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Remote SAF Context: Configuration

Configuration Options     Related Tasks     Related Topics

Use this page to configure a remote SAF context, which specifies the login context that an imported SAF queue or SAF topic uses to connect to the remote Destination.

Configuration Options

Name Description

The name of this remote SAF context.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


Specifies the URL to connect to when using this SAF Login Context.

SAFImportedDestinations are associated with a SAFRemoteContext that has a SAFLoginContext. This SAFLoginContext defines the URL to connect to.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

User Name

The name used to log into the remote URL.

When Username is specified for a SAFLoginContext, then SAFPrincipalName is not specified.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :


The password for the username used to log into the remote URL.

When Password is specified for a SAFLoginContext, then SAFPrincipalName is not specified.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Compression Threshold

The number of bytes for a serialized message body so that any message that exceeds this limit will trigger message compression when the message is about to be sent across a SAF agent's JVM bounary.

The compression will occur on the sending-side SAF agent's JVM if the message body size exceeds the threshold limit.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 2147483647

ReplyTo Remote SAF Context

Specifies the SAF Remote Context Name used by the replyTo destination in the remote cluster or server.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

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