
Gets the Web version of a text file and returns its contents to a string.

  • This can be used only with files that have a format containing text, such as text/html, text/plain, or text/xml.

  • There must be enough information to determine the content item's Web URL. The dID value is the only required metadata field.

    The following information must be present:

    • dDocName, dWebExtension, dSecurityGroup, dRevLabel, and dDocType.

    • If Accounts are enabled, dDocAccount must also be specified.

    This information is available automatically after a GET_SEARCH_RESULTS call or after a DOC_INFO call.

  • This function should be wrapped with a cacheInclude call for greater performance. That can, however, create a security issue if all docs go to the same cache.

Type and Usage


This function does not take parameters but uses variables on the page to determine the document's URL.


<$loop SearchResults$>

See Also