The DOC_INFO service provides a good example of how services, queries, and templates work together. This section covers the following topics:
The following figures show the DOC_INFO service definition from the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm file:
The following is an example of the DOC_INFO service definition, displayed in a text editor and Web browser.
<@table StandardServices@> <table border=1><caption><strong>Scripts For Standard Services</strong></caption> <tr> <td>Name</td><td>Attributes</td><td>Actions</td> </tr> <tr> <td>DOC_INFO</td> <td>DocService 33 DOC_INFO null null<br> !csUnableToGetRevInfo</td> <td>5:QdocInfo:DOC_INFO:2:!csItemNoLongerExists2 3:mapNamedResultSetValues:DOCINFO,dStatus,dStatus,dDocTitle,dDocTitle:0:null 3:checkSecurity:DOC_INFO:0:!csUnableToGetRevInfo2(dDocName) 3:getDocFormats:QdocFormats:0:null 3:getURLAbsolute::0:null 3:getUserMailAddress:dDocAuthor,AuthorAddress:0:null 3:getUserMailAddress:dCheckoutUser,CheckoutUserAddress:0:null 3:getWorkflowInfo:WF_INFO:0:null 3:getDocSubscriptionInfo:QisSubscribed:0:null 5:QrevHistory:REVISION_HISTORY:0:!csUnableToGetRevHistory(dDocName)</td> </tr> </table> <@end@>
The following table describes the attributes of the DOC_INFO service:
Attribute | Value | Description |
Service class | DocService | This service is providing information about a content item. |
Access level | 33 | 1 = The user requesting the service must have Read permission on the content item.
32 = This service can be executed with the executeService Idoc Script function. |
Template page | DOC_INFO | This service uses the DOC_INFO template (doc_info.htm file). The results from the actions will be merged with this template and presented to the user. |
Service type | null | This service is not a subservice. |
Subjects notified | null | No subjects are affected by this service. |
Error Message | !csUnableToGetRevInfo | If this service fails on an English Content Server system, it returns the error message string:
Unable to retrieve information about the revision |
The DOC_INFO service executes the following ten actions:
Action 1 takes the following form:
Action 1 - 5:QdocInfo:DOC_INFO:2:!csItemNoLongerExists2
5 : Select cache query action that retrieves information from the database using a query.
QDocInfo : This action retrieves content item information using the QDocInfo query in the query.htm file.
DOC_INFO : The result of the query is assigned to a ResultSet called DOC_INFO and stored for later use.
2 : The Check result non-empty control mask specifies that the query must return a record, or the action fails.
!csItemNoLongerExists2 : If this action fails on an English Content Server system, it returns the error message string:
This content item no longer exists
Action 2 takes the following form:
Action 2 : 3:mapNamedResultSetValues:DOCINFO,dStatus,dStatus,dDocTitle,dDocTitle:0:null
3: Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
mapNamedResultSetValues : This action retrieves the values of dStatus and dDocTitle from the first row of the DOC_INFO ResultSet and stores them in the local data. (This increases speed and ensures that the correct values are used.)
DOC_INFO,dStatus,dStatus,dDocTitle,dDocTitle : Parameters required for the mapNamedResultSetValues action.
0 : No control mask is specified.
null : No error message is specified.
Action 3 takes the following form:
Action 3 : 3:checkSecurity:DOC_INFO:0:!csUnableToGetRevInfo2(dDocName)
3 : Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
checkSecurity : This action retrieves the data assigned to the DOC_INFO ResultSet and evaluates the assigned security level to verify that the user is authorized to perform this action.
DOC_INFO : ResultSet that contains the security information to be evaluated by the checkSecurity action.
0 : No control mask is specified.
!csUnableToGetRevInfo2(dDocName) : If this action fails on an English Content Server system, it returns the error message string:
Unable to retrieve information for '{dDocName}.'
Action 4 takes the following form:
Action 4 : 3:getDocFormats:QdocFormats:0:null
3 : Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
getDocFormats : This action retrieves the file formats for the content item using the QdocFormats query in the query.htm file. A comma-delimited list of the file formats is stored in the local data as dDocFormats.
