4 Installing Oracle Business Intelligence

This chapter describes the process of installing some or all Oracle Business Intelligence components, including Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, or Oracle Real-Time Decisions. This chapter contains the following sections:

4.1 Before You Install Oracle Business Intelligence

Before you install Oracle Business Intelligence and related components, do the following:

  • Review Chapter 1, "Installation Overview," to ensure you understand the options and features related to installing Oracle Business Intelligence.

  • Review Chapter 3, "Oracle Business Intelligence Requirements," to ensure that your environment meets the minimum requirements.

  • Install your database before running Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer, and have the database running during the installation.

  • Run Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to install the schemas that Oracle Business Intelligence requires. See Section 3.3, "Create Database Schemas Using the Repository Creation Utility (RCU)."

  • If you are installing on multiple computers, review Chapter 2, "Recommended Installation Scenarios for Oracle Business Intelligence," for common scenarios.

  • Verify that you have sufficient administrator privileges to install the software.

  • If you plan to install Oracle Business Intelligence on a computer that uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), you must perform additional configuration tasks before you install Oracle Business Intelligence. See "Installing on DHCP Hosts" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide.

  • If you plan to install Oracle Business Intelligence 11g on a computer that contains Oracle Business Intelligence 10g, shut down the Oracle Business Intelligence 10g installation before installing Oracle Business Intelligence 11g. To upgrade from Oracle Business Intelligence 10g to Oracle Business Intelligence 11g, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for further details.

  • Ensure that your database is not hardened for security purposes, as installing Oracle Business Intelligence against a hardened database is very likely to fail.

4.2 Obtaining Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer

Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer is available from the following sources:

If you download the .zip file from OTN or Oracle E-Delivery, extract the contents to a directory of your choice; this is referred to as the bi_installer_loc.


On Windows systems, ensure that you do not extract the .zip file to a directory name containing spaces.

4.3 Starting Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer

To start Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer:

  1. Open a command window, and do one of the following:

    • If you downloaded and extracted the Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer .zip file, access the bi_installer_loc/Disk1 directory.

    • If you have the Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer DVD, insert the DVD into your computer and access the Disk1 directory.

  2. Run the following command depending on your operating system:

    • Linux and UNIX:



    Running Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer as the root user is not supported.
    • Windows:


4.4 Installing Oracle Business Intelligence with Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer

This section describes how to use Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer to install Oracle Business Intelligence components on Windows, Linux, and UNIX operating systems. This section is organized by the following install types:

  • Simple install: Installs Oracle Business Intelligence components with the default settings on a single computer in the minimum number of steps. For complete details, refer to Section 4.4.1, "Simple Install."

  • Enterprise install for new installations: Installs a new Oracle Business Intelligence system for a hosted deployment on one or more computers. For complete details, refer to Section 4.4.2, "Enterprise Install for New Installations."

  • Enterprise install to scale out existing installations: Scales out an existing enterprise installation of Oracle Business Intelligence 11g. For complete details, refer to Section 4.4.3, "Enterprise Install to Scale Out Existing Installations."

    Alternatively, you can use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to scale out your installation. For more information, see Chapter 6 "Scaling Your Deployment" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • Software only install: Installs software binary files in an Oracle home for later configuration as part of a Fusion Middleware deployment. This install type is required to install Oracle Business Intelligence on an AIX operating system or with a 64-bit JVM, such as on a supported 64-bit operating system. For complete details, refer to Section 4.4.4, "Software Only Install."

For More Information

During the installation, if you need additional help with any Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer screens, do one of the following:

To resolve any issues encountered during the installation, see Section 4.7, "Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes."

4.4.1 Simple Install

Select the Simple Install type when you want to install Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, or Oracle Real-Time Decisions with the default settings on a single computer in the minimum number of steps. Considerations and Limitations for the Simple Install Type

Oracle does not recommend using the Simple Install type to install Oracle Business Intelligence on an AIX operating system or with a 64-bit JVM, such as on a supported 64-bit operating system. Instead, use the Software Only Install type. For details, refer to Section 4.4.4, "Software Only Install." Summary of Simple Install Procedure

Table 4-1, "Summary of Simple Install Procedure" summarizes the steps for installing Oracle Business Intelligence through the Simple Install type. Section, "Simple Install Procedure," provides more detailed instructions of this procedure.


Not all Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer screens may appear for your installation, depending on which options you select.

Table 4-1 Summary of Simple Install Procedure

Screen Actions


Start Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. See Section 4.3, "Starting Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer."


Click Next to continue.

Select Installation Type

Click the Simple Install option.

Click Next to continue.

Prerequisite Checks

Click Next to continue.

Specify Installation Location

Specify the Oracle Middleware home location.

Click Next to continue.

Administrator Details

Specify the user name and password for the system administrator.

Click Next to continue.

Configure Components

Uncheck the boxes next to the components that you do not want install and configure.

Click Next to continue.

Database Details

Specify the database type, the database connection string, and the user name and password for the Business Intelligence Platform schema.

Click Next to continue.

Security Updates

Specify your My Oracle Support account information and security update preferences.

Click Next to continue.


Verify the information on this screen.

Click Back to change the information in a previous screen.

Click Save to save the settings for the installation in a response file.

Click Install to begin the installation.

Installation Progress

When the installation is 100% complete, Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer automatically proceeds to the Configuration Progress screen.

Configuration Progress

When the configuration is 100% complete, click Next to continue.


Click Finish to exit Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. Simple Install Procedure

To install Oracle Business Intelligence and related components using the Simple Install type:

  1. Start Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. See Section 4.3, "Starting Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer."

  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  3. On the Select Installation Type screen, click Simple Install, and then click Next.

  4. On the Prerequisite Checks screen, after the prerequisite checks conclude with no errors, click Next.

    If an error message appears, fix the error and then click Retry to run the prerequisite check again (recommended). Repeat this until all prerequisite checks conclude with no errors.

