7 Working With Content Server Connections

This section covers these topics:

7.1 About Content Server Connections

Before you can integrate content management features into your desktop experience, you must establish a connection with a server, so you can access the files on it. You can define server connections in any of the integrated applications (Windows Explorer, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, or Lotus Notes). You only need to define a server connection once. When you create a new server connection, that connection will be available to all supported applications on your computer that you use to interact with the content server. Once you have defined a server connection, you can begin working with that server based on your server permissions.

If you add or remove a server connection, or change its display name, this only affects your own computer. The server settings are stored on your own computer; no other users are affected. Also, when you uninstall the Desktop Integration Suite client software from your computer and reinstall it (for example, to upgrade to a newer version), all previously configured server connections will continue to be available after you reinstall the software.


Your system administrator may decide to set up all content server connections for you.

7.2 Content Server Types

The Desktop Integration Suite client can connect to these types of servers:

  • UCM Content Server: This is an instance of Oracle Content Server, which is part of Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM). These servers offer the broadest content management integration: opening files directly from the server (check-out), saving files to the server (check-in), searching for files on the server, and so on.

  • Content DB Server: This is an Oracle Content Database (Content DB) server. These servers offer some content management integration. You can open files directly from the server and save files to it, but you cannot search for files on the server using Desktop Integration Suite.

  • WebDAV Server: This is a non-UCM, non-Content DB server that supports the standardized Web Distributed Authoring And Versioning (WebDAV) enhancements to the HTTP protocol. (Please note that the WebDAV DeltaV extension is not supported.) These servers offer some content management integration. You can open files directly from the server and save files to it, but you cannot search for files on the server using Desktop Integration Suite.

You select the content server type when you create the server connection (see "Adding a Content Server Connection"). Consult your system administrator if you are not sure which server type to use.

Server Type Icons

Each server type has its own icons that visually identify it in the integration hierarchy.

Server Icons Server Type
Icons for UCM servers UCM content server (that is, an Oracle Content Server instance)
Icons for Content DB servers Oracle Content Database (Content DB) server
Icons for WebDAV servers Other WebDAV server

7.3 Content Server Capabilities

The Desktop Integration Suite client software provides different content management features depending on the server type (see Content Server Types), as outlined in the table below.

Content Management Capability UCM Servers Content DB Servers WebDAV Servers
Checking files out of the server yes yes yes
Checking files and e-mails in to the server by saving them to server folders yes yes yes
Checking files and e-mails in to the server by dragging and dropping them into server folders yes yes yes
Checking files and e-mails in to the server using a check-in form yes no no
Browsing to files on the server yes yes yes
Searching for files on the server yes no no
Dragging and dropping files into folders on the server yes yes yes
Working with offline files on the server yes yes yes
Copying links to files and folders on the server yes yes yes
Creating shortcuts to files and folders on the server yes yes (2) yes (2)
Propagating metadata to subfolders and files yes no no
Inserting links to files on the server into Microsoft Office documents yes no no
Inserting content files from the server into Microsoft Office documents yes no no
Inserting graphic files from the server into Microsoft Office documents yes no no
Comparing Word documents on the server yes no no
Working with content profiles on search and check-in pages yes (1) no no
Seeing your checked-out content, workflow assignments, and saved queries yes (1) no no


  1. Only if you are connecting to Oracle Content Server 11g, not earlier versions.

  2. Only standard Windows shortcuts, not content server shortcuts (see "About Content Folder and File Shortcuts").

7.4 Content Server URLs

When creating a content server connection, you must provide the WebDAV URL for that server, and possibly its CGI URL (depending on the server type). Please note that each defined content server connection must have its own, unique WebDAV URL. You cannot have two server connections on your computer that use the exact same WebDAV URL.

Oracle Content Server

Oracle Content Server instances ("UCM servers") require both a WebDAV URL and CGI URL. The WebDAV URL typically has the following form:


For example:


The CGI URL is typically the same as the WebDAV URL, without '/webdav', for example:


See "Identifying the URLs for Oracle Content Server" for a way to find out what the URL of an Oracle Content Server instance is. You can also ask your system administrator what URLs to use.

If clients should connect to an Oracle Content Server 11gR1 instance using basic authentication rather than form-based authentication (that is, using a login dialog), then '_dav' should be added to the server's WebDAV URL and HTTPS should be used, for example:


WebDAV URLs with '_dav' are not supported in Oracle Content Server 10gR3 and 7.5.2.

