reference.
DocumentRight Document Right type.
DocumentRightRef Document Right reference.
DocumentRole Document Role type.
DocumentRoleAlreadyExistsException Document Role Already Exists exception information.
DocumentRoleRef Document Role reference.
Domain Domain type.
DomainAccount Domain Account type.
DomainAlreadyExistsException Domain Already Exists exception information.
DomainNotAvailableException Domain Not Available exception information.
DomainRef Domain reference.
ImmutableDocumentRoleException Immutable Document Role exception information.
InactiveContextTemplateException Inactive Context Template exception information.
InvalidDocumentRoleException Invalid Document Role exception information.
InvalidFeaturesException Invalid Features exception information.
InvalidTimePeriodException Invalid Time Period exception information.
UnknownContextTemplateException Unknown Context Template exception information.
UnknownDocumentRightException Unknown Document Right exception information.
UnknownDocumentRoleException Unknown Document Role exception information.
UnknownDomainException Unknown Domain exception information.
UnsupportedDocumentRoleException Unsupported Document Role exception information.


Enum Summary
ContextInstance.Role Role enumeration.
ContextInstance.Visibility Visibility enumeration.
ContextTemplate.Status Status enumeration.
DocumentRole.ExportConstraints Export Constraints enumeration.
DocumentRole.TimeConstraints Time Constraints enumeration.
Domain.Role Role enumeration.


Package oracle.irm.engine.types.rights.context Description

Context Rights related objects, enumerations and exceptions. This package contains types used by the EJB and Web Services interfaces. These types are also used when binding XML to objects using JAXB. The context classification system rights provisioning provides the structure for managing and defining rights for content sealed against a Context. Information security policies can be created by defining a global set of DocumentRole and templates definitions. These standard set of roles allow global policy to be controlled by providing a consistent set of roles that can be assigned to users and groups. Context templates provided a similar way of controlling the structure of contexts.

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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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