    To stop the installation process while you fix a prerequisite error, click Abort.

    To ignore an error or warning message, and continue with the installation, click Continue (not recommended).


    Your installation might not function normally if you continue without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message during the prerequisite checks.
  5. On the Specify Installation Location (Simple) screen, specify the Middleware home as the installation location. To navigate to and select the directory, click Browse.

    If you specify a directory that exists, it must be empty. If you specify a directory that does not yet exist, Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer creates the directory for you.

    Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer designates the directory as the Middleware home. Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer also creates the Oracle home, Instance home, WebLogic home, and Domain home within this location.

    After you specify the directory, click Next.

  6. On the Administrator Details screen, specify the user name and password for the system administrator, and then click Next.

  7. On the Configure Components screen, all products are selected by default. Click the check box next to each component that you do not want to install now.

    Select all the products that you want or might want to install. You cannot install some products now and then install others later in the current domain.


    If you choose to install Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher gets installed automatically.

    After you make your selections, click Next.

  8. On the Database Details screen, specify the following:

    • The type of database for your Oracle Business Intelligence system.

    • The connect string for your database, in one of the following formats based on your database type:

      Database Type Format Description Example
      Oracle Database host:port:service_name host is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      port is the port number over which your database communicates

      service_name is the service name, or alias, assigned to your database

      Oracle Database with Oracle RAC host1:port1:instance1^host2:port2:instance2[@service_name] hostn is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      portn is the port number over which your database communicates

      instancen is the name of your database instance

      service_name (optional) is the service name, or alias, assigned to your database

      IBM DB2 host:port:db_name host is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      port is the port number over which your database communicates

      db_name is the name of your database

      Microsoft SQL Server host:port:[instance_name]:db_name host is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      port is the port number over which your database communicates

      instance_name (optional) is the name of your database instance. If omitted, the default named instance on the specified host is used.

      db_name is the name of your database


    • The user name for the Business Intelligence Platform schema.

    • The password for the Business Intelligence Platform schema.

    After you specify the database settings, click Next.

  9. On the Specify Security Updates screen, enter your My Oracle Support account information, and then click Next.

  10. On the Installation Summary screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in a response file (optional), and then click Install to start the installation.

  11. On the Installation Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of your installation. To stop the installation, click Cancel.


    As the installation progresses, a WebLogic Server command window might appear temporarily. Ignore the command window, as it is expected and closes automatically.
  12. On the Configuration Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of your software configuration and respond to errors, if any occur.

    If a configuration task fails, an error message appears. To retry the task, click Retry. To continue with the next task, click Continue (not recommended). To stop the installation and configuration process entirely, click Abort.

    For more information, see Section 4.7, "Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes."


    Your installation might not function normally if you choose to continue the installation process without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message. Oracle recommends that you attempt to resolve any issues before continuing or restarting the installation process. See Section 4.7, "Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes."

    After the configuration concludes without any errors, click Next.

  13. On the Installation Complete screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in a response file (optional), and then click Finish to exit Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer.

Next, refer to Section 4.6, "Postinstallation Tasks" for the list of tasks and related steps that you can perform after completing the installation process.

Some postinstallation tasks are required, depending on your situation, while others are optional. For example, if you installed Oracle Business Intelligence on a computer running a Linux or UNIX operating system, and you want to use Oracle Business Intelligence client tools, you must install another instance of Oracle Business Intelligence on a computer running a Windows operating system. See Section 4.6.1, "Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools."

4.4.2 Enterprise Install for New Installations

The Enterprise Install type enables you to install a new Oracle Business Intelligence system for a hosted deployment on one or more computers. When you select the Enterprise Install type for a new installation, Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer installs the Oracle Business Intelligence components that you select, such as Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, and Oracle Real-Time Decisions. Considerations and Limitations of Enterprise Install Type for New Installations

The following considerations and limitations apply to the Enterprise Install type for new installations:

  • The Enterprise install type is not supported when installing on an AIX operating system or with a 64-bit JVM, such as on a supported 64-bit operating system. Instead, use the Software Only Install type. For details, refer to Section 4.4.4, "Software Only Install."

  • To use the Enterprise install type to scale out an existing installation, refer to Section 4.4.3, "Enterprise Install to Scale Out Existing Installations." For more information on scaling out your installation, see Chapter 6 "Scaling Your Deployment" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer automatically assigns the Node Manager port (default = 9556), unless you specify your Oracle Business Intelligence ports manually using a configuration file such as staticports.ini. However, if installing Oracle Business Intelligence into a shared Fusion Middleware home where Node Manager is installed, Oracle Business Intelligence Platform Installer uses the existing Node Manager and its port number. Summary of Enterprise Install Procedure for New Installations

Table 4-2, "Summary of Enterprise Install Procedure for New Installations" summarizes the steps for using the Enterprise Install type for new installations. The procedure in Section, "Enterprise Install Procedure for New Installations" provides more detailed instructions.

Table 4-2 Summary of Enterprise Install Procedure for New Installations

Screen Actions


Start Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. See Section 4.3, "Starting Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer.".


Click Next to continue.

Select Installation Type

Click Enterprise Install.

Click Next to continue.

Prerequisite Checks

Click Next to continue.

Create or Scale Out BI System

Click Create New BI System and specify the following:

  • The user name and password of the system administrator

  • The domain name for the new Oracle Business Intelligence system

Click Next to continue.

Specify Installation Location

Specify the Oracle Middleware home location.

Optionally, change the following settings:

  • Domain home location

  • Oracle instance location

  • Oracle instance name

Click Next to continue.

Configure Components

Uncheck the boxes next to the components that you do not want to install and configure.

Click Next to continue.

Database Details

Specify the database type, the database connection string, and the user name and password for the Business Intelligence Platform schema.

Click Next to continue.

Configure Ports

Click one of the following options:

  • Auto Port Configuration: Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer configures the ports automatically.

