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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Interface DomainOperationsEndpoint

public interface DomainOperationsEndpoint

Web Service end point interface for Domain Operations.


The WSDL for this end point interface can be downloaded from the server using the following URL:

Endpoint URL

Requests for this web service should be sent to the following URL:

Method Summary
 void addDomainAdministrators(DomainRef domain, AccountRef[] accounts)
          Add one or more administrators to a domain.
 void addDomainManagers(DomainRef domain, AccountRef[] accounts)
          Add one or more managers to a domain.
 void deleteDomain(DomainRef domain)
          Delete a domain.
 Account[] listAccountDetails(AccountRef[] accounts)
          Retrieve the name and account type from one or more account UUID values.
 AccountRef[] listDomainAdministrators(DomainRef domain)
          List domain administrators.
 AccountRef[] listDomainManagers(DomainRef domain)
          List domain managers.
 Domain[] listDomains()
          List domains that the calling principal is authorized to access.
 void removeDomainAdministrators(DomainRef domain, AccountRef[] accounts)
          Remove one or more administrators from a domain.
 void removeDomainManagers(DomainRef domain, AccountRef[] accounts)
          Remove one or more domain managers from a domain.
 Domain saveChangesToDomain(Domain domain, Domain delta)
          Save changes to a domain.
 Domain saveNewDomain(Domain domain)
          Create a new domain.
 Domain saveNewDomainWithAdministrator(Domain domain, AccountRef administrator)
          Create a new domain.


Method Detail


Domain saveNewDomain(Domain domain)
                     throws DomainAlreadyExistsFault
Create a new domain. The calling principal will be made the domain administrator.


Invoking this method may cause the state of the system to change.

Create a new domain

The following code demonstrates how to create a domain. The sample code uses a fixed domain UUID so that all sample code can work against a known domain. A new domain would typically be given a new random UUID value. The authenticated user becomes the domain administrator. When a domain is created a set of human readable labels can be given to the domain for the target language audience.
 import static oracle.irm.j2ee.jws.rights.context.DomainOperations.getDomainOperationsEndpoint;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.UUID;
 import oracle.irm.engine.types.core.general.Label;
 import oracle.irm.engine.types.rights.context.Domain;
 import oracle.irm.j2ee.jws.rights.context.DomainOperationsEndpoint;
 public class SaveNewDomainWS {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
         final String hostPort = args[0];
         final String username = args[1];
         final String password = args[2];
         // Configure an authenticator to provide the credentials
         // for the web service
         Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
             protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                 return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password.toCharArray());
         // Get the domain operations web service
         DomainOperationsEndpoint domainOperations = getDomainOperationsEndpoint(hostPort);
         // Domain has one English label
         Label label = new Label(Locale.ENGLISH, "Sample Domain", "This is a domain created from sample code.");
         // Domain UUID is fixed for sample code
         UUID domainUUID = UUID.fromString("6fab93fd-2858-461a-a0b3-34e261dbf8fd");
         Domain domain = new Domain(domainUUID,new Label[] { label });
         // Save the new domain
domain - the domain.
the saved domain.
DomainAlreadyExistsFault - the domain already exists.
See Also:


Domain saveNewDomainWithAdministrator(Domain domain,
                                      AccountRef administrator)
                                      throws DomainAlreadyExistsFault
Create a new domain. The provided account will be made the domain administrator.


Invoking this method may cause the state of the system to change.
domain - the domain.
administrator - the domain administrator.
the saved domain.
DomainAlreadyExistsFault - the domain already exists.
See Also:


Domain saveChangesToDomain(Domain domain,
                           Domain delta)
                           throws UnknownDomainFault,
Save changes to a domain. Save changes to a Domain by providing two copies. Changes are made by comparing the two copies of the domain. If there are no differences in a property then no changes are made to persistent storage for that property. Changes in collection based properties cause additions or removals to occur in persistent storage. For example, if the delta contains a new Label as compared to the domain then a label will be added to the domain.


This method can be invoked by users that have the Domain Administrator role in the related domain. This role can be assigned using the addDomainAdministrators method.


Invoking this method may cause the state of the system to change.
domain - the domain to compare to the delta.
delta - the changes. The Uuid property must match with the template parameter.
the domain with the updated changes.
UnknownDomainFault - the domain does not exist.
AuthorizationDeniedFault - authorization denied. The authenticated user is not authorized to call this operation.


void deleteDomain(DomainRef domain)
                  throws AuthorizationDeniedFault
Delete a domain. Deleting a Domain destroys all roles, context templates, contexts and assigned rights.

WARNING - deleting a domain also destroys the content related encryption keys, making content sealed against any ContextInstance within the domain inaccessible.


This method can be invoked by users that have the Domain Administrator role in the related domain. This role can be assigned using the addDomainAdministrators method.


Invoking this method may cause the state of the system to change.

Delete a domain

The following code demonstrates how to delete a domain. The sample code uses a fixed domain UUID for the new domain so that all sample code can work will a known domain. A new domain would typically be given a new random UUID value. The authenticated user must be a domain administrator. When a domain is deleted all the associated roles, templates and contexts are also deleted.
 import static oracle.irm.j2ee.jws.rights.context.DomainOperations.getDomainOperationsEndpoint;
 import java.util.UUID;
 import oracle.irm.engine.types.rights.context.DomainRef;
 import oracle.irm.j2ee.jws.rights.context.DomainOperationsEndpoint;
 public class DeleteDomainWS {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
         final String hostPort = args[0];
         final String username = args[1];
         final String password = args[2];
         // Configure an authenticator to provide the credentials
         // for the web service
         Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
             protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                 return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password.toCharArray());
         // Domain UUID is fixed for sample code
         UUID domainUUID = UUID.fromString("6fab93fd-2858-461a-a0b3-34e261dbf8fd");
         // Get the domain operations web service
         DomainOperationsEndpoint domainOperations = getDomainOperationsEndpoint(hostPort);
         DomainRef domain = new DomainRef(domainUUID);
         // Delete the domain using the domain reference
domain - the domain.
AuthorizationDeniedFault - authorization denied. The authenticated user is not authorized to call this operation.