QdocFormats : Specifies the query used to retrieve the file formats.
0 : No control mask is specified.
null : No error message is specified.
Action 5 takes the following form:
Action 5 : 3:getURLAbsolute::0:null
3 : Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
getURLAbsolute : This action resolves the URL of the content item and stores it in the local data as DocUrl.
blank : This action takes no parameters.
0 : No control mask is specified.
null : No error message is specified.
Action 6 takes the following form:
Action 6 : 3:getUserMailAddress:dDocAuthor,AuthorAddress:0:null
3 : Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
getUserMailAddress : This action resolves the e-mail address of the content item author.
dDocAuthor,AuthorAddress : This action passes dDocAuthor and AuthorAddress as parameters.
0 : No control mask is specified.
null : No error message is specified.
Action 7 takes the following form:
Action 7 : 3:getUserMailAddress:dCheckoutUser,CheckoutUserAddress:0:null
3 : Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
getUserMailAddress : This action resolves the e-mail address of the user who has the content item checked out.
dCheckoutUser,CheckoutUserAddress : This action passes dCheckoutUser and CheckoutUserAddress as parameters.
0 : No control mask is specified.
null : No error message is specified.
Action 8 takes the following form:
Action 8 : 3:getWorkflowInfo:WF_INFO:0:null
3 : Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
getWorkflowInfo : This action evaluates whether the content item is part of a workflow. If the WF_INFO ResultSet exists, workflow information is merged into the DOC_INFO template.
WF_INFO : This action passes WF_INFO as a parameter.
0 : No control mask is specified.
null : No error message is specified.
Action 9 takes the following form:
Action 9 : 3:getDocSubscriptionInfo:QisSubscribed:0:null
3 : Java method action specifying a module that is a part of the Java class implementing the service.
getDocSubscriptionInfo : This action evaluates if the current user has subscribed to the content item:
If the user is subscribed, an Unsubscribe button is displayed.
If the user is not subscribed, a Subscribe button is displayed.
QisSubscribed : Specifies the query used to retrieve the subscription information.
0 : No control mask is specified.
null : No error message is specified.
Action 10 takes the following form:
Action 10 :
5 : Select cache query action that retrieves information from the database using a query.
QrevHistory : This action retrieves revision history information using the QrevHistory query in the query.htm file.
REVISION_HISTORY : The result the query is assigned to a ResultSet called REVISION_HISTORY. The DOC_INFO template loops on this ResultSet to present information about each revision.
0 : No control mask is specified.
!csUnableToGetRevHistory(dDocName) : If this action fails on an English Content Server system, it returns the error message string:
Ubpnable to retrieve revision history for ''{dDocName}.''
The template page for the DOC_INFO service is the DOC_INFO template. It is important to know what is happening between the files so that you can understand the interactions between the template page and the actions performed in a service.