  • Specify Ports Using Configuration File: Configure the ports using a configuration file that you specify.

Click Next to continue.

Security Updates

Specify your My Oracle Support account information and security update preferences.

Click Next to continue.


Verify the information on this screen.

Click Back to change the information in a previous screen.

Click Save to save the settings for the installation in a response file.

Click Install to begin the installation.

Installation Progress

When the installation is 100% complete, Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer automatically proceeds to the Configuration Progress screen.

Configuration Progress

When the configuration is 100% complete, click Next to continue.


Click Finish to exit Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. Enterprise Install Procedure for New Installations


Not all Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer screens may appear for your installation, depending on which options you select.

To install Oracle Business Intelligence and related components using the Enterprise Install type:

  1. Start Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. See Section 4.3, "Starting Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer."

  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  3. On the Select Installation Type screen, click Enterprise Install, and then click Next.

  4. On the Prerequisite Checks screen, after the prerequisite checks conclude with no errors, click Next.

    If an error message appears, fix the error and then click Retry to run the prerequisite check again (recommended). Repeat this until all prerequisite checks conclude with no errors.

    To stop the installation process while you fix a prerequisite error, click Abort.

    To ignore an error or warning message, and continue with the installation, click Continue (not recommended).


    Your installation might not function normally if you continue without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message during the prerequisite checks.
  5. On the Create or Scale Out BI System screen, click Create New BI System, and then enter the following information:

    • The user name and password for the system administrator

    • The domain name for the new Oracle Business Intelligence system

    Click Next.

  6. On the Specify Installation Location (Enterprise) screen, in the Oracle Middleware Home input box, type the path to the Oracle Fusion Middleware home directory or click Browse to navigate to the directory.

    If you specify a directory that exists, it must be empty. If you specify a directory that does not yet exist, Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer creates the directory for you.

    Optionally, change the following settings:

    • Domain Home Location

    • Oracle Instance Location

    • Oracle Instance Name

    Click Next.

  7. On the Configure Components screen, all products are selected by default. Click the check box next to each component that you do not want to install.

    Select all the products that you want or might want to install. You cannot install some products now and then install others later in the current domain.


    If you choose to install Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher gets installed automatically.

    After you make your selections, click Next.

  8. On the Database Details screen, specify the following:

    • The type of database for your Oracle Business Intelligence system.

    • The connect string for your database, in one of the following formats based on your database type:

      Database Type Format Description Example
      Oracle Database host:port:service_name host is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      port is the port number over which your database communicates

      service_name is the service name, or alias, assigned to your database

      Oracle Database with Oracle RAC host1:port1:instance1^host2:port2:instance2[@service_name] hostn is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      portn is the port number over which your database communicates

      instancen is the name of your database instance

      service_name (optional) is the service name, or alias, assigned to your database

      IBM DB2 host:port:db_name host is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      port is the port number over which your database communicates

      db_name is the name of your database

      Microsoft SQL Server host:port:[instance_name]:db_nam host is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      port is the port number over which your database communicates

      instance_name (optional) is the name of your database instance. If omitted, the default named instance on the specified host is used.

      db_name is the name of your database


    • The user name for the Business Intelligence Platform schema.

    • The password for the Business Intelligence Platform schema.

    After you specify the database settings, click Next.

  9. On the Configure Ports screen, click Auto Port Configuration or Specify Ports Using Configuration File.


    Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer automatically assigns the Node Manager port (default = 9556), unless you specify your Oracle Business Intelligence ports manually using a configuration file such as staticports.ini. However, if installing Oracle Business Intelligence into a shared Fusion Middleware home where Node Manager is installed, Oracle Business Intelligence Platform Installer uses the existing Node Manager and its port number.

    Click Next.

  10. On the Specify Security Updates screen, enter your My Oracle Support account information, and then click Next.

  11. On the Installation Summary screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in a response file (optional), and then click Install to start the installation.

  12. On the Installation Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of your installation. To stop the installation, click Cancel.


    As the installation progresses, a WebLogic Server command window might appear temporarily. Ignore the command window, as it is expected and closes automatically.
  13. On the Configuration Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of your software configuration and respond to errors, if any occur.

    If a configuration task fails, an error message appears. To retry the task, click Retry. To continue with the next task, click Continue (not recommended). To stop the installation and configuration process entirely, click Abort.

    For more information, see Section 4.7, "Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes."


    Your installation might not function normally if you choose to continue the installation process without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message. Oracle recommends that you attempt to resolve any issues before continuing or restarting the installation process. See Section 4.7, "Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes."

    After the configuration concludes without any errors, click Next.

  14. On the Installation Complete screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in a response file (optional), and then click Finish to exit Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer.

Next, refer to Section 4.6, "Postinstallation Tasks" for the list of tasks and related steps that you can perform after completing the installation process.

Some postinstallation tasks are required, depending on your situation, while others are optional. For example, if you installed Oracle Business Intelligence on a computer running a Linux or UNIX operating system, and you want to use Oracle Business Intelligence client tools, you must install another instance of Oracle Business Intelligence on a computer running a Windows operating system. See Section 4.6.1, "Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools."

4.4.3 Enterprise Install to Scale Out Existing Installations

The Enterprise Install type enables you to scale out an existing enterprise installation of Oracle Business Intelligence. When you select the Enterprise Install type to scale out an existing installation, Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer installs all Oracle Business Intelligence components that were installed on the primary host computer of the cluster, which you must specify. For example, if you installed Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition and Oracle Real-Time Decisions on the primary host, Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer installs only those two products on other computers in the cluster.

For more information on scaling out your installation, see Chapter 6 "Scaling Your Deployment" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. Considerations and Limitations of Enterprise Install Type for Scaling Out Existing Installations

The following considerations and limitations apply to the Enterprise Install type when scaling out existing installations:

  • Do not use the Enterprise Install type to scale out an existing installation on an AIX operating system or with a 64-bit JVM, such as with a supported 64-bit operating system. Use the Software Only Install type instead. For details, refer to Section 4.4.4, "Software Only Install."

  • Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer supports scaling out existing installations by installing each node of an Oracle Business Intelligence cluster on its own computer. This is referred to as "horizontal scaling." The instructions for this type of scaling are providing in this section. Do not use Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer to vertically scale an installation, that is, do not install two or more nodes of an Oracle Business Intelligence cluster on the same computer. The steps for vertical scaling are provided in Chapter 6 "Scaling Your Deployment" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer automatically assigns the Node Manager port (default = 9556), unless you specify your Oracle Business Intelligence ports manually using a configuration file such as staticports.ini. However, if installing Oracle Business Intelligence into a shared Fusion Middleware home where Node Manager is installed, Oracle Business Intelligence Platform Installer uses the existing Node Manager and its port number.

  • Before scaling out your system, you must verify that every computer where you plan to scale out can access (ping) the primary host computer of your cluster using its fully qualified domain name and can access the Oracle Business Intelligence install directory on that computer. For the installation to succeed, every computer where you scale out your installation must be able to support bidirectional communication with the Admin Server on the cluster's primary host and can access the Oracle Business Intelligence install directory.

  • Before initiating the scale out installation procedure, ensure that you are not logged in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. Summary of Enterprise Install Procedure to Scale Out Existing Installations

Table 4-3, "Summary of Enterprise Install Procedure to Scale Out Existing Installations" summarizes the steps for using the Enterprise Install type for scaling out existing installations. The procedure in Section, "Enterprise Install Procedure to Scale Out Existing Installations" provides more detailed instructions.

Table 4-3 Summary of Enterprise Install Procedure to Scale Out Existing Installations

Screen Actions


Start Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. See Section 4.3, "Starting Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer."


Click Next to continue.

Select Installation Type

Click Enterprise Install.

Click Next to continue.

Prerequisite Checks

Click Next to continue.

Create or Scale Out BI System

Click Scale Out BI System and specify the following:

  • The host name and port number for the Administration Server domain

  • The user name and password for logging in to the WebLogic Administration Server

Click Next to continue.

Scale Out BI System Details

Optionally, change the following settings:

  • Oracle instance location

  • Oracle instance name

Click Next to continue.

Configure Ports

Click one of the following options:

  • Auto Port Configuration: Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer configure the ports automatically.

  • Specify Ports Using Configuration File: Configure the ports using a configuration file that you specify.

Click Next to continue.

Security Updates

Specify your My Oracle Support account information and security update preferences.

Click Next to continue.


Verify the information on this screen.

Click Back to change the information in a previous screen.

Click Save to save the settings for the installation in a response file.

Click Install to begin the installation.

Installation Progress

When the installation is 100% complete, Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer automatically proceeds to the Configuration Progress screen.

Configuration Progress

When the configuration is 100% complete, click Next to continue.


Click Finish to exit Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. Enterprise Install Procedure to Scale Out Existing Installations


Not all Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer screens may appear for your installation, depending on which options you select.

To scale out an existing Oracle Business Intelligence installation using the Enterprise install type:

  1. Start Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. See Section 4.3, "Starting Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer."

  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  3. On the Select Installation Type screen, click Enterprise Install, and then click Next.

  4. On the Prerequisite Checks screen, after the prerequisite checks conclude with no errors, click Next.

    If an error message appears, fix the error and then click Retry to run the prerequisite check again (recommended). Repeat this until all prerequisite checks conclude with no errors.

    To stop the installation process while you fix a prerequisite error, click Abort.

    To ignore an error or warning message, and continue with the installation, click Continue (not recommended).


    Your installation might not function normally if you continue without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message during the prerequisite checks.
  5. In the Create or Scale Out BI System screen, click Scale Out BI System, and then enter the following information:

    • The host name and port number for the Administration Server domain

    • The user name and password for logging in to the WebLogic Administration Server.

    Click Next.

  6. On the Scale Out BI System Details screen, optionally change the following settings:

    • Oracle Instance Location

    • Oracle Instance Name

    Click Next.

  7. On the Configure Ports screen, click Auto Port Configuration or Specify Ports Using Configuration File.


    Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer automatically assigns the Node Manager port (default = 9556), unless you specify your Oracle Business Intelligence ports manually using a configuration file such as staticports.ini. However, if installing Oracle Business Intelligence into a shared Fusion Middleware home where Node Manager is installed, Oracle Business Intelligence Platform Installer uses the existing Node Manager and its port number..

    Click Next.

  8. On the Specify Security Updates screen, enter your My Oracle Support account information, and then click Next.

  9. On the Installation Summary screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in a response file, and then click Install to start the installation.

  10. On the Installation Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of your installation. To stop the installation, click Cancel.


    As the installation progresses, a WebLogic Server command window might appear temporarily. Ignore the command window, as it is expected and closes automatically.
  11. On the Configuration Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of your software configuration and respond to errors, if any occur.

    If a configuration task fails, an error message appears. To retry the task, click Retry. To continue with the next task, click Continue (not recommended). To stop the installation and configuration process entirely, click Abort.

    For more information, see Section 4.7, "Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes."


    Your installation might not function normally if you choose to continue the installation process without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message. Oracle recommends that you attempt to resolve any issues before continuing or restarting the installation process. See Section 4.7, "Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes."

    After the configuration concludes without any errors, click Next.

  12. On the Installation Complete screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in a response file, and then click Finish to exit Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer.

Next, refer to Section 4.6, "Postinstallation Tasks" for the list of tasks and related steps that you can perform after completing the installation process.

Some postinstallation tasks are required, depending on your situation, while others are optional. For example, if your scaled out enterprise installation uses an IBM DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server database, you must create an ODBC data source name on each Oracle Business Intelligence node. See Section 4.6.3, "Creating a DSN for IBM DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server."