Domain[] listDomains()
                     throws AuthorizationDeniedFault
List domains that the calling principal is authorized to access. A domain can be accessed by a user if the user is a domain administrator or domain manager.
the list of domains. If no domains are available then an empty collection will be returned.
AuthorizationDeniedFault - if the authenticated user is not allowed to list domains. This will typically indicate that the authenticated user no longer exists in the user store. e.g. session is still valid but the user has been deleted from the user store.


AccountRef[] listDomainAdministrators(DomainRef domain)
                                      throws UnknownDomainFault,
List domain administrators. Domain administrators are individuals who define a domain's security policies regarding the use of sealed content. A Domain administrator defines what DocumentRole definitions are available for use within the Domain. A Domain administrator also defines what ContextTemplate definitions are available. These definitions are used by domain managers to create Context classifications.


This method can be invoked by users that have the Domain Administrator role in the related domain. This role can be assigned using the addDomainAdministrators method.
domain - the domain.
the list of administrators. This list will always contain at least one administrator.
UnknownDomainFault - the domain does not exist.
AuthorizationDeniedFault - authorization denied. The authenticated user is not authorized to call this operation.
See Also:


void addDomainAdministrators(DomainRef domain,
                             AccountRef[] accounts)
                             throws AccountAlreadyAdministratorFault,
Add one or more administrators to a domain. A Domain will always have at least one administrator. When a Domain has multiple administrators, each administrator will have equal permissions to perform Domain related activities.

If any of the provided accounts is a domain manager the account will be upgraded to a domain administrator.


This method can be invoked by users that have the Domain Administrator role in the related domain. This role can be assigned using the addDomainAdministrators method.


Invoking this method may cause the state of the system to change.
domain - the domain.
accounts - the accounts. Duplicates are ignored. This parameter is optional, it is valid to pass null or an empty collection.
AccountAlreadyAdministratorFault - one of the provided accounts is already a domain administrator.
UnknownDomainFault - the domain does not exist.
AuthorizationDeniedFault - authorization denied. The authenticated user is not authorized to call this operation.


void removeDomainAdministrators(DomainRef domain,
                                AccountRef[] accounts)
                                throws CannotRemoveAdministratorsFault,
Remove one or more administrators from a domain. An Domain must have at least one administrator.


This method can be invoked by users that have the Domain Administrator role in the related domain. This role can be assigned using the addDomainAdministrators method.


Invoking this method may cause the state of the system to change.
domain - the domain.
accounts - the accounts. This parameter is optional, it is valid to pass null or an empty collection.
CannotRemoveAdministratorsFault - the administrator accounts cannot be removed, as it would leave the domain with no administrators.
UnknownDomainFault - the domain does not exist.
AuthorizationDeniedFault - authorization denied. The authenticated user is not authorized to call this operation.


AccountRef[] listDomainManagers(DomainRef domain)
                                throws UnknownDomainFault,
List domain managers. Domain managers are the only individuals who can create new Context instances using createContextFromTemplate.


This method can be invoked by users that have the Domain Administrator role in the related domain. This role can be assigned using the addDomainAdministrators method.
domain - the domain.
the list of managers. This will contains at least one administrator.
UnknownDomainFault - the domain does not exist.
AuthorizationDeniedFault - authorization denied. The authenticated user is not authorized to call this operation.
See Also:


void addDomainManagers(DomainRef domain,
                       AccountRef[] accounts)
                       throws AccountAlreadyManagerFault,
Add one or more managers to a domain.


This method can be invoked by users that have the Domain Administrator role in the related domain. This role can be assigned using the addDomainAdministrators method.


Invoking this method may cause the state of the system to change.
domain - the domain.
accounts - the accounts. Duplicates are ignored. This parameter is optional, it is valid to pass null or an empty collection.
AccountAlreadyManagerFault - one of the provided accounts is already a domain manager (or domain administrator).
UnknownDomainFault - the domain does not exist.
AuthorizationDeniedFault - authorization denied. The authenticated user is not authorized to call this operation.


void removeDomainManagers(DomainRef domain,
                          AccountRef[] accounts)
                          throws UnknownDomainFault,
Remove one or more domain managers from a domain.


This method can be invoked by users that have the Domain Administrator role in the related domain. This role can be assigned using the addDomainAdministrators method.


Invoking this method may cause the state of the system to change.
domain - the domain.
accounts - the accounts. This parameter is optional, it is valid to pass null or an empty collection.
UnknownDomainFault - the domain does not exist.
AuthorizationDeniedFault - authorization denied. The authenticated user is not authorized to call this operation.


Account[] listAccountDetails(AccountRef[] accounts)
                             throws AuthorizationDeniedFault
Retrieve the name and account type from one or more account UUID values. This method can be used to identify the user or group name when only the account UUID is available. If any of the provided UUID values do not correspond to a user or group the account is not returned in the results.
accounts - the accounts. This parameter is optional, it is valid to pass null or an empty collection.
the account details.
AuthorizationDeniedFault - if the authenticated user is not allowed to list accounts. A user is allowed to list accounts if they have any domain administrator, domain manager, inspector or context manager role.

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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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