13 Using Simple Profiles

Oracle URM uses Simple Profiles functionality. This enablesa user to set up customized check-in, search, and updating pages based on a site's needs.

This chapter provides an overview of profiles and details about how to create new profiles. It discusses the following topics:

13.1 About Simple Profiles

Simple Profiles are based on Content Profile functionality. Content Profiles is a field-based approach to customizing content screens. Simple Profiles is a form-based application. A software wizard tool steps the user through the process of creating a profile. Users can customize the forms by choosing what fields will appear, the order of the fields, and can create tool tips and prompts to remind the user of needed actions and valid entries.

Most users do not have the security privileges required to use the Content Profile tool in the Configuration Manager applet, but all users are able to use Simple Profiles, regardless of their security privileges. The Simple Profile functionality meets Department of Defense 5015 certification requirements and enables individual users to set their own defaults for a personal profile.

13.2 Creating a Profile

This section discusses how to set up a new profile using the Simple Profiles component.

System profiles are created by a administrator and can be accessed by any user according to the configuration. Personal profiles are created and configured by a user for personal use. If a administrator sets up a personal profile, it is available for use only by the administrator, not to others in the enterprise.


The Records User right is required to perform this action.

Profiles limit information displayed on often-used pages, thus making it easier for users to see or enter only information which is directly relevant. Profiles can be considered a type of filter for what information will be displayed.

A profile is composed of rules and a trigger value, based on a trigger field. Select the trigger field in the initial step of setting up the profile then use the Simple Profiles interface to set the rules to control the trigger.

13.2.1 Trigger Fields

The first step in the profile process is to determine a trigger field. The trigger must match the following criteria:

  • It must be an option list metadata field. The fields that are defined as option list fields are the only fields that appear in the list for trigger selection.

  • After a trigger field has been defined for a system profile, it cannot be deleted from the system. (A user can delete a trigger field defined for a personal profile.)

  • A trigger field can be disabled by a administrator using the Profiles tab of the Configuration Manager applet. Click Select, then select none specified from the Add Profile Screen, then click OK.

  • Caution:

    If a trigger field is disabled, all profiles are disabled but they remain listed on the Search and New Check In menu. If a trigger field is changed after profiles have been created that use that field, the existing profiles could become invalid.

If a metadata field in a document matches a trigger value for a profile that profile is used for the document.You can have an unlimited number of profiles, but only one trigger value per profile. For example, if a trigger field is dDocType, Profile 1 can use a trigger value of ADACCT. Profile 2 can use a trigger value of ADSALES.

13.2.2 Rules

A rule is a set of metadata fields that determine how the fields are displayed on the Check In, Update, Content Information, and Search pages. It also determines if fields are editable, required, hidden, excluded, or read-only. A rule can be evaluated for every profile (global) or can be evaluated for a specific profile.

A global rule is one which is always evaluated. It automatically affects the fields displayed on the Check In, Update, Content Information, and Search pages even if it is not included in a profile.

Global rules are evaluated first for documents and searches with profiles. Because profile rules are evaluated after global rules, global rules can be superseded by profile rules. However, administrators can set the priority for the global rule and increase its precedence.


Global rules on system profiles affect all personal profiles that other users create. The defaults, descriptions, and labels that a administrator creates in this type of profile will be used on the personal profiles other users create if the rules are made global.

13.2.3 Profile Pages

After determining the trigger value, set up the following elements in Simple Profile pages by using either the profile configuration Wizard (when creating a new simple profile) or page menu options. See "Wizard Page Menu" or "Profiles Page Menu" for details.


Some of these elements are restricted to use by administrators only at a site. Available elements also may be limited by the configuration for a site.
  • Configure fields: Use to choose the fields to appear on forms and whether those fields are excluded, hidden, uneditable (read-only) or required. See "Selecting Fields for Inclusion" for details.

  • Set field formats: Use to specify the formats for fields. See "Setting Field Formats".

  • Set default values: Use to set the default values for fields. See "Setting Default Values" for details.

  • Set derived values: Use to set the derived values for fields. See "Setting Default Values".

  • Group fields: Use to determine how the fields are grouped, the headings used, and any other descriptive information about the groups. See "Grouping Fields" for details.

  • Set labels: Use to change the display names for the fields used in the profile. See "Setting Labels" for details.