4.4.4 Software Only Install

The Software Only Install type enables you to install software binary files in an Oracle home for later configuration as part of a Fusion Middleware deployment. When you select the Software Only Install type, Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer installs the software binary files for all Oracle Business Intelligence components, including Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, and Oracle Real-Time Decisions. Considerations and Limitations for Software Only Install Type

The following considerations and limitations apply to the Software Only Install type:

  • Use the Software Only Install type to install Oracle Business Intelligence on an AIX operating system or with a 64-bit JVM, such as on a supported 64-bit operating system. For supported operating systems, refer to section 3.1 "System Requirements and Certification" of Platform Release Notes on Oracle Technology Network (http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation).

  • You must install Oracle WebLogic Server separately before initiating a Software Only Install or install Oracle Business Intelligence into an existing Middleware home that contains Oracle WebLogic Server. For more information on installing Oracle WebLogic Server, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  • To scale out your installation using the Software Only Install type on a shared network drive and with a shared Fusion Middleware home, you must specify the same domain home for all computers in your cluster. This can be accomplished by setting the same value in the Domain Home field in the Scale BI System Details screen of the Configuration Assistant. Using the same domain home for all computers in a scaled-out system with a shared Middleware home is required to start one or more managed servers within a domain through Node Manager. Summary of Software Only Install Procedure

Table 4-4, "Summary of Software Only Install Procedure" summarizes the steps for installing with the Software Only Install type. The procedure in Section, "Software Only Install Procedure" provides more detailed instructions.

Table 4-4 Summary of Software Only Install Procedure

Screen Actions


Start Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. See Section 4.3, "Starting Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer."


Click Next to continue.

Select Installation Type

Click Software Only Install.

Choose this option to copy the software binary files to the target computer. You do not configure your components until after the installation finishes.

Click Next to continue.

Prerequisite Checks

Click Next to continue.

Specify Installation Location

Specify the Oracle Middleware home and Oracle Business Intelligence home locations.

Click Next to continue.

Security Updates

Specify your My Oracle Support account information and security update preferences.

Click Next to continue.


Verify the information on this screen.

Click Back to change the information in a previous screen.

Click Save to save the settings for the installation in a response file.

Click Install to begin the installation.

Installation Progress

When the installation is 100% complete, click Next to continue.


Click Finish to exit Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. Software Only Install Procedure


You must install Oracle WebLogic Server separately before initiating the Software Only Install procedure.

To install Oracle Business Intelligence using the Software Only Install type:

  1. Start Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer. See Section 4.3, "Starting Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer."

  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  3. On the Select Installation Type screen, click Software Only Install, and then click Next.

  4. On the Prerequisite Checks screen, after the prerequisite checks conclude with no errors, click Next.

    If an error message appears, fix the error and then click Retry to run the prerequisite check again (recommended). Repeat this until all prerequisite checks conclude with no errors.

    To stop the installation process while you fix a prerequisite error, click Abort.

    To ignore an error or warning message, and continue with the installation, click Continue (not recommended).


    Your installation might not function normally if you continue without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message during the prerequisite checks.
  5. On the Specify Installation Location (Software Only) screen, in the Oracle Middleware Home input box, type the path to an existing Middleware home directory or click Browse to navigate to the directory.

    The Middleware home that you specify can be from an existing WebLogic Server or Fusion Middleware product installation (including Oracle Business Intelligence).

    Optionally, change the location of the Oracle Home Directory.

    Click Next.

  6. On the Specify Security Updates screen, enter your My Oracle Support account information, and then click Next.

  7. On the Installation Summary screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in a response file (optional), and then click Install to start the installation.

  8. On the Installation Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of your installation. To stop the installation, click Cancel.


    As the installation progresses, a WebLogic Server command window might appear temporarily. Ignore the command window, as it is expected and closes automatically.
  9. On the Installation Complete screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in a response file (optional), and then click Finish to exit Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer.

Next, refer to Section 4.6, "Postinstallation Tasks" for the list of tasks and related steps that you can perform after completing the installation process.

Some postinstallation tasks are required, depending on your situation, while others are optional. For example, after completing the Software Only Install, you must configure your installation. See Section 4.6.2, "Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence with the Configuration Script."

4.5 Silent Installation

This section describes how to install Oracle Business Intelligence from the command line in silent mode. Silent installation eliminates the need to monitor the Oracle Business Intelligence installation because no graphical output is displayed and no input by the user is required.

This section contains the following topics:

4.5.1 What is a Silent Installation?

Silent installation of Oracle Business Intelligence is accomplished by supplying the installation program with a response file and using the -silent flag on the command line. The response file is a text file containing variables and parameter values that provide answers to the installation program prompts.

You can also deinstall the software silently on your system by using the -d or -deinstall parameter from the command line. See Section 5.5, "Silent Deinstallation."

4.5.2 Creating Response Files

Before performing a silent installation, you must provide information specific to your installation in a response file. If you attempt to install using a response file that is not configured correctly, the installation program is very likely to fail.

You can create response files manually in a text editor or automatically by installing Oracle Business Intelligence and clicking Save on the Installation Summary screen. With the latter option, Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer prompts you for a name and location where to save the response file. After you create a response file, you can use it to replicate the installation on other systems, or you can modify it in a text editor as needed. Command Line Variables

  • Installer Variables

    Installer variables are specified using VarName=value. For example:


  • Session Variables

    Session variables are specified using session:varName=value.

  • Component Variables

    Component variables are specified using session:compInternalName:[Version:]varName=value. Sample Commands

To perform a silent installation, use the following command:

> ./runInstaller -silent -response file -invPtrLoc file

Below is a full example of this command:

> ./runInstaller -silent -response /home/jdoe/response/oracle.classicwls.top.Custom.rsp -invPtrLoc /home/jdoe/oraInst.loc

If you installed an Oracle product on your system and do not need to specify an inventory location, then you can use a command similar to the following:

> ./runInstaller -silent -response file

Below is a full example of this command:

> ./runInstaller -silent -response /home/jdoe/response/oracle.classicwls.top.Custom.rsp

4.5.3 Creating the oraInst.loc File

The Oracle inventory directory is used by the installation program to keep track of all Oracle products installed on the computer. The inventory directory is stored in a file called oraInst.loc. If this file does not exist on your system, the installation program creates it automatically.