Content DB Servers and WebDAV Servers

Content DB servers and other WebDAV servers require only a WebDAV URL. What this URL looks like is entirely dependent on the server location and configuration. You may want to ask your system administrator what URLs to use.


You may not need to set up server connections for Desktop Integration Suite on your own computer, as this is often handled by system administrators.

7.5 Online vs. Offline Servers

A content server can be in online or offline state. If a content server is online, there is a live connection to that server (after providing your login user name and password) and you can view and interact with the folders and files on the content server, based on your server permissions.

If a content server is offline, there is no live connection to the server, but you can still access the files from that server that are in your local cache (see "Local Caching of Content Files"). You can specifically designate content files and entire folders to be available offline (see "Making Folders and Files Available Offline"). Copies of the latest file revisions are then retrieved from the content server and put in the local cache on your computer. Working with a content server in offline mode may be useful if you want to access some files on that server when no connection to the server is available (for example, outside of the workplace).

To work with a content server in offline mode, right-click that server in the integration hierarchy or the content pane, and choose Work Offline in the context menu. The server icon then changes to include an offline indicator (Figure 7-1). In addition, the Work Offline option in the server's context menu is preceded by a check mark. To cancel the offline status, simply select the Work Offline option in the context menu again.

Figure 7-1 Offline Icon

Offline icon

7.6 Server Context Menus

The Desktop Integration Suite context menus may include the following server-related options:

  • Open: Opens the selected server in a new window, with the folders pane not visible (when selected in folders pane), or opens the selected server in the content pane (when selected in the content pane).

  • Search... (UCM content servers only): Opens a search form on the current content server where you can specify criteria and search for items on that server based on these criteria. See "Searching a Content Server" and "Searching for Content Files" for more information.

  • Log Off: Breaks the connection to the current content server. This means that you will have to provide your login credentials (user name and password) again the next time you want to access that server. See "Logging Off a Content Server" for more information.

  • Work Offline: Disconnects you from the current content server. This means that you will only have access to the files on that server that have been marked to be available offline. See "Working With a Content Server Offline" and "Working With Offline Content Folders and Files" for more information.

  • Remove: Enables you to remove the selected server connection from the integration hierarchy. See "Removing a Content Server Connection" for more information.

  • Properties: Opens a dialog which shows a number of properties of the current content server. See "Viewing or Editing Content Server Connection Properties" for more information.

  • Add Server...: Opens a dialog where you can add a new content server connection to the integration hierarchy. See "Adding a Content Server Connection" for more information.

  • Save Query: Saves the current search query in your list of saved queries (see "My Saved Queries"). This enables you to quickly perform the search query again to see the latest dynamic search results.

  • View Query Definition: Opens a dialog that shows the query statement for the selected saved query.

7.7 Adding a Content Server Connection

When you add a server connection to your integration hierarchy, you can connect to that server and work with the content on it.

Perform these steps to add a new content server connection:

  1. Windows Explorer or E-mail Application:

    1. Select the top-level integration folder ("Oracle Content Servers") in your folders pane. You may need to enable its display in your e-mail application (see "Showing or Hiding the Oracle Content Servers Hierarchy").


      Move the mouse cursor to an unused area in the content pane (that is, away from any of the items listed in it).

    2. Right-click and choose Add Server... in the context menu.

      The Add Server dialog is displayed (see "Add Server Dialog").

    Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel:

    1. Open the Oracle UCM menu or ribbon, and then choose Edit Server List....

      The Edit Server List dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server List Dialog").

    2. Choose New....

      The Add Server dialog is displayed (see "Add Server Dialog").

    Microsoft Outlook:

    1. Open the Oracle UCM menu and choose Email Integration Settings.....

      The Email Checkin Settings dialog is displayed (see "Email Checkin Settings Dialog").

    2. Choose Edit Server List.

      The Edit Server List dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server List Dialog").

    3. Choose New....

      The Add Server dialog is displayed (see "Add Server Dialog").

    Lotus Notes:

    1. Open the Actions menu and choose Email Integration Settings.....

      The Email Checkin Settings dialog is displayed (see "Email Checkin Settings Dialog").

    2. Choose Edit Server List.

      The Edit Server List dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server List Dialog").

    3. Choose New....

      The Add Server dialog is displayed (see "Add Server Dialog").

