Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Javadoc 11g Release 1 (10.3.3) Part Number E13945-03 |
Interface Summary | |
AdminServerMBean | Deprecated. |
AppDeploymentMBean | This MBean is used to configure all physical package types which can be deployed on a weblogic domain. |
ApplicationMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by AppDeploymentMBean |
BridgeDestinationCommonMBean | This MBean represents a bridge destination for a messaging bridge instance. |
BridgeDestinationMBean | Deprecated. Replaced with nothing (upgrade to JMSBridgeDestination if it maps to a JMS destination). |
ClassDeploymentMBean | Temporary MBean for startup and shutdown classes. |
ClusterMBean | This bean represents a cluster in the domain. |
COMMBean | This bean represents the server-wide configuration of COM
Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces |
ComponentMBean | Deprecated. in favor of AppDeploymentMBean |
ConfigurationExtensionMBean | This MBean is a reference to a system configuration extension. |
ConfigurationMBean | The tagging interface for configuration MBeans. |
ConnectorComponentMBean | Deprecated. in favor of AppDeploymentMBean |
ContextCaseMBean | This mbean defines the mapping between the current context (security principal, group etc) and the request class to use. |
DefaultFileStoreMBean | This MBean describes the configuration of the default file store. |
DeploymentConfigurationMBean | Specifies the domain-level deployment configuration attributes. |
DeploymentMBean | A Deployment is any MBean that may be deployed on one or more targets, such as a Component, a Web Server personality, a JMS Front-end or back-end or a JDBC connection pool. |
DomainLogFilterMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by LogFilterMBean |
DomainMBean | A WebLogic Domain is a group of servers and/or clusters which are administered as a group. |
DomainTargetedMBean | This is a marker interface for TargetInfoMBeans (and their descendants) that are targeted to the entire domain. |
EJBComponentMBean | Deprecated. in favor of AppDeploymentMBean |
EJBContainerMBean | This MBean is used to specify EJB container-wide settings. |
EmbeddedLDAPMBean | The MBean that defines the configuration properties for the embedded LDAP server for the WebLogic domain. |
ErrorHandlingMBean | Fake ErrorHandlingMBean |
ExecuteQueueMBean | This bean is used to configure an execute queue and its associated thread pool. |
ForeignJMSConnectionFactoryMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by the ForeignConnectionFactoryBean type in the new JMS module. |
ForeignJMSDestinationMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by the ForeignDestinationBean type in the new JMS module. |
ForeignJMSServerMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by the ForeignServerBean type in the new JMS module. |
ForeignJNDILinkMBean | Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces |
ForeignJNDIProviderMBean | Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces |
HTTPProxyMBean | Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces |
IIOPMBean | Configuration for IIOP properties. |
JDBCConnectionPoolMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean |
JDBCDataSourceFactoryMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by AppDeploymentMBean |
JDBCDataSourceMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean |
JDBCMultiPoolMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean |
JDBCSystemResourceMBean | This bean defines a system-level JDBC resource. |
JDBCTxDataSourceMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean |
JMSBridgeDestinationMBean | This MBean represents a messaging bridge destination for a JMS messaging product. |
JMSConnectionConsumerMBean | Deprecated. This functionality will be removed in a future release. |
JMSConnectionFactoryMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.JmsConnectionFactoryBean |
JMSConstants | This class holds the JMS constant property/attribute names and values. |
JMSDestCommonMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DestinationBean |
JMSDestinationKeyMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DestinationKeyBean |
JMSDestinationMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DestinationBean |
JMSDistributedDestinationMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by and weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.UnifrormDistributedDestinationBean |
JMSDistributedDestinationMemberMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DistributedDestinationMemberBean |
JMSDistributedQueueMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DistributedQueueBean |
JMSDistributedQueueMemberMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DistributedQueueMemberBean |
JMSDistributedTopicMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DistributedTopicBean |
JMSDistributedTopicMemberMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DistributedTopicMemberBean |
JMSFileStoreMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.management.configuration.FileStoreMBean |
JMSInteropModuleMBean | This bean defines a system-level JMS resource. |
JMSJDBCStoreMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.management.configuration.JDBCStoreMBean |
JMSMessageLogFileMBean | This defines the configuration aspects of the logs for a jms server. |
JMSQueueMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.QueueBean |
JMSServerMBean | This class represents a JMS server. |
JMSSessionPoolMBean | Deprecated. Replaced with message-dirven beans. |
JMSStoreMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.management.configuration.PersistentStoreMBean |
JMSSystemResourceMBean | This bean defines a system-level JMS resource. |
JMSTemplateMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TemplateBean |
JMSTopicMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.TopicBean |
JMSVirtualDestinationMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DistributedDestinationBean |
JMXMBean | Controls which JMX agents are initialized in the current WebLogic Server domain. |
JoltConnectionPoolMBean | This bean defines a Jolt connection pool. |
JTAMBean | This interface provides access to the JTA configuration attributes. |
JTAMigratableTargetMBean | The target that is used internally to register the JTA recovery manager to the Migration Manager. |
KernelDebugMBean | Defines the debug attributes that are common to WebLogic Server and Client. |
KernelMBean | This bean represents the configuration of the core message passing kernel on both WebLogic clients and servers. |
LibraryMBean | Configuration bean for Libraries. |
