
Checks if the page currently being displayed is for the revision being looped over while building the Revision History table on a content information page.

Type and Usage


  • Returns TRUE if the loop is at the same revision as the current revision.

  • Returns FALSE if the loop is not at the same revision as the current revision.


If the loop is at the current revision, the revision number is displayed as plain text. If the loop is not at the current revision, the revision number is displayed as an active button.

<@dynamichtml doc_rev_info@>
<$if IsFilePresent$>
  <td width=10% align=center><span class=strongHighlight><$dRevLabel$></span></td>
  <td nowrap width=30%><span class=strongHighlight><$dInDate$></span></td>
  <td nowrap width=30%><span class=strongHighlight>
    <$if dOutDate$><$dOutDate$><$else$><$lc("wwNone")$><$endif$></span></td>
      <td width=20%><span class=strongHighlight>
      <$rptDisplayMapValue("StatusList", dStatus)$></span></td>
  <td width=10%><form action="<$HttpCgiPath$>" method=GET>
  <input type=hidden name=IdcService value="DOC_INFO">
  <input type=hidden name=dID value="<$dID$>">
  <input type=hidden name=dDocName value="<$dDocName$>">
  <input type=submit value="       <$dRevLabel$>      ">