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System Password Validation Provider: Provider Specific

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This page allows you to configure additional attributes for this System Password Validation provider.

Note: If the Default Authentication provider is configured in the realm, make sure that the setting for the minimum password length is consistent with the setting configured for that provider.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Reject if Password Contains the User Name

Specifies whether the password can contain, or be set to, the username.

The system evaluation of this password rule is case insensitive. If this rule is enabled (that is, set to true), the password must not contain or be set to the username. To secure your system, make sure this entry is checked (set to true).

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.RejectEqualOrContainUsername

Reject if Password Contains the User Name Reversed

Specifies whether the password can contain or be set to the reverse of the username.

The system evaluation of this password rule is case insensitive. If this rule is enabled (that is, set to true), the password must not contain, or be set to, the reverse of the username.

To secure your system, make sure this entry is checked (set to true).

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.RejectEqualOrContainReverseUsername

Minimum Password Length

Specifies the minimum number of characters that the password may contain.

In order to be accepted, the password must contain at least as many characters as the value specified.

The recommended minimum value is 6.

Note: If the Default Authentication provider is configured in the realm, make sure that this number is consistent with the one configured for that provider.

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.MinPasswordLength

Minimum value: 0

Maximum Password Length

Specifies the maximum number of characters that the password may contain.

In order to be accepted, the password may not contain a greater number of characters than the value specified. Specifying 0 results in no restriction on password length.

The recommended value is 12.

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.MaxPasswordLength

Minimum value: 0

Maximum Instances of Any Character

Specifies the maximum number of times any one character may appear in the password.

For example, if this value is set to 2, the password alabaster is rejected. Specifying 0 results in no restriction.

The recommended value is 4.

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.MaxInstancesOfAnyCharacter

Minimum value: 0

Maximum Consecutive Characters

Specifies the maximum number of times that a character may appear consecutively in the password.

A value of 0 means no restriction. For example, if you specify a value of 2, a user cannot create a password such as baaag. The value you may specify must be greater than or equal to 0.

The recommended value is 3.

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.MaxConsecutiveCharacters

Minimum value: 0

Minimum Number of Alphabetic Characters

Specifies the minimum number of alphabetic characters that a password must contain.

The value you specify for this attribute must be greater than or equal to 0.

The recommended value is 1.

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.MinAlphabeticCharacters

Minimum value: 0

Minimum Number of Numeric Characters

Specifies the minimum number of numeric characters that must appear in the password.

The value you specify for this attribute must be greater than or equal to 0.

The recommended value is 1.

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.MinNumericCharacters

Minimum value: 0

Minimum Number of Lower Case Characters

Specifies the minimum number of lowercase characters that a password must contain.

The value you specify for this attribute must be greater than or equal to 0.

The recommended value is 1.

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.MinLowercaseCharacters

Minimum value: 0

Minimum Number of Upper Case Characters

Specifies the minimum number of uppercase characters that a password must contain.

The value you specify for this attribute must be greater than or equal to 0.

The recommended value is 1.

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.MinUppercaseCharacters

Minimum value: 0

Minimum Number of Non-Alphanumeric Characters

Specifies the minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters (also known as special characters, such as %, *, #, or }) that must appear in the password.

The value you specify for this attribute must be greater than or equal to 0.

The recommended value is 1.

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.MinNonAlphanumericCharacters

Minimum value: 0

Minimum Number of Non-Alphabetic Characters

Specifies the minimum number of numeric or special characters (such as %, *, #, or }) that a password must contain.

The value you specify for this attribute must be greater than or equal to 0.

The recommended value is 1.

MBean attribute: SystemPasswordValidatorMBean.MinNumericOrSpecialCharacters

Minimum value: 0

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