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Set global chart properties

Before you begin

Launch the Monitoring Dashboard and display or create a view, as explained in Display views.

For general information about charts in the Monitoring Dashboard, see The Parts of a Chart.

Global properties apply to charts in all active views.

To set global chart properties:

  1. Choose Preferences in the upper right corner of the Monitoring Dashboard.

    The Dashboard Preferences dialog box is displayed.

  2. Set one or more of the following global chart properties, as desired:
    • Sample Interval — The number of seconds between metric samples. The default is 20 seconds. The minimum accepted value is 10 seconds.
    • Maximum Samples — The maximum number of samples stored in the data archive for each metric. The default is 100.
    • Default Chart Time Range — The default span of time shown in time series charts. The default is 5 minutes.
    • Chart Zoom Increment — The default increment, as percentage of the horizontal axis of the chart, by which the chart can be zoomed in or out; that is, by a single click of the Zoom button. The default is 20 per cent. For example, if the default chart time range is five minutes, clicking Zoom once redisplays the chart to show a 4 minute time span.
    • Default Chart Type — The type of chart created by default when you create a new chart. The default is line plot graph. But you can change the type to Bar Chart, Scatter Plot, Vertical Linear Gauge, Horizontal Linear Gauge, and Radial Gauge. For a description of each type, see Choose the chart type.
    • Show Series Overview — For time-series charts, this setting determines when the overview is displayed: Never, only when the chart is selected, or always.
  3. Click OK to have new global properties go into effect, or Cancel to dismiss the dialog box and discard any changes.

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