  • Set descriptions: Use to add a field label tool tip for a field to explain the field usage. See "Setting Descriptions" for details.

  • Restrict options: Use to restrict what appears on a form or to determine the order of options in a list, depending on the field choice. See "Restricting Options" for details.

  • Set activation condition: Use to set the activation condition that changes profile behavior based on different inputs. See "Setting Activation Conditions" for details.

  • Limit access (Administrators Only): Use to limit access to a system profile based on a security group. See "Limiting Access (Administrators Only)" for details.

  • Set search order: Use to set the search order for search results and the direction of a search (ascending or descending). See "Setting the Search Order" for details.

Include as many of these elements as needed in the profile.

Designing a profile consists of a number of steps. The exact number and order of the steps depends on the elements to be included in the profile. This document describes all the steps. Choose the steps needed for the profile.

13.3 Designing a Simple Profile

System profiles are profiles which can be used by all users. These are typically created by administrators. Personal profiles are profiles which are created by individual users for their own personal use. The following sections describe how to create and configure a profile.


Some tasks are restricted to administrators.


When creating a new profile, you can test the effects of the profile and then edit the functionality. You can exit the Wizard at various points in the profile creation process and view the effect of the profile. To return to editing the profile, select Edit, then Update Profile from the Page menu bar for the profile. If you have closed the profile, from the Profile Listing Page select Edit, then Update Profile from the Actions menu for the desired profile. Use the Wizard Page Menu to quickly navigate to the specific page you need to update.

13.3.1 Adding a New Profile

Follow these steps to create a new system or personal profile using Simple Profiles. Add as many elements to the profile as needed. The pages that are displayed in the Wizard depend on the elements selected in the Wizard fields.

  1. Access the Simple Profile functionality on the system. Click Records or Physical (to create a profile for physical items) then Configure then Simple Profile. Choose the profile type.

    The Profile Listing Page is displayed.

  2. To create a new profile, click Create, then Create Profile or Create Global Profile on the Page menu bar.

    The Create/Update Simple Profile Page is displayed.

  3. Enter a name for the profile. This name can be a maximum field length of 50 characters and cannot contain special characters (; @ &, and so on).

  4. Enter a display label for the profile. This name appears in the New Check In menu list and in the Search menu list.

  5. Enter a description for the profile.

  6. Choose the trigger value for the profile. When the trigger field matches this trigger value, the profile will be used. Depending on the type of trigger chosen, a list may be available where a value can be selected.

  7. If the rules in a profile should be used globally, select the Is Global check box. Global rules are those which are always evaluated, regardless of the criteria selected for the profile. An administrator can apply global rules to a system profile, which will affect all users. A user can apply global rules, however, those rules apply only to the user's personal profiles.


    Global rules for a system profile may affect personal profiles. The defaults, descriptions, and labels created in the system profile may affect pages used in creating personal profiles.
  8. If global rule is selected, choose a priority number. A low priority number gives a lower precedence. The rule will be executed before other higher priority rules, which means any changes made by higher priority rules may override those made by this rule.

  9. Leave the Clear Search Trigger Value checkbox unchecked to prevent pre-populating the trigger value specified in step 6. Default behavior is to allow the trigger value to be inserted on the Search pages that use the profile. By checking this box, the trigger value is not used.

  10. Select the auxiliary metadata set or sets to use as a source for field values.

  11. Select the elements to include by clicking the appropriate check boxes in the Wizard Fields list.

  12. When finished selecting elements to include, click Save.

    The first page in the configuration Wizard is displayed on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page.

  13. Make any configuration choices for each page in the Wizard. After specifying the configuration for each page, click Save, and the Wizard will continue with the next page in the sequence.

    To avoid saving the configuration for a page, click Reset to return the settings to their original values. At any time during this process the user can click Exit Wizard and the configuration is saved in the new profile, even if the user has not completed all the pages.


    In some pages, if you choose a field but don't specify a value for it, a message will appear to tell you to specify a value.
  14. When you finish configuring the last page in the profile Wizard sequence, click Save.

    The Simple Profile Information Page is displayed. From this page the user can update, delete, or copy the profile.

13.3.2 Using the Create/Update Profile Pages

The profile pages available for configuring a new simple profile depend on the options selected on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. However, the following general procedure can be used to manage the information on any of the pages:

  • Click a field name to designate it for use. To designate a block of fields, click the first field, then press the Shift key and click the final field in the block.

