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Set auto-scaling in charts

Before you begin

Display or create a view, as explained in Display views.

For general information about Monitoring Dashboard charts, see The Parts of a Chart.

Before the first metric value is received and displayed in a chart, the chart is in "auto-scale" mode. This means that the minimum and maximum values for the scale are not yet set and will be determined based on the value of the first metric. When that first value is received, the scale' s maximum value is set to 150% of the value and the scale's minimum value is set to -150% of the value, thus placing the current value in the middle of the scale. If a subsequent metric value is higher or lower than those thresholds, and auto-scaling is disabled, the value might not be displayed appropriately in the chart. That is, the scale is not automatically adjusted.

To ensure that a chart is automatically rescaled when a metric value falls outside the existing thresholds:

  1. Select the chart.
  2. Choose Properties from the chart menu.
  3. In the Chart Properties dialog box, select Auto Scale.

    Any existing values specified in the Scale Max. and Scale Min. fields are overridden.


The chart is automatically rescaled, if necessary, to show minimum and maximum thresholds according to the currently displayed metric values. To set fixed maximum and minimum scale values, see Change the scale of charts.

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