  2. In the Server Name text box, enter the name for the new server connection. This is the name that is displayed in the integration hierarchy. You can use any name as long as it is not already used for another server.

  3. Select the type of content server in the Server Type list:

    • UCM Content Server

    • Content DB Server

    • WebDAV Server

    See "Content Server Types" for more information. Contact your system administrator if you are not sure which server type to use.

  4. In the text box under Server WebDAV URL, enter the URL for your WebDAV server. This information is needed to access the resources provided by your WebDAV server.

    A URL is automatically inserted using the name you specified as the server name. You may need to modify this information to suit your particular server. Contact your system administrator if you do not know exactly what WebDAV URL to use. See also "Content Server URLs" and "Identifying the URLs for Oracle Content Server".


    Each defined content server connection must have its own, unique WebDAV URL. You cannot have two server connections on your computer that use the exact same WebDAV URL.
  5. In the text box under CGI URL, enter the CGI URL for your content server.

    A URL is automatically inserted using the name you specified as the server name. You may need to modify this information to suit your particular server. Contact your system administrator if you do not know exactly what CGI URL to use. See also "Content Server URLs" and "Identifying the URLs for Oracle Content Server".

    Please note that the CGI URL section is not available for content servers of type "Content DB Server" and "WebDAV Server," since they do not use a CGI URL.

  6. If you want the server connection to use single sign-on (SSO), select the Use Single Sign-On checkbox and provide the URL of the single sign-on (SSO) server that is used to control access to the content server. Contact your system administrator if you are not sure whether you should select this option.

    Please note that the SSO section is not available for content servers of type "UCM Server" (that is, Oracle Content Server instances).

  7. Click Options to open the Server Options dialog (see "Server Options Dialog") for Oracle Content Server instances, where you can set the authentication method for the server as well as the metadata fields whose values should be remembered for new check-ins. Click OK when you are done.

  8. Click OK in the Add Server dialog.

    The new server connection is now added to the integration hierarchy (under "Oracle Content Servers"), and is available to all other integrated applications.


Please note the following with regard to content server connections:

  • When you add a new server connection, it is available on your own computer only, not on any other user's computer.

  • When you create a new server connection, that connection will be available to all supported applications on your computer that you use to interact with the content server.

  • If you uninstall and then reinstall the Desktop Integration Suite software (see "Installing the Latest Version of Desktop Integration Suite"), any server connections that you set up earlier will continue to be available after reinstalling the software.

7.8 Viewing or Editing Content Server Connection Properties

Perform these steps to view or edit the properties of an existing content server connection:

  1. Windows Explorer:

    1. Select a content server in the Oracle Content Servers integration hierarchy.

    2. Right-click and choose Properties in the context menu.

      The Server Properties dialog is displayed (see "Server Properties Dialog").

    Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel:

    1. Open the Oracle UCM menu or ribbon, and then choose Edit Server List....

      The Edit Server List dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server List Dialog").

    2. Select the server connection whose properties you want to view, and choose View....

      The Edit Server dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server Dialog").

    Microsoft Outlook:

    1. Open the Oracle UCM menu and choose Email Integration Settings.....

      The Email Checkin Settings dialog is displayed (see "Email Checkin Settings Dialog").

    2. Choose Edit Server List.

      The Edit Server List dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server List Dialog").

    3. Select the server connection whose properties you want to view, and choose View....

      The Edit Server dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server Dialog").

    Lotus Notes:

    1. Open the Actions menu and choose Email Integration Settings.....

      The Email Checkin Settings dialog is displayed (see "Email Checkin Settings Dialog").

    2. Choose Edit Server List.

      The Edit Server List dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server List Dialog").

    3. Select the server connection whose properties you want to view, and choose View....

      The Edit Server dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server Dialog").

  2. You cannot change the server name, type, and URLs in Microsoft Office applications and e-mail applications. In Windows Explorer, you may change the server name if no content items on the server are currently in your local cache (see "Local Caching of Content Files"). If you modify the server name, it is updated automatically in the Oracle Content Servers integration hierarchy.

    For servers of type "UCM Content Server," you can modify the server options. Click Options... in the Edit Server dialog to open the Server Options dialog, where you can set the authentication method for the server as well as the metadata that will be remembered for each check-in. See "Server Options Dialog" for more information.


    You cannot edit any of the URLs of a server connection. If you need to modify a server URL, you should remove the server connection and re-create it using the URL you want.
  3. Click OK when you are done.