The definition for the content that the doc_info.htm template contains is located in the IdcHomeDir/components/Folders/resources/std_page.htm file. Code from both files appear in the following markup section:
Markup from the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/doc_info.htm file:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <$include std_info_html_head_declarations$> </head> <$include info_body_def$> <$include info_page_content$> </body> </html>
Markup from the IdcHomeDir/components/Folders/resources/std_page.htm file that defines what will appear in the doc_info.htm template:
<@dynamichtml info_page_content@> <$include std_page_begin$> <$include std_header$> … <!-- Do a loop on DOC_INFO so that all substitution tags will use DOC_INFO as their first place to find their values. Otherwise their is confusion between this result set and the REVISION_HISTORY table that comes later. For example 'dStatus' is a value in both tables--> <$loop DOC_INFO$> <$if AllowPrimaryMetaFile and isTrue(AllowPrimaryMetaFile) and isTrue(dFormat like "*idcmeta*")$> <$showPrimaryMetaFileFields = "1"$> <$endif$> <$include doc_info_notify_data$> <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width=<$docInfoWidth-30$>> <caption align=top><h4 class=pageTitle><$pageTitle$></caption> <$include special_checkin_fields1$> <$include std_revision_label_field$> <$include std_document_type_field$> <$include std_document_title_field$> <$include author_checkin_field$> <$include std_meta_fields$> <$include security_checkin_fields$> <$include checkout_author_info_field$> <$if IsStagingDoc$> <$include doc_date_fields$> <$endif$> <$fieldName = "dStatus", fieldCaption = "Status"$><$include std_displayonly_field$> <$if HasOriginal$> <$fieldName = "dDocFormats", fieldCaption = "Formats"$><$include std_display_field$> <$endif$> <$include workflow_list_for_doc$> <$if HasUrl$> <$include doc_url_field$> <$endif$> <$if HasOriginal and not ClientControlled and not showPrimaryMetaFileFields$> <$fieldName = "dOriginalName", fieldCaption = "Get Native File"$> <$if DownloadApplet$> <$valueStyle="xxsmall", fieldValue = strTrimWs(inc("download_file_by_applet_form_content"))$> <$else$> <$fieldValue = strTrimWs(inc("doc_file_get_copy"))$> <$endif$> <$if DownloadApplet$><form name=downloadForm><$endif$> <$include std_displayonly_field$> <$if DownloadApplet$></form><$endif$> <$endif$> <$if IsFailedConversion or IsFailedIndex or IsDocRefinePassthru$> <$if IsFailedConversion$><$include std_namevalue_separator$><$endif$> <tr> <td align=right><span class=errorHighlight> <$if IsFailedIndex$>Index Error: <$else$>Conversion Error: <$endif$></span></td> <td> <table> <tr> <td><span class=tableEntry> <$dMessage$> <$if IsFailedIndex$> <br>Content has been indexed with Info only. Resubmit should only be performed if the problem has been resolved. <$elseif IsDocRefinePassthru$> <br>Content Refinery failed to convert the content item but released it to the web by copying the native file. <$endif$></span></td> <td><form action="<$HttpCgiPath$>" method="POST"> <input type=hidden name=dID value="<$dID$>"> <input type=hidden name=dDocName value="<$dDocName$>"> <input type=hidden name=IdcService value="RESUBMIT_FOR_CONVERSION"> <input type=submit value= "Resubmit "> <$if ClientControlled$> <input type=hidden name=ClientControlled value="DocMan"> <$endif$> </form></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <$if IsFailedConversion$><$include std_namevalue_separator$><$endif$> <$endif$> </table> <$if IsNotSyncRev$> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align=center><span class=errorHighlight>The local copy of this content item has not been updated to the latest revision. Use <i>Get Native File</i> or <i>Check out</i> to update your local copy of <i><$dDocName$></i>.</span></td> </tr> </table> <$endif$> <$if IsStagingDoc$> <br> <table width="90%"> <tr> <td width="20%" align=center><$include doc_problem_reports$></td> <td width="20%" align=center><$include project_problem_reports$></td> </tr> </table> <$include doc_provider_info$> <$else$> <table width="90%"> <tr> <$if ClientControlled$> <td width="20%" align=center><$include doc_select_actions$></td> <$else$> <td width="20%" align=center><$include doc_file_undo_checkout$></td> <td width="20%" align=center><$include doc_file_checkout$></td> <td width="20%" align=center><$if showPrimaryMetaFileFields$><$include meta_file_update$> <$else$><$include doc_file_update$><$endif$></td> <$endif$> <td width="20%" align=left><$include doc_subscription_unsubscription$></td> <$if ClientControlled$> <td width="20%"></td> <td width="20%"></td> <$endif$> </tr> </table> <$endif$> <$if HasOriginal and DownloadApplet$> <$include download_native_applet$> <$endif$> <!-- end loop on DOC_INFO--> <$endloop$> <$if IsStagingDoc$> <!-- present a problem report form --> <$include doc_add_problem_report$> <$else$> <!-- Table holding information about all revisions of this document--> <$include doc_rev_table$> <$endif$> </td> </tr> </table> <$include std_page_end$> <@end@>