4.5.4 Pre-Installation Tasks

If this is the first time you are installing on your system (meaning there is no pre-existing Oracle inventory location), Oracle recommends that you validate that your environment meets the installation requirements. You can perform this task interactively or silently.

To interactively validate that your environment meets the installation requirements, run the following command, depending on your operating system:

On Linux and UNIX:

./runInstaller -validate

On Windows:

setup.exe -validate

To silently validate that your environment meets the installation requirements, run the following command, depending on your operating system:

On Linux and UNIX

./runInstaller -silentvalidate -response response_file_path

On Windows:

setup.exe -silentvalidate -response response_file_path

4.5.5 Silent Installation Instructions

The syntax for running the installation program from the command line is shown below.

  • On Linux and UNIX systems:

    runInstaller [-mode] [-options] [(CommandLinevariable=Value)*]

  • On Windows systems:

    setup.exe [-mode] [-options] [(CommandLinevariable=Value)*]

Table 4-5 shows installer command line parameters.

Table 4-5 Installer Command Line Parameters

Parameter Description

Installation Modes. Only one mode can be specified.



Launches the installer in GUI mode. This is the default mode and is used if no mode is specified on the command line.


Install in silent mode. You must provide a response file or command line variable value pairs to the installation program.



Launches the installation program in GUI mode for deinstallation. These parameters are only valid when running the installer in an Oracle home.



Launches the installation program in GUI mode but only checks the prerequisites. No software is installed.



Launches the installation program in GUI mode and performs all prerequisite and validation checking, but does not install any software.



Performs all prerequisite and validation checking in silent mode. You must pass the installation program either a response file or a series of command line variable value pairs.

Installation Options




Displays the usage parameters for the runInstaller command.

-invPtrLoc file

Pointer to the inventory location file. Replace file with the full path and name of the oraInst.loc file.

-response file

-responseFile file

Pointer to the response file. Replace file with the full path and name of the response file.

-jreLoc location

Pointer to the location where Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed. Replace location with the full path to the jre directory where your JRE is installed.

-logLevel level

Specify the level of logging performed by the installation program; all messages with a lower priority than the specified level are recorded. Valid levels are:

  • severe

  • warning

  • info

  • config

  • fine

  • finer

  • finest


Obtain debug information from the installation program.


Allow the silent installation to proceed in a non-empty directory.


Log debugging information pertaining to disk usage.


Log debugging information pertaining to memory usage.


Log debugging information pertaining to time usage. This command causes the timeTakentimestamp.log file to be created.


Windows only. The installation program waits for completion instead of spawning the Java engine and exiting.


Messages are not displayed to the console window.


Ignore the results of the system prerequisite checks and continue with the installation.


Execute the system prerequisite checks only, then exit.

-paramFile file

Specify the full path to the oraparam.ini file. This file is the initialization file for the installation program. The default location of this file is Disk1/install/platform.


Disables all validation checking performed by the installation program.


For the GUI install, several screens have information or default values pre-populated. Specifying this option disables this behavior so that no information or values are pre-populated.

4.6 Postinstallation Tasks

After completing the installation process, there may be one or more configuration-related tasks that you want to or, in some cases, must perform. Such postinstallation tasks are covered in this section, including:

Some configuration and administration topics covered in other guides may be of interest. Table 4-6, "Topics Covered in Other Guides" lists these topics, and indicates where to go for more information.

Table 4-6 Topics Covered in Other Guides

Topic Where to Go for More Information

General configuration

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition


  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

4.6.1 Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Client Tools

Oracle Business Intelligence provides the following client tools, which are supported on 32-bit Windows operating systems only:

  • Oracle Business Intelligence ODBC Driver

  • Oracle Business Intelligence JDBC Driver

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Administration Tool

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog Manager

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Job Manager

If you installed Oracle Business Intelligence on a computer running a Linux, UNIX, or 64-bit Windows operating system, and you want to use Oracle Business Intelligence client tools, you must perform the following additional steps:

  1. Install another Oracle Business Intelligence instance on a computer running a 32-bit Windows operating system. For this, you must first create a new set of BIPLATFORM and MDS schemas in your database using RCU (see Section 3.3.4, "Running RCU to Create Oracle Business Intelligence Database Schema"). To install Oracle Business Intelligence, you can use the Simple Install type (see Section 4.4.1, "Simple Install").

    The 32-bit Windows computer hosts the Oracle Business Intelligence client tools only, while the Linux, UNIX, or 64-bit Windows computer hosts your active Oracle Business Intelligence system. Before initiating the Simple Install, verify that the 32-bit Windows computer can access the Linux, UNIX, or 64-bit Windows computer that is running your active Oracle Business Intelligence system.

  2. After installing the new Oracle Business Intelligence instance, disable or shut down all Oracle Business Intelligence services on the 32-bit Windows computer, including OPMN and Node Manager.

  3. On the 32-bit Windows computer, configure a separate DSN for the Administration Tool to connect to your active Linux, UNIX, or 64-bit Windows system. Do not use the default, centrally managed DSN to connect to your active system. For the instructions on configuring a separate ODBC DSN, see "Configuring an ODBC DSN for the Oracle BI Server on Windows" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

4.6.2 Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence with the Configuration Script

With the Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script, you configure Oracle Business Intelligence software that was installed through the Software Only Install type. The Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script enables you to configure a new enterprise installation or a scaled out enterprise installation of Oracle Business Intelligence products, including Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, and Oracle Real-Time Decisions.