7.9 Removing a Content Server Connection

When you remove a server connection from the integration hierarchy, you can no longer work with the content on that server from your desktop applications.

Perform these steps to remove a server connection:

  1. Windows Explorer:

    1. Select a content server in the Oracle Content Servers integration hierarchy in your folders pane.

    2. Right-click and choose Remove in the context menu. Alternatively, you can also press Delete on your keyboard.

    Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel:

    1. Open the Oracle UCM menu or ribbon, and then choose Edit Server List....

      The Edit Server List dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server List Dialog").

    2. Select the server connection that you want to remove, and choose Delete.

    Microsoft Outlook:

    1. Open the Oracle UCM menu and choose Email Integration Settings.....

      The Email Checkin Settings dialog is displayed (see "Email Checkin Settings Dialog").

    2. Choose Edit Server List.

      The Edit Server List dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server List Dialog").

    3. Select the server connection that you want to remove, and choose Delete.

    Lotus Notes:

    1. Open the Actions menu and choose Email Integration Settings.....

      The Email Checkin Settings dialog is displayed (see "Email Checkin Settings Dialog").

    2. Choose Edit Server List.

      The Edit Server List dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server List Dialog").

    3. Select the server connection that you want to remove, and choose Delete.

  2. Click Yes to confirm

    The server is automatically removed from the Oracle Content Servers integration hierarchy and is no longer available in all integrated applications on your computer. Please note that only the server connection is removed; no content files are deleted from the actual server.

7.10 Connecting to a Content Server

In order to access a content server from one of the supported desktop applications, you need to establish a connection to that server. To do so, select the content server in the integration hierarchy. You are then typically prompted to provide your login credentials (that is, your user name and password). Once you enter this information, you are able to view and interact with the files on the content server.

You will typically see a login web form or a login dialog, depending on the authentication setup used for the content server. In either case, provide your assigned user name and password to gain access to the files on the server.


You may be logged off a content server automatically if there is no activity for a certain period of time.

7.11 Logging Off a Content Server

When you are finished interacting with a content server, you may wish to break the server connection (log off). To log off a content server, right-click that server in the Oracle Content Server integration hierarchy and choose Log Off in the context menu. You can then no longer access the content on the server until you log back on.

To log on to a server after you logged off, click the server in the Oracle Content Servers hierarchy. When prompted, enter your user name and password. (Depending on the authentication setup and the content server configuration, you may not be prompted for your logon information.)


You may be logged off a content server automatically if there is no activity for a certain period of time.

7.12 Working With a Content Server Offline

You can work with a content server in offline mode. This means that you cannot directly access any files on the server, but you can work with files from the server that are currently in your local cache. See "Online vs. Offline Servers" and "Local Caching of Content Files" for more information.

To work with a content server in offline mode, right-click that server in the integration hierarchy or the content pane, and choose Work Offline in the context menu. The server icon then changes to include an offline indicator (Figure 7-2). In addition, the Work Offline option in the server's context menu is preceded by a check mark. To cancel the offline status, simply select the Work Offline option in the context menu again.

Figure 7-2 Offline Server Indicator

Offline icon

7.13 Searching a Content Server

You can search Oracle Content Server instances ("UCM servers") to find the file that you want to work with. You can do this directly from the integration hierarchy in Windows Explorer or your e-mail application (Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes).


You cannot search Content DB servers or other WebDAV servers. You must browse to files on these servers to select them.

The search results are displayed as a separate node in the integration hierarchy called "Search Results," so you can conveniently access the search results from your desktop without having to open the content server web browser interface. You can interact with content items in the Search Results node just as you could any other content item on the content server. For example, you can conveniently view, check in, and check out a content item in the folder (see Chapter 8, "Working With Content Folders and Files"). You can also view the content information page and make changes to the assigned metadata, if necessary.

The items in the search results list are the actual files (not a copy or pointer of some sort), and that is why you may see the content displayed in multiple places, such as in a contribution folder and in the search results list.


The items in the search results list are the actual files (not a copy or pointer of some sort). If you delete a file from the search results list, you are removing the actual content item from the content server. Be careful when working with items in the search results list!

By default, search results only include content items contained within contribution folders. Your system administrator may configure the content server to search all content items, regardless of whether they are in contribution folders, so that all files on the content server are included when you search that server.

You can view one set of search results at a time, for each server you are connected to through the integration hierarchy. The results of the last search you entered while you were in the Windows Explorer or e-mail application session are shown. When you close the session by closing the window, the search results list is cleared.

