OracleŽ Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Metadata Service (MDS)
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Class CustConfig

  extended by oracle.mds.config.CustConfig

public class CustConfig
extends java.lang.Object

A customization configuration object holds configuration information for customizations. Specifcally it maintains a lookup table of customization class lists.

This class maintains an ordered list of customization class lists. These are keyed by 3 parameters:

  • Path - the path or name of the metadata object (MO)
  • Namespace - the XML namespace of the top level element in the MO
  • Local Name - the XML localname of the top level element in the MO
  • At runtime, the customization subsystem will search through the list in order of registration until a matching entry is found. Note that a null key in the mapping is considered to match anything as is a null key in the lookup.

    See Also:
    CustomizationClass, CustClassList

    Field Summary
    static CustConfig NO_CUSTOMIZATIONS
    Constructor Summary
    CustConfig(CustClassListMapping[] mappings)
              Create a customization configuration object with programmatically created configuration information.
    CustConfig(org.w3c.dom.Element configXML)
              Create a customization configuration object based on the MDS XML customization configuration information contained in the given DOM XML Element.
    Method Summary
     CustClassList findMapping(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String localName)
              Find a mapping entry which matches the gven criteria.
     CustClassListMapping[] getMappings()
              Returns all the customization class list mappings for this configuration.
    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Field Detail


    public static final CustConfig NO_CUSTOMIZATIONS
    Constructor Detail


    public CustConfig(CustClassListMapping[] mappings)
               throws MDSConfigurationException
    Create a customization configuration object with programmatically created configuration information.

    mappings - A list of mappings which will be applied in order to determine which customization class list is used to work out the customization layers to apply.
    MDSConfigurationException - if an invalid mapping is found or the list has duplicate keys


    public CustConfig(org.w3c.dom.Element configXML)
               throws MDSConfigurationException
    Create a customization configuration object based on the MDS XML customization configuration information contained in the given DOM XML Element. The given element must be a <cust-config> element in the MDS configuration namespace.

    configXML - - an element containing customization configuration information. Must have a value.
    MDSConfigurationException - If an invalid Customization configuration is specified.
    Method Detail


    public CustClassList findMapping(java.lang.String path,
                                     java.lang.String namespace,
                                     java.lang.String localName)
    Find a mapping entry which matches the gven criteria.

    A null parameter is assumed to match anything. A non-null namespace or local name will have to match exactly, or will match an entry with a null value. Path keys will match null values or a mapping which matches exactly or matches any parent package.

    path - - an MDS package name or metadata object name
    namespace - - the XML namespace (optional)
    localName - - the local name of the top level element (optional)
    custClassList - the customization class list for this entry


    public CustClassListMapping[] getMappings()
    Returns all the customization class list mappings for this configuration. These are simply those which were passed into the contructor. We return a cloned array so any changes then made to it will not affect this configuration object.

    an array of customization class list mappings. Returns null if there are no mappings.

    OracleŽ Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Metadata Service (MDS)
    11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

    Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.