This section contains the following topics: Considerations and Limitations for Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence with the Configuration Script

The following considerations and limitations apply when configuring Oracle Business Intelligence with the configuration script:

  • Do not run the Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script to scale your installation vertically. For vertical scaling, see Chapter 6 "Scaling Your Deployment" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • You cannot extend the domain using the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard, which is found in ORACLE_HOME/common/bin. Specifically, you cannot add more Oracle Business Intelligence components to an existing Business Intelligence domain using this wizard, and you cannot add Oracle Business Intelligence to an existing domain created by Oracle WebLogic Server or another Oracle Fusion Middleware product. Starting the Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration Script

Start the Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script from the bin directory in the ORACLE_HOME (Oracle_BI1), based on your operating system:

Linux and UNIX commands:



Windows commands:


config.exe Configuring a New Enterprise Installation

To configure a new enterprise installation of Oracle Business Intelligence using the configuration script:

  1. Start the Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script. See Section, "Starting the Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration Script."

  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  3. On the Prerequisite Checks screen, after the prerequisite checks conclude with no errors, click Next.

    If an error message appears, fix the error and then click Retry to run the prerequisite check again (recommended). Repeat this until all prerequisite checks conclude with no errors.

    To stop the configuration process while you fix a prerequisite error, click Abort.

    To ignore an error or warning message, and continue with the configuration process, click Continue (not recommended).


    Your installation might not function normally if you continue without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message during the prerequisite checks.
  4. On the Create or Scale Out BI System screen, click Create New BI System, and then enter the following information:

    • The user name and password for the system administrator

    • The domain name for the new Oracle Business Intelligence system

    Click Next.

  5. The Specify Installation Location (Enterprise) screen displays the current Middleware home and other key locations for the new installation.

    Optionally, change the following settings:

    • Domain Home Location

    • Oracle Instance Location

    • Oracle Instance Name

    Click Next.

  6. On the Configure Components screen, all products are selected by default. Click the check box next to each component that you do not want to configure.

    Select all the products that you want or might want to configure. You cannot configure some products now and then configure others later in the current domain.


    If you choose to configure Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher gets configured automatically.

    After you make your selections, click Next.

  7. On the Database Details screen, specify the following:

    • The type of database for your Oracle Business Intelligence system.

    • The connect string for your database, in one of the following formats based on your database type:

      Database Type Format Description Example
      Oracle Database host:port:service_name host is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      port is the port number over which your database communicates

      service_name is the service name, or alias, assigned to your database

      Oracle Database with Oracle RAC host1:port1:instance1^host2:port2:instance2[@service_name] hostn is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      portn is the port number over which your database communicates

      instancen is the name of your database instance

      service_name (optional) is the service name, or alias, assigned to your database

      IBM DB2 host:port:db_name host is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      port is the port number over which your database communicates

      db_name is the name of your database

      Microsoft SQL Server host:port:[instance_name]:db_name host is the fully qualified name of the computer that hosts your database

      port is the port number over which your database communicates

      instance_name (optional) is the name of your database instance. If omitted, the default named instance on the specified host is used.

      db_name is the name of your database


    • The user name for the Business Intelligence Platform schema.

    • The password for the Business Intelligence Platform schema.

    After you specify the database settings, click Next.

  8. On the Configure Ports screen, click Auto Port Configuration or Specify Ports Using Configuration File.


    The Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script automatically assigns the Node Manager port (default = 9556), unless you specify your Oracle Business Intelligence ports manually using a configuration file such as staticports.ini. However, if configuring Oracle Business Intelligence in a shared Middleware home where Node Manager is installed, the Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script uses the existing Node Manager and its port number.

    Click Next.

  9. On the Specify Security Updates screen, enter your My Oracle Support account information, and then click Next.

  10. On the Summary screen, click Save to save the settings for this configuration in a response file (optional), and then click Configure to start the configuration process.

  11. On the Configuration Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of your software configuration and respond to errors, if any occur.

    If a configuration task fails, an error message appears. To retry the task, click Retry. To continue with the next task, click Continue (not recommended). To stop the installation and configuration process entirely, click Abort.

    For more information, see Section 4.7, "Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes."


    Your installation might not function normally if you choose to continue the configuration process without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message. Oracle recommends that you attempt to resolve any issues before continuing or restarting the configuration process. See Section 4.7, "Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes."

    After the configuration concludes without any errors, click Next.

  12. On the Complete screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in a response file (optional), and then click Finish to exit the Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script. Configuring a Scaled Out Enterprise Installation

To configure a scaled out enterprise installation of Oracle Business Intelligence using the configuration script:

  1. Start the Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script. See Section, "Starting the Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration Script."

  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  3. On the Prerequisite Checks screen, after the prerequisite checks conclude with no errors, click Next.

    If an error message appears, fix the error and then click Retry to run the prerequisite check again (recommended). Repeat this until all prerequisite checks conclude with no errors.

    To stop the configuration process while you fix a prerequisite error, click Abort.

    To ignore an error or warning message, and continue with the configuration process, click Continue (not recommended).


    Your installation might not function normally if you continue without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message during the prerequisite checks.
  4. In the Create or Scale Out BI System screen, click Scale Out BI System, and then enter the following information:

    • The host name and port number for the Administration Server domain

    • The user name and password for logging in to the WebLogic Administration Server.

    Click Next.

  5. On the Scale Out BI System Details screen, optionally change the following settings:

    • Oracle Instance Location

    • Oracle Instance Name

    Click Next.

  6. On the Configure Ports screen, click Auto Port Configuration or Specify Ports Using Configuration File.


    The Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script automatically assigns the Node Manager port (default = 9556), unless you specify your Oracle Business Intelligence ports manually using a configuration file such as staticports.ini. However, if configuring Oracle Business Intelligence in a shared Middleware home where Node Manager is installed, the Oracle Business Intelligence script uses the existing Node Manager and its port number.