  • Click the arrow icons to move the field from one location to another. A field can only be used in one location at a time. On some pages, arrow icons also can be used to sort the order of fields.

  • If a field has an additional element, such as a label to be associated with the field or a value that can be selected, that information appears at the bottom of the page.

  • To save the page and move to the next page in the Wizard sequence, click Save.

  • To exit the process and save the profile at any point, click Exit Wizard.

  • To reset the values on the page, click Reset.

  • To receive help information for the page, click Quick Help. Actions Menu Options

The Actions for the individual profiles lists the following frequently used actions: Wizard Page Options

The Wizard Page Menu shows the pages available for use in the profile using the configuration wizard. Move between pages in the profile by selecting a page from this menu. Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process

  • To exit the profile design process, click Exit Wizard on any design page. A message is displayed, indicating the configuration wizard has been exited. Click OK.

    The Simple Profile Information Page for the profile is displayed.


    When you click Exit Wizard while using the configuration wizard, your profile is saved temporarily and does not appear on New Check In or Search menus for use. You must complete the design process and click Save in order to use the profile.
  • To reset the current page and lose all changes made to it, click Reset.

  • When finished the configuration on the page, click Save. The next page in the profile design sequence is displayed. When a user reaches the final page and clicks Save, the process is complete. Selecting Fields for Inclusion

select Field Configurations from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. The Simple Profile Field Configuration Page is displayed. Use this page to determine actions for the specified fields.

  • Excluded Fields: these fields are not available for use on any future pages used in the profile design process.

  • Hidden Fields: these fields can continue to be used even though they are not displayed. This allows a user to set defaults, descriptions, and other useful information for those fields which will remain on the form when the document is checked in.

  • Uneditable Fields: these fields are those which cannot be altered during the Check In or Update process.

  • Required Fields: these fields must be filled in by the user. If a field is designated as required, a message can be included when prompted at the bottom of the page.

  1. Select the available fields to use and move them into the appropriate box on the opposite side of the page. Use the arrows to sort the order of the fields in each box.

  2. If a selected field also has a required message, it is shown in a Required Messages section on the page. Review the information and make modifications.

  3. When done, click Save.

    The next page in the profile creation process is displayed.

See "Using the Create/Update Profile Pages" for details about moving fields into designated areas on this page. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details about saving or resetting the page. Setting Field Formats

Select Field Formats from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. The Simple Profile Field Formats Page is displayed. Use this page to specify formats for the fields in the profile.

  1. Select the available fields to use and move them to the Format Fields box.

    When a format field is selected, a Format Values section is displayed.

  2. In the Format Values section, for each format field, click the box if a format hint is needed on the Check In page.

  3. For each selected field, enter a format value for a format different than the existing format. Formats specify the type of information that can be entered by the user when the field appears on a form, usually alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric.

  4. After setting all the field formats, click Save.

    The next page in the profile creation process is displayed.

See "Using the Create/Update Profile Pages" for details about moving fields into designated areas on this page. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details about saving or resetting the page. Setting Default Values

Select Field Defaults from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. The Simple Profile Field Default Values Page is displayed. Use this page to set default values for the fields in the profile.

  1. Select the available fields to use and move them to the Default Fields box.

    When specifying a default field, a Default Values section is displayed.

  2. In the Default Values section, for each default field a field value can be entered. Check the Advanced box where Idoc Script can be entered to specify how the default value will be used after evaluation for processing.

  3. After setting all default values, click Save.

    The next page in the profile creation process is displayed.

See "Using the Create/Update Profile Pages" for details about moving fields into designated areas on this page. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details about saving or resetting the page. Setting Derived Values

Select Field Derived Values from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. The Simple Profile Field Derived Values Page is displayed. Use this page to set derived values for the fields in the profile.

  1. Select the available fields and move them to the Derived Fields box.

    When a derived field is specified, a Derived Values section is displayed.

  2. In the Derived Values section, for each derived field, specify a derived value. Check the Advanced box where Idoc Script can be entered to specify how the derived value will be used after evaluation for processing.

  3. After setting all derived values, click Save.

    The next page in the profile creation process is displayed.

