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Monitoring Dashboard

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Use the Monitoring Dashboard to graphically present the current and historical operating state of WebLogic Server and hosted applications. The Monitoring Dashboard provides a set of tools for organizing and displaying diagnostic data into views, which surface some of the more critical run-time WebLogic Server performance metrics and the change in those metrics over time.

A view is a collection of one or more charts that display captured monitoring and diagnostic data. Each chart contains a legend, labels, and controls for identifying and displaying the data. A chart can display data from one or more data sources from one or more servers in the domain. The data sources include one or more metrics, which are MBean instance attributes that contain metric data. The view list contains built-in views and custom views.

The Monitoring Dashboard also includes the Metric Browser. You use the Metric Browser to select the specific MBean types, instances, and attributes that you want to monitor in a chart for a selected server. Historical MBean attribute data is always retrieved from a WLDF archive, which is available if you have configured the WLDF Harvester to gather metrics data and created that archive.

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