Perform these steps to search a content server:

  1. With any item in a server hierarchy selected, right-click and choose Search... in the context menu,


    click the Search icon in the toolbar (Figure 7-3).

    Figure 7-3 Search Icon

    Search icon

    The Content Query Capture dialog is displayed (see "Content Query Capture Dialog"). This screen is basically the standard Oracle Content Server search form.

  2. Enter the search criteria in the form and click Search.

    The results are displayed in a node called Search Results under the associated content server in the integration hierarchy.

7.14 Setting Metadata To Be Remembered for Form-Based Check-ins

For each server connection, you can set the metadata that will be "remembered" each time you check in a content item using a content check-in form. As a result, at each check-in, the metadata values you used at the last check-in will pre-populate the metadata fields configured to be remembered (assuming these values are available). If you enter new values in the metadata fields, the new ones will be used for the file (and also remembered for the next form-based check-in).

You can set the metadata fields to be remembered for a server when you initially create a connection to that server (see "Adding a Content Server Connection"), or you can modify this setting later:

  1. In Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, open the Oracle UCM menu or ribbon, and choose Edit Server List....

    In Microsoft Outlook, open the Oracle UCM menu, then choose Email Integration Settings..., and then Edit Server List.

    In Lotus Notes, open the Actions menu, then choose Email Integration Settings..., and then Edit Server List.


    You cannot modify this setting in Windows Explorer once you have created a server connection. If you want to modify the metadata to be remembered for a server, you must change the setting in Microsoft Office or your e-mail application.

    The Edit Server List dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server List Dialog").

  2. Select the server for which you want to set the metadata to be remembered, and click View....

    The Edit Server dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server Dialog").

  3. Click Options....

    The Server Options dialog is displayed (see "Server Options Dialog").

  4. Open the Remember Metadata Fields tab (see "Server Options: Remember Metadata Fields"), and move the metadata fields whose values should be remembered between check-ins from the left column ("Available Metadata Fields") to the right column ("Selected Metadata Fields").

  5. Close all dialogs.

This setting takes effect immediately.

7.15 Setting the Authentication Method

For each server connection, you can set the authentication method that is used when you log on to the server. The authentication method is set up by the content server administrator and there is generally no need to change the default on your client computer unless specifically asked to do so.

You can set the authentication method for a server when you initially create a connection to that server (see "Adding a Content Server Connection"), or you can modify it later:

  1. In Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, open the Oracle UCM menu or ribbon, and choose Edit Server List....

    In Microsoft Outlook, open the Oracle UCM menu, then choose Email Integration Settings..., and then choose Edit Server List.

    In Lotus Notes, open the Actions menu, then choose Email Integration Settings..., and then choose Edit Server List.


    You cannot modify this setting in Windows Explorer once you have created a server connection. Should you need to change the authentication method of a server, you must change the setting in Microsoft Office or your e-mail application.

    The Edit Server List dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server List Dialog").

  2. Select the server for which you want to set the authentication method, and click View....

    The Edit Server dialog is displayed (see "Edit Server Dialog").

  3. Click Options....

    The Server Options dialog is displayed (see "Server Options Dialog").

  4. Open the Authentication tab (see "Server Options: Authentication"), and select the authentication method to be used. Contact your content server administrator if you are not sure which authentication method to use.

  5. Click OK to close the Server Options dialog, and OK to close the Edit Server dialog.

This setting takes effect immediately.

7.16 Identifying the URLs for Oracle Content Server

When creating a content server connection, you must provide the WebDAV URL for that server, and possibly its CGI URL (depending on the server type). For Oracle Content Server instances ("UCM servers"), the WebDAV URL typically has the following form:


For example:


The CGI URL typically is the same as the WebDAV URL, without '/webdav'. To find out what the CGI URL of an Oracle Content Server instance is, log in to that server using your web browser and look at the URL in the browser address bar. The CGI URL is the address from the beginning up to, but not including, the question mark (?), as shown in Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4 CGI URL of Oracle Content Server

Address bar in web browser, with CGI URL highlighted.

You can copy and paste this URL to the URL fields in the Add Server dialog (see "Add Server Dialog"). Please note that each defined content server connection must have its own, unique WebDAV URL. You cannot have two server connections on your computer that use the exact same WebDAV URL.


Contact your content server administrator if you have any problems determining the server URLs.