LogFileMBean | Configures the location, file-rotation criteria, and number of files that a WebLogic Server uses to store log messages. |
LogMBean | Configures the threshold severity level and filter settings for logging output. |
MachineMBean | This bean represents a machine on which servers may be booted. |
MailSessionMBean | Facilitates using the JavaMail APIs, which provide applications and other J2EE modules with access to Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)- and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)-capable mail servers on your network or the Internet. |
MessagingBridgeMBean | This MBean represents a WebLogic messaging bridge. |
MigratableTargetMBean | A target that is suitable for services that shall be active on at most one server of a cluster at a time. |
MinThreadsConstraintMBean | This MBean defines the minimum number of concurrent threads that should allocated to this constraint provided there are enough pending requests. |
NetworkAccessPointMBean | A server can specifiy additional network connections by using a NetworkAccessPointMBean. |
NetworkChannelMBean | Deprecated. use NetworkAccessPointMBean |
NodeManagerMBean | This bean is represents a NodeManager that is associated with a machine. |
OverloadProtectionMBean | This Mbean has attributes concerning server overload protection. |
PathServiceMBean | This class represents a path service. |
RemoteSAFContextMBean | Fake RemoteSAFContextMBean |
RMCFactoryMBean | Represents a J2EE resource manager connection factory in a J2EE app. |
SecurityConfigurationMBean | Provides domain-wide security configuration information. |
SecurityMBean | Deprecated. Replaced by SecurityConfigurationMBean |
SelfTuningMBean | SelfTuningMBean holds global work manager component mbeans. |
ServerDebugMBean | Defines the debug attributes that are specific to WebLogic Server. |
ServerFailureTriggerMBean | Configuration to mark the server as failed when threads are stuck. |
ServerMBean | This class represents a WebLogic Server. |
ServerStartMBean | This bean is used to configure the attributes necessary to start up a server on a remote machine. |
ShutdownClassMBean | Provides methods for configuring a shutdown class. |
SNMPAgentMBean | This singleton MBean represents an SNMP agent that is scoped to a WebLogic Server domain. |
SNMPAttributeChangeMBean | This class describes the settings to receive MBean-attribute change notification. |
SNMPCounterMonitorMBean | This class describes the criteria for a Counter-based Monitor. |
SNMPGaugeMonitorMBean | This class describes the criteria for a Gauge-based Monitor. |
SNMPJMXMonitorMBean | This is a base class for Monitor based trap configuration MBeans : SNMPCounterMonitorMBean, SNMPStringMonitorMBean and SNMPGaugeMonitorMBean. |
SNMPLogFilterMBean | This MBean represents a filter to qualify log messages which are logged to the server logfile. |
SNMPProxyMBean | This MBean represents an SNMP agent that is proxied by a WebLogic Server SNMP agent. |
SNMPStringMonitorMBean | This class describes the criteria for a String-based Monitor. |
SNMPTrapDestinationMBean | This MBean describes a destination to which an SNMP agent sends SNMP TRAP and INFORM notifications. |
SNMPTrapSourceMBean | This MBean is the base of SNMP TRAP related configuration MBeans. |
SSLMBean | This MBean represents the configuration of the SSL protocol. |
StartupClassMBean | Provides methods that configure startup classes. |
SubDeploymentMBean | This bean represents an individually targetable entity within a deployment package, which is deployable on WLS. |
SystemResourceMBean | A system resource is a resource whose definition is part of the system configuration rather than an application. |
TargetInfoMBean | This bean represents any weblogic entity which can be targeted. |
TargetMBean | A tagging interface that designates a class as a target for deployment of a
AppDeploymentMBean . |
UnixMachineMBean | This bean represents a machine that is running the UNIX operating system. |
VirtualDestinationMBean | This class represents a virtual destination. |
VirtualHostMBean | This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a WebLogic Server instance. |
WebAppComponentMBean | Deprecated. in favor of AppDeploymentMBean |
WebAppContainerMBean | This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container. |
WebDeploymentMBean | A Web Deployment is any MBean that may be deployed on one or more target or WebServers. |
WebServerLogMBean | Aggregates the logging attributes for the WebServerMBean. |
WebServerMBean | This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a weblogic server. |
WebServiceComponentMBean | Deprecated. in favor of AppDeploymentMBean |
WLECConnectionPoolMBean | This bean defines a WLEC connection pool. |
WSReliableDeliveryPolicyMBean | This class represents the reliable messaging delivery policy for the current WebLogic Server as both a sender and a receiver of a reliable SOAP message to and from a Web service running on a different WebLogic Server. |
WTCExportMBean | This interface provides access to the WTC export configuration attributes. |
WTCImportMBean | This interface provides access to the WTC import configuration attributes. |
WTCLocalTuxDomMBean | This interface provides access to the WTC local Tuxedo Domain configuration attributes. |
WTCPasswordMBean | This interface provides access to the WTC password configuration attributes. |
WTCRemoteTuxDomMBean | This interface provides access to the WTC remote Tuxedo Domain configuration attributes. |
WTCResourcesMBean | This interface provides access to the WTC resources configuration attributes. |
WTCServerMBean | This MBean defines a WTC Server. |
WTCtBridgeGlobalMBean | This interface provides access to the WTC tBridge Global configuration attributes. |
WTCtBridgeRedirectMBean | This interface provides access to the WTC tBridge Redirect configuration attributes. |
XMLEntityCacheMBean | Configure the behavior of JAXP (Java API for XML Parsing) in the server. |
XMLEntitySpecRegistryEntryMBean | An Entity Spec Entry specifies how to resolve an external entity based its public and system IDs. |
XMLParserSelectRegistryEntryMBean | A Parser Select Entry specifies the SAX/DOM parser factory implementation classes for a particular document type. |
XMLRegistryEntryMBean | Deprecated. replaced by XMLRegistryMBean . |
XMLRegistryMBean | Configure the behavior of JAXP (Java API for XML Parsing) in the server. |
Class Summary | |
ConfigurationError | |
OutOfDateConfigurationException |
Copyright 1996, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Javadoc 11g Release 1 (10.3.3) Part Number E13945-03 |