See "Using the Create/Update Profile Pages" for details about moving fields into designated areas on this page. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details about saving or resetting the page. Grouping Fields

Select Field Groups from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. The Simple Profile Field Groups Page is displayed. Use this page to group fields together on the Check In, Update, Search, and Content Information pages.


If you chose to configure fields and excluded some fields on the Simple Profile Field Configuration Page, those fields do not appear for use on this page. In addition, if you chose to hide fields, those fields do not appear for use on this page.
  1. Select the available fields to use and move them to the Default box or an added group box. The Default box can be used for information that has pre-defined defaults, or for any fields that should appear at the bottom of the form that uses the profile.

  2. To create a new group, click Add Group.

    The Edit Profile Group Dialog page appears.

    1. Enter a name for the new group. The ID can be a maximum of 50 characters and should not include special characters (#, @, etc.)

    2. Enter a header for the new group. The header appears on the form when the profile is used.

    3. Enter a description for the new group. When the user's cursor is placed on the title on the form, this description appears as a field label tooltip.

    4. Enter any detailed information that identifies the new group.

    5. Select the Is Allow Collapse box to allow users to collapse the group when viewing the page.

    6. Select the Is Initially Collapsed check box to collapse the group on initial use of the page.

    To exit without saving the group, click Cancel. When done creating the new group, click Save.

  3. To edit any group on the page, including the Default group, click the page icon next to the group title.

    The Edit Profile Group Dialog for that group opens where information can be edited.

  4. To delete a group, click the delete icon in the group title line.

    The fields that were selected for inclusion in the group are returned to the Available Fields box.

  5. To rearrange the order of fields in a group, select a field, then click the up or down arrow icon to move the field into the appropriate position.

  6. When finished arranging the groups on the page, click Save.

    The next page in the profile creation process is displayed.

See "Using the Create/Update Profile Pages" for details about moving fields into designated areas on this page. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details about saving or resetting the page. Setting Labels

Select Field Labels from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. The Simple Profile Field Labels Page is displayed. Use this page to add labels to fields on the Check In, Update, Search, and Content Information pages.


If you chose to configure fields and excluded some fields on the Simple Profile Field Configuration Page, those fields do not appear for use on the current page. In addition, if you chose to hide fields, those fields do not appear for use on this page.
  1. Select the available fields and move them to the Labeled Fields box.

    If a labeled field is specified, a Label Values section is displayed.

  2. For each specified labeled field, a label can be entered for the field next to the field name.

  3. When done, click Save.

    The next page in the profile creation process is displayed.

See "Using the Create/Update Profile Pages" for details about moving fields into designated areas on this page. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details about saving or resetting the page. Setting Descriptions

Select Field Descriptions from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. The Simple Profile Field Descriptions Page is displayed. Use this page to add field label tooltips on the Check In, Update, Search, and Content Information pages.


If you chose to configure fields and excluded some fields on the Simple Profile Field Configuration Page, those fields do not appear for use on the current page. In addition, if you chose to hide fields, those fields do not appear for use on this page.
  1. Select the available fields and move them to the Description Fields box.

    When specifying a description field, the Description Values section is displayed.

  2. Enter a short description for each field in the Description Values section. This description appears as a field label tool tip when the user places the cursor on the field label.

  3. If needed, enter a detailed description for a field. This description appears when the user clicks on the field label.

  4. When done, click Save.

    The next page in the profile creation process is displayed.

See "Using the Create/Update Profile Pages" for details about moving fields into designated areas on this page. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details about saving or resetting the page. Restricting Options

Select Field Restricted Options from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. The Simple Profile Field Restricted Options Page is displayed. Use this page to restrict the choices on any option lists used in the profile.


Only fields that have option lists associated with them appear for use on this page.
  1. Select the available fields and move them to the Restricted Fields box.

  2. Select the field to restrict in the Restricted Fields box and click Update Options.

    The Restricted Options Dialog is displayed.

  3. Select values to use in the Available Options box and move them to the Selected Options box.

  4. To change the order of the options, click the up or down arrow icons. Use this tool to place more frequently used items at the top of the list.

  5. To exit without saving the group, click Cancel. When done selecting and arranging the options, click Save.

  6. When done selecting all option lists, click Save.

    The next page in the system profile creation process is displayed.

See "Using the Create/Update Profile Pages" for details about moving fields into designated areas on this page. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details about saving or resetting the page. Setting Activation Conditions

Select Activation Conditions from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. TheSimple Profile Activation Conditions Page is displayed. Use this page to specify the event, action, or state that triggers the rules in the profile.


