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Oracle Complex Event Processing API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use ConfigurationException


Uses of ConfigurationException in com.bea.wlevs.ede.api


Subclasses of ConfigurationException in com.bea.wlevs.ede.api
 interface DuplicateEventTypeException
          This exception is raised when an application attempts to register an event type that already has been registered.
 interface IllegalAssemblyException
          This exception is raised when the EPN is assembled with an illegal configuration, such as the connection of stages that cannot be linked together.
 interface IllegalPropertyException
          Exception raised when a component property is configureed with an illegal value
 interface IllegalTimestampPropertyException
          This exception is raised when a timestamp property is defined on an event type that does not define this property, or if the timestamp property is not of type Long or long.
 interface MultiStatementException
          Exception raised if one or more errors are detected when loading a set of statements in bulk
 interface StatementException
          Exception raised when attempting to add an invalid statement
 interface UnknownEventTypeException
          This exception is raised when an unknown event type name is referenced.
 interface UnsupportedPropertyException
          Exception thrown when encountering unknown property names.
 interface UntypedEventChannelException
          EventChannels may need to be typed in certain situations.


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