
Specifies that a metadata field option list does not allow multiple values to be selected.

Type and Usage


  • Returns TRUE if the field is not a multiselect option list.

  • Returns FALSE if the field is a multiselect option list.


Specifies that the field is not a multiselect option list:


Determines the type of option list:

<$if #active.fieldOptionListType like "*multi*"$>
    <$exec isMultiOption=1$>
<$elseif #active.fieldOptionListType like "access*"$>
    <$exec isAccessList=1$>
    <$exec isStrictList=1$>
<$elseif not (#active.fieldOptionListType like "*combo*")$>
    <!--Strict choice-->
    <$exec isStrictList=1$>

See Also