By default all of the conditions are selected. Remove the selection for those conditions you do not want the profile to use.

Not all combinations of activation conditions are valid and some may be mutually exclusive. Be careful when using combinations of condition types.

  1. Choose activation conditions by selecting the box next to the appropriate activation condition:

    Event Activation Conditions

    • On request: when a search request is initiated.

    • On Submit: when a check in is initiated.

    • On Import: when an archive is imported.

    Action Activation Conditions

    • Check In New: when checking in new content.

    • Check In Selected: when checking in selected content.

    • Info: when accessing content information.

    • Update: when updating content information.

    • Search: when searching for content.

    Flag Activation Conditions

    • Is Workflow: when a document is in a workflow

    • Is Not Workflow: when a document is scheduled for a workflow but not active in the workflow.


      If no workflow check box is selected, the workflow state is ignored as a criteria for activation.
  2. Advanced box: To have script activated whenever this profile is submitted, enter the Idoc Script here. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Administrator's Guide for Content Server for details about creating profile scripts.

  3. When done, click Save.

    The next page in the profile creation process is displayed.

See "Using the Create/Update Profile Pages" for details about moving fields into designated areas on this page. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details about saving or resetting the page. Limiting Access (Administrators Only)

Select Limit Access Values from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. The Simple Profile Limit Access Values Page is displayed. Use this page to specify if access to the system profile should be limited according to pre-defined security accounts, roles, and groups for the Check In and Search pages.


You can limit access based on a security group and an account (if accounts have been enabled). A user must belong to the security group and account in order to use the profile.

If a user is not a member of a security group, or a security group and an account, then the user will not see the profile in the Search or Check In menus.

  1. Limit access to the Check In page by selecting the security group from the menu. Only users in that security group will be able to check in content using this profile.

  2. If accounts are in place, select the account from the menu for the Check In page. Only users with that account and in the security group specified in step 1 will be able to use this profile on the Check In page.

  3. If roles are set up, select the role from the menu for the Check In page. Only users with that role and the account and in the security group specified in step 2 will be able to use this profile on the Check In page.

  4. Limit access to the Search page by selecting the security group from the menu. Only users in that security group will be able to search for content using this profile.

  5. If accounts are set up, enter the account name or select the account from the menu. Only users with that account and in the security group specified in step 4 will be able to use this profile on the Search page.

  6. If roles are set up, select the role from the menu. Only users with that role and the account and in the security group specified in step 5 will be able to use this profile on the Search page.

  7. When done, click Save. The next page in the profile creation process is displayed.

See "Using the Create/Update Profile Pages" for details about moving fields into designated areas on this page. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details about saving or resetting the page. Setting the Search Order

Select Search Order from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. The Simple Profile Search Order Page is displayed. Use this page to specify the criteria and order for Search fields. Move higher priority fields to the top of the Search Fields list.

  1. Select the available fields and move them to the Search Fields box.

    When a search field is selected, it is listed in the Search Criteria section.

  2. You can set the search order of fields by using the up or down arrow keys to assign a field a higher or lower sorting priority.

  3. In the Search Criteria section, to sort a field by ascending order, select the box by the Search Field name. Fields are sorted in descending order by default.

  4. When done, click Save.

    If no more modifications are needed to the profile, click Exit Wizard. The Simple Profile Information Page is displayed.

See "Using the Create/Update Profile Pages" for details about moving fields into designated areas on this page. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details about saving or resetting the page.

13.4 Administrative Profiles


The Record Administrator or PCM Administrator role is required to create administrative profiles.

Users with administrative privileges can create personal profiles or can create profiles to be used by other Oracle URM users.

The process used to create administrative profiles is the same as that used to create user profiles. However, to create an administrative profile, select Configure Retention Administration from the Administration menu. Select Configure then Simple Profiles then the profile type. Profiles created in this manner appear on the check-in or search menus, where users can access them.

13.5 Profile Management

Keep the following points in mind when managing system and personal profiles created with the Simple Profiles component:

  • A copied profile contains all of the information in the original profile. Make certain to change any labels, defaults, or security groups in the copied profile.

  • All management functionality (updating, copying, deleting) is available from the Page menu bar on the Simple Profile Information Page and from the Actions menu for a profile.

