Provider Manager services handle the providers that establish a connection to outside entities. The following services are described in this section:
Service that creates a new provider. The most likely error is when the provider name is not unique.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
pName: The provider name.
ProviderClass: The provider class.
pDescription: The description for the provider.
pType: The provider type:
database: An information repository server that provides an API for connecting and communicating with it. This retrieves information and enables information to be changed in the database. Examples of this type are system databases and LDAP.
incoming: A connection initiated from an outside entity like a browser or client application. The server listens and is aware of incoming connections
outgoing: A connection initiated to an outside entity. You can use this type to communicate between Content Server instances.
preview: The API that establishes connections between Content Server and Preview technology like the DTM server for HTML Preview and Content Categorizer.
LDAP: The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
IdcService=ADD_EDIT_PROVIDER pName=admin_provider pType=Database pDescription=provider description ProviderClass=providerclass
Subservice used by GET_SYSTEM_AUDIT_INFO to return information on the System Audit Info page.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Service that deletes an existing provider. The most likely error is a provider name not in the system.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
pName: The provider name.
IdcService=DELETE_PROVIDE pName=Proxied_2_on_test13
Service that reverses the enable/disable state of an existing provider. If the provider is enabled, the service disables it. If the provider is disabled, the service enables it.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
pName: The provider name.
pDescription: The provider's description.
pType: Used to create the provider type. Any component can add its own provider type. Currently, the following types are accepted:
database: An information repository server that provides an API for connecting and communicating with it. This retrieves information and enables information to be changed in the database. Examples of this type are system databases and LDAP.
incoming: A connection initiated from an outside entity like a browser or client application. The server listens and is aware of incoming connections
outgoing: A connection initiated to an outside entity. You can use this type to communicate between Content Server instances.
preview: The API that establishes connections between Content Server and Preview technology like the DTM server for HTML Preview and Content Categorizer.
LDAP: The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
IsEnabled: The desired state of the provider, true or false.
IdcService=ENABLE_DISABLE_PROVIDER pName=Proxied_2_on_test13 pType=outgoing
Service that returns a form for adding or editing a provider in a browser.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
isEdit: 1 (true): An existing provider is edited. 0 (false): A new provider is added.
pName: The provider name. Required only when editing a provider.
pType: The provider type:
Database: An information repository server that provides an API for connecting and communicating with it. This retrieves information and enables information to be changed in the database. Examples of this type are system databases and LDAP.
Incoming: A connection initiated from an outside entity like a browser or client application. The server listens and is aware of incoming connections
Outgoing: A connection initiated to an outside entity. You can use this type to communicate between Content Server instances.
Preview: The API that establishes connections between Content Server and Preview technology like the DTM server for HTML preview and Content Categorizer.
LDAP: The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
ResourceTemplate: The resource template for the form. Required only when adding a provider.
If you are adding a provider, the parameters you pass are similar to the following:
IdcService=GET_ADD_EDIT_PROVIDER_FORM pType=preview ResourceTemplate=PROVIDER_ADD_PREVIEW isEdit=0
If you are editing a provider, the parameters you pass are similar the following:
IdcService=GET_ADD_EDIT_PROVIDER_FORM pType=outgoing pName=Proxied_2_on_server02 isEdit=1
Service that returns a list of all providers.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Service that returns information about a provider.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
pName: The provider name.
ResourceTemplate: The resource template for page display. Required only when running the service from a browser interface. For example:
IdcService=GET_PROVIDER_INFO pName=SystemDatabase
Service that notifies a Content Server instance of changes to another Content Server instance through an outgoing provider.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
IDC_Name: The name of the Content Server instance to be notified.
IdcService=NOTIFY_CHANGE IDC_Name=Master_on_server01
Service that returns all security and user information from the Content Server.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm