Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package oracle.ide.runner

Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system.


Interface Summary
DebuggeeData DebuggeeData represents a data item from a debuggee as supplied by the debugger.
DebuggerBreakpoint Definition of a Debugger Breakpoint, which provides a read-only view of a breakpoint.
DebuggerBreakpointLogEntry Defines details about how the debugger should make log entries for a breakpoint.
DebuggerBreakpointPanel This interface allows a DebuggerExtender to supply a panel where the user can edit DebuggerExtender specific breakpoint details for custom breakpoints.
DebuggerEvaluator Evaluators are keyed to a particular debuggee stop (stack frame and thread) and the evaluator expires as soon as the debuggee resumes.
DebuggerExceptionBreakpoint Defines an exception breakpoint
DebuggerExtender A DebuggerExtender can modify and enhance certain functionalities of a Debugger.
DebuggerExtenderCallback Interface returned by the debugger when a DebuggerExtender is added.
DebuggerFileLineBreakpoint Defines a file/line breakpoint.
DebuggerInspectorExpressionProvider Defines an interface that the debugger will call to get a suitable expression for the inspector based on where the cursor is in the editor
DebuggerListener The listener interface for receiving debugger events.
DebuggerMethodBreakpoint Defines a method breakpoint
DebuggerStartCallback This API should not be used by extension developers.
DebuggerThread Represents a thread in the debugger when the debuggee is stopped.
DebuggerURLLineBreakpoint Defines a URL/line breakpoint.
DebuggerWindowProvider Extensions can add their own debugger windows.
DebuggerWindowProviderCallback Callback from the DebuggerWindowProvider to the debugger Returned when the DebuggerWindowProvider is added: DebuggerWindowProviderCallback addDebuggerWindowProvider( DebuggerWindowProvider provider );
RunProcessLifecycleListener The listener interface for receiving notification RunProcess lifecycle events.
RunProcessListener The RunProcessListener interface allows code to be notification when a SimpleProcess has finished.
StarterFactory An interface that provides a factory for starting a process.

Class Summary
Debugger The Debugger class provides methods that interact with the debugger.
DebuggerAdapter An abstract adapter class for receiving debugger events.
DebuggerEvent An event that indicates that a debugger has changed its state.
DebuggerEventSource A class that represents a debugger as the source of debugger events.
DebuggerStartAdapter This API should not be used by extension developers.
DebugStartAdapter This API should not be used by extension developers.
Profiler The Profiler class provides methods that interact with the profiler.
RunLogPage The RunLogPage class is the LogPage used for a running process.
Runner The Runner class provides methods that interact with the runner.
RunnerOptions Runtime Service settings.
RunProcess An abstract class that represents a process that can be run in some way.
SimpleProcess The SimpleProcess class contains methods to start a process and redirect the process's output to the log window.
Starter A class that represents a way of starting a process.

Enum Summary
DebuggeeData.DataKind The kind of DebuggeeData
DebuggerBreakpoint.BreakpointKind The various breakpoint kinds
DebuggerBreakpoint.BreakpointScope The various scopes where a breakpoint can be valid
DebuggerBreakpoint.BreakpointState The various breakpoint states
DebuggerWindowProvider.DebuggerWindowPosition Defines the position of the window

Error Summary

Package oracle.ide.runner Description

Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system.

Related Documentation

See Extending JDeveloper Using the Addin API for additional details.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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