  • When creating a profile, if the wizard was exited before finishing the profile by using the Exit Wizard option, any changes made up to that point by using the Save button are saved. Tthe Reset button cannot be used to change them. Edit them using the Update Profile option. See "Saving, Resetting, and Exiting the Design Process" for details.

  • Administrators Only: If a profile is moved to the Content Profiles applet it can no longer be modified using Simple Profiles.

  • Administrators Only: View the details of profiles created with Simple Profiles by using the Rules tab on the Configuration Manager applet. All of the rules created with Simple Profiles appear on that tab.


    Do not edit any rules created for a simple profile by using the Rules tab. Editing or deleting the rules invalidates the profiles.

13.5.1 Viewing Profile Information

Use this procedure to view information about system and personal profiles:

  1. Access the Profile Listing Page.

  2. Click the Info icon for the profile to view.

  3. The Simple Profile Information Page is displayed, showing the details of the profile.

13.5.2 Updating a Simple Profile

Updating a simple profile involves accessing an existing profile and modifying, adding, or deleting information.

  1. Access the Profile Listing Page.

  2. Use one of the following methods to update information for the profile or its fields:


    A profile can be updated by using the Actions menu or a profile's Page menu bar to select Edit then Update Profile to display the Create/Update Simple Profile Page. However, when the Update Content Profile page is saved it automatically starts the Wizard for modifying the profile configuration. If you do not want to use the Wizard, use the Page menu bar to directly select a profile configuration type to modify.
  3. When finished making changes to a profile, click Save.

13.5.3 Copying a Profile

Use this procedure to copy a system or personal profile:

  1. Access the Profile Listing Page.

  2. Click the Info icon for the profile to copy.

    The Simple Profile Information Page is displayed, showing the details of the profile.

  3. On the Page menu bar select Edit, then select Copy Profile.

    The Copy Simple Profile Page is displayed.

  4. Enter the new profile name and new display label.

  5. Click Copy when done. To change edits, click Reset to clear the edits made.

    The Simple Profile Information Page is displayed for the newly copied profile.

  6. Update the profile as needed using the instructions described in "Updating a Simple Profile".

13.5.4 Deleting a Profile

Use this procedure to remove a system or personal profile. You must be an administrator to delete a system profile. You can delete your own personal profile.

  1. Access the Profile Listing Page.

  2. To delete a specific profile, use one of the following methods:

    • Click the Info icon for the profile to delete. The Simple Profile Information Page is displayed, showing the details of the profile. On the Page menu bar select Delete Profile.

    • Select the Actions menu for the profile and select Delete Profile.

    • Click Delete on any profile configuration page.

    A message is displayed, prompting to confirm the deletion.

  3. Click OK to delete the profile, or click Cancel to retain the profile.

    The Profile Listing Page is displayed.

13.5.5 Moving a Profile

Follow this procedure to move a system profile to the Configuration Manager:


If you move a system profile to the Content Profiles applet in the Configuration Manager, you can no longer modify or work with the profile using the Simple Profiles component. You must use the Configuration Manager Content Profiles functionality instead. Note that physical profiles cannot be moved.
  1. Access the Profile Listing Page.

  2. To move a system content profile to the Configuration Manager, use one of the following methods:

    • Click the Info icon for the system profile to be moved. The Simple Profile Information Page is displayed, showing the details of the system profile. On the Page menu bar select Edit then Move to Configuration Manager.

    • Click the Actions menu for the profile to move, then select Edit then Move to Configuration Manager.

    A message is displayed, prompting to confirm the move.

  3. Click OK to move the profile, or Cancel to leave the profile as is.

    The Profile Listing Page is displayed.

13.5.6 Changing a Trigger Field (Administrators Only)

Use this procedure to modify the trigger field for content profiles:

  1. Access the Profile Listing Page.

  2. To change the trigger field for content profiles, on the page click Configure Metadata Set.

    The Simple Profile Information Page is displayed.

  3. Select a different trigger field from the list and click Save.

    A confirmation prompt is displayed showing that the profiles configuration has been saved.

  4. Click OK.

    The Profile Listing Page is displayed.

13.5.7 Troubleshooting (Administrators Only)

To temporarily disable the Simple Profiles component to resolve an issue, change the flag to the following setting in the \config\config.cfg file:
