
Defines the default thumbnail timeout.

  • Returns the thumbnail timeout values.

  • This variable must be followed by one of these flags:

    Flag Description
    #factor This value is multiplied by the file size to determine the amount of time allowed for thumbnail conversion. (The resulting time is limited by the #max and #min flags.) The default value is 3. Increase this value for busy or slow systems.
    #max Specifies the maximum time in seconds that the Inbound Refinery waits for the thumbnail conversion process to complete. The default time is 60 seconds.
    #min Specifies the minimum time in seconds that the Inbound Refinery waits for the thumbnail conversion process to complete. The default time is 5 seconds.

Type and Usage


  • Shared Inbound Refinery Configuration screen, Timeout Values tab, Default Timeout for Graphics

  • IntradocDir/IdcRefinery/shared/idcrefinery.cfg


Used as a configuration entry:
