Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Maps.AbstractEntry
oracle.javatools.util Provides general utilities. 

Uses of Maps.AbstractEntry in oracle.javatools.util

Classes in oracle.javatools.util with type parameters of type Maps.AbstractEntry
static class Maps.AbstractHashMap<K,V,E extends Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V>>
          An abstract, but nearly complete, implementation of the Map interface that is functionally equivalent to HashMap but that allows subclasses to do any or all of the following: control the concrete class of Map.Entry instances used so long as they extend Maps.AbstractEntry (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.createEntry(int, K, V, E)); override the calculation of hashCode and equals for all keys (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.keyHashCode(java.lang.Object) and Maps.AbstractHashMap.keyEquals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)); override the calculation of hashCode and equals for all values (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.valueHashCode(java.lang.Object) and Maps.AbstractHashMap.valueEquals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)); track when the map is constructed, initialized, and changed (see Maps.AbstractHashMap.mapConstructed(), Maps.AbstractHashMap.mapInitialized(), and Maps.AbstractHashMap.mapChanged()).

Subinterfaces of Maps.AbstractEntry in oracle.javatools.util
static interface Maps.AbstractLinkedEntry<K,V>
          The Map.Entry (and Maps.AbstractEntry) extended interface required by Maps.AbstractLinkedHashMap for its entries.

Classes in oracle.javatools.util that implement Maps.AbstractEntry
static class Maps.DefaultEntry<K,V>
          The default Maps.AbstractEntry implementation.
static class Maps.DefaultLinkedEntry<K,V>
          The default Maps.AbstractLinkedEntry implementation.
static class Maps.SoftEntry<K,V>
          An Maps.AbstractEntry implementation which holds its value with a SoftReference.
static class Maps.SoftLinkedEntry<K,V>
          An Maps.AbstractLinkedEntry implementation which holds its value with a SoftReference.
static class Maps.WeakEntry<K,V>
          An Maps.AbstractEntry implementation which holds its value with a WeakReference.
static class Maps.WeakLinkedEntry<K,V>
          An Maps.AbstractLinkedEntry implementation which holds its value with a WeakReference.

Methods in oracle.javatools.util that return Maps.AbstractEntry
 Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> Maps.AbstractEntry.getNext()
          Gets the next entry in the containing hash chain of the containing map.
 Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> Maps.DefaultEntry.getNext()
 Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> Maps.SoftEntry.getNext()
 Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> Maps.WeakEntry.getNext()
 Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> Maps.DefaultLinkedEntry.getNext()
 Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> Maps.SoftLinkedEntry.getNext()
 Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> Maps.WeakLinkedEntry.getNext()

Methods in oracle.javatools.util with parameters of type Maps.AbstractEntry
 void Maps.AbstractEntry.setNext(Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> next)
          Sets the next entry in the containing hash chain of the containing map.
 void Maps.DefaultEntry.setNext(Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> next)
 void Maps.SoftEntry.setNext(Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> next)
 void Maps.WeakEntry.setNext(Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> next)
 void Maps.DefaultLinkedEntry.setNext(Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> next)
 void Maps.SoftLinkedEntry.setNext(Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> next)
 void Maps.WeakLinkedEntry.setNext(Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> next)

Constructors in oracle.javatools.util with parameters of type Maps.AbstractEntry
Maps.DefaultEntry(int hash, K key, V value, Maps.AbstractEntry<K,V> next)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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