
Specifies values for the Web server plug-in to get from its local data and send in the header of its requests.

For example, if you have a plug-in to the Web server filter getting some attributes for a user and placing them into a local value, you could specify the name of the attributes in IdcAuthExtraRequestParams, and the data would be passed to the Content Server.

This setting can also be used to access extra HTTP header values using Idoc Script. These variables will become part of the Data Binder environment variable set.

  • The names in the IdcAuthExtraRequestParams list must match the header names without regard for case (case insensitive match).

  • When used as Idoc Script variables, the names in the IdcAuthExtraRequestParams must match exactly (case sensitive match).

There is no default value.

See the IdcCommand Reference Manual for more information.

Type and Usage




The following setting tells the IIS Web server plug-in to send the local value of HTTP_REFERER in the header (IIS automatically adds the HTTP_ prefix):