    Click Next.

  7. On the Specify Security Updates screen, enter your My Oracle Support account information, and then click Next.

  8. On the Summary screen, click Save to save the settings for this configuration in a response file, and then click Configure to start the configuration process.

  9. On the Configuration Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of your software configuration and respond to errors, if any occur.

    If a configuration task fails, an error message appears. To retry the task, click Retry. To continue with the next task, click Continue (not recommended). To stop the installation and configuration process entirely, click Abort.

    For more information, see Section 4.7, "Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes."


    Your installation might not function normally if you choose to continue the configuration process without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message. Oracle recommends that you attempt to resolve any issues before continuing or restarting the configuration process. See Section 4.7, "Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes."

    After the configuration concludes without any errors, click Next.

  10. On the Complete screen, click Save to save the settings for this configuration in a response file (optional), and then click Finish to exit the Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script.

4.6.3 Creating a DSN for IBM DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server

If you installed the Oracle Business Intelligence schemas using RCU on an IBM DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server database, and you have scaled out your system on multiple hosts, you must create an ODBC data source name (DSN) on each node where you scaled out Oracle Business Intelligence. You create each ODBC DSN by using the same data source details of the ODBC DSN used by the BI Scheduler on the primary node of the cluster. The steps that you perform depend on the operating systems of the computers where you scaled out Oracle Business Intelligence.

To create an ODBC DSN on the scaled-out nodes of an Oracle Business Intelligence cluster:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Open the Scheduler tab of the Deployment page to identify the IBM DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server data source of the primary node of the cluster.

  3. Close Fusion Middleware Control.

  4. Access the primary node of your Oracle Business Intelligence cluster and identify the data source details, as follows:

    • Linux and UNIX:

      The data source details are available in odbc.ini. Open odbc.ini from the following location:


    • Windows:

      The data source details are available in the ODBC Data Source Administrator window. To access this window, click Start, select Settings, and click Control Panel.

      In Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Data Sources (ODBC).

      In the ODBC Data Source Administrator window, click the System DSN tab, select the SQL Server or DB2 data source of the primary node of the cluster, and then click Configure.

  5. Make a note of the driver types and the data source details. The BI Scheduler uses ODBC data sources, which appear in the following formats, depending on your database type:

    • IBM DB2:


    • Microsoft SQL Server:


  6. Close odbc.ini or the ODBC Data Source Administrator window, depending on your operating system.

  7. On each scaled out node, do the following depending on your operating system:

    • Linux and UNIX:

      Open odbc.ini from the following location:

      ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIApplication/ coreapplication/setup/

      Update odbc.ini with the same data source details as those of the primary node. Save your changes and close odbc.ini.

    • Windows:

      Click Start, select Settings, and click Control Panel. In Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Data Sources (ODBC).

      In the ODBC Data Source Administrator window, click the System DSN tab, and then click Add. In the Create New Data Source window, select the driver type and click Finish.

      Then, follow the steps in the wizard to enter the data source details of the primary node.

4.6.4 Managing the OPMN Service on Windows Operating Systems

After installation, the OPMN Service appears as stopped in the Services list on Windows operating systems, as Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer starts OPMN directly. You can manage OPMN by running opmnctl.bat, which is located in the following directory:


The OPMN Services is set to manual, therefore, you must manually restart it if you restart your system.

4.6.5 Configuring Sample Reports for BI Publisher

Oracle Business Intelligence provides several sample reports that you can access through BI Publisher. Some reports depend on data models that source data from the OE sample schema provided by Oracle Database. For these reports to run correctly, unlock the OE sample schema and configure the “demo” JDBC connection on the BI Publisher Administration page as described in the following procedure.

To configure the sample reports for BI Publisher:

  1. Unlock the OE sample schema and obtain the connection string for it. For more information, refer to the documentation provided with Oracle Database.

  2. In a supported Web browser, open the BI Publisher Admin page for the JDBC Data Source Connections.

  3. In the demo JDBC Data Source connection details, specify and save the connection string for the OE sample schema.

    For example:

    Connection String: jdbc:oracle:thin:@my.company.com:1521:orcl

    Username: OE

    Password: oe password


If you do not have access to an OE schema or privileges to update the demo JDBC Data Source, some sample reports are very likely to fail with errors of the following form:


The report cannot be rendered because of an error, please contact the administrator.

Error Detail Parameter name:

param Invalid number format for port number

4.7 Troubleshooting the Installation and Configuration Processes

For more information about a specific error or warning that appeared during the installation process, refer to the installation log file. The location of the installation log file depends on your operating system and on where you opted to create the oraInventory directory for the first Oracle product you installed (that is, if multiple Oracle products are installed on the current computer).

The following are the default locations for supported operating systems:

  • Linux and UNIX:


  • Windows:

    C:\\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\

If your installation did not conclude successfully or if you terminated the installation process during the Configuration phase, you must clean up your failed or terminated installation before you attempt to install Oracle Business Intelligence again. The deinstallation process that you follow depends on the type of installation you attempted. For example, if you attempted to install Oracle Business Intelligence on a single computer, see Section 5.1.1, "Deinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence on a Single Computer." For the list of supported deinstallation processes, see Section 5.1, "Deinstallation Scenarios."

Furthermore, some tasks in a particular deinstallation process might not be relevant to your situation, depending on which task or tasks failed during your installation attempt. For example, if the installation failed before the installer created an Oracle Business Intelligence instance, then the procedure for deinstalling the instance (described in Section 5.4.2, "Deinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence Instances") does not apply and should not be followed.

4.8 Reinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence

The installer does not allow reinstallation of Oracle Business Intelligence in a directory that contains another Oracle Business Intelligence installation. To reinstall Oracle Business Intelligence in the same directory as before, first deinstall the software as described in Chapter 5, "Deinstalling Oracle Business Intelligence." Then, return to this chapter and follow the installation instructions that best match your needs.