The Search Services are used to manage searching within Content Server. Frequently used services are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following list.
The following services are described in this section:
Subservice used by GET_SYSTEM_AUDIT_INFO to return information on the System Audit Info page.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Service that retrieves content information from an external Verity collection. Used with the Lightly Managed Content component. Verity is an add-on product available for purchase for use with Content Server.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.
sCollectionID: The collection ID used by the Content Server to locate the collection.
IdcService=GET_EXTERNAL_DOC_INFO dDocName=adminform113
Service that returns PDF or HTML highlight information for a content item in an external collection.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.
HighlightType: The highlight type:
For PDF, use PdfHighlight.
For HTML, use HtmlHighlight.
QueryText: The full-text search expression.
SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.
Examples: dInDate, dOutDate, alternateFile.
Defaults to DocId.
SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending).
IdcService=GET_EXTERNAL_HIGHLIGHT_INFO dDocName=test113 HighlightType=PdfHighlight QueryText=test SortField=dInDate SortOrder=Desc
Service that returns XML highlight information for a content item in an external collection.This service is called if a user is doing a full-text search for a PDF document in a browser environment. It occurs when the user selects the link for the PDF on the result page and views the highlighted word on the PDF.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.
HighlightType: The highlight type:
For PDF, use PdfHighlight.
For HTML, use HtmlHighlight.
QueryText: The full-text search expression.
SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.
Examples: dInDate, dOutDate, alternateFile.
Defaults to DocId.
SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending).
IdcService=GET_EXTERNAL_XML_HIGHLIGHT_INFO dDocName=test113 HighlightType=PdfHighlight QueryText=test SortField=dInDate SortOrder=Desc
Service that returns PDF or HTML highlight information for a content item.
This service is run from the browser interface when you do a full-text search and click the Content ID or thumbnail on the search result page. On the displayed page, the words that you searched for are highlighted. For HTML document the words are bold and for PDF document they are highlighted.
The most likely errors are when the content item no longer exists in the system or if the user fails the security check.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.
QueryText: The full-text search expression.
SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.
Examples: dInDate, dOutDate, alternateFile.
Defaults to DocId.
SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending).
dWebExtension: The file extension of the Web-viewable content. For example, html, pdf, or txt.
HighlightType: The highlight type:
For PDF, use PdfHighlight.
For HTML, use HtmlHighlight.
IdcCommand command file format:
IdcService=GET_HIGHLIGHT_INFO dDocName=test_000043 QueryText=service SortField=dInDate SortOrder=Desc
HDA format with optional parameters:
@Properties LocalData IdcService=GET_HIGHLIGHT_INFO dDocName=test_000043 QueryText=service SortField=dInDate SortOrder=Desc HighlightType=HtmlHighlight dWebExtension=html @end
Service that returns a list of content items that match specific search criteria.
Access Level: Read (1)
Calls Subservice: SUB
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
QueryText: The search expression.
You can append values for Title, Content ID, and so forth, on the QueryText parameter to refine this service.
ResultCount: The number of results to return. Defaults to 25.
SearchEngineName: The name of the search engine to be used. The default is the value specified in the config/config.cfg file.
Values can be databasefulltext
or database
. If set to database
or databasefulltext
, you must pass SQL in the QueryText parameter, as in this example:
dDocTitle like 'test'
This is equivalent to the Verity query:
dDocTitle <substring> 'test'
SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.
Examples: dInDate, dDocTitle, Score.
Defaults to dInDate.
SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending).
SortSpec: Enables sorting on more than one field. Set this parameter to the following sequence:
<sort field> <sort order> <sort field> <sort order>...
For example, SortSpec=dDocTitle ASC dInDate DESC
StartRow: The row to begin the search results display. For example, if ResultCount=25, setting StartRow=26 displays the second page of results.
EndRow: The row to end the search results display.
vcrContentType: The name of a searchable content type. The server modifies the query text of the search to limit the results to documents of that type. For example, if the content type specified is one describing a profile, then the query text is modified to limit the documents returned to those whose profile trigger value matches that of the profile.
vcrAppendObjectClassInfo: When set to true, the server adds an additional column to the SearchResults ResultSet called vcrObjectClass. This column lists the content type associated with each document in the results. The default is true.
IdcService=GET_SEARCH_RESULTS QueryText=benefits
Service that forces the user to be logged in before retrieving the search results. This service is equivalent to GET_SEARCH_RESULTS.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Service that returns XML highlight information for a content item.
This service is called if a user is doing a full-text search for a PDF document in a browser environment. When the user selects the link for the PDF on the result page and views the highlighted word on the PDF.
The most likely error is a content item name that does not exist.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
dDocName: The Content ID for the content item.
HighlightType: The highlight type:
For PDF, use PdfHighlight.
For HTML, use HtmlHighlight.
QueryText: The full-text search expression.
SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.
Examples: dInDate, dOutDate, alternateFile.
Defaults to DocId.
SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending).
IdcService=GET_XML_HIGHLIGHT_INFO dDocName=test13 QueryText=service SortField=dInDate SortOrder=Desc dDocName=TEST13 HighlightType=PdfHighlight
Service used to retrieve the search results where the presentation is controlled by the user's preferences (that is, the PNE settings).
The QueryText for the service targets the defined search engine and as such can use all the parameters available to the GET_SEARCH_RESULTS service.
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
QueryText: The search expression.
IdcService=PNE_GET_SEARCH_RESULTS QueryText=benefits
Service that returns highlight information.
Given a content item name, the service evaluates security information and displays the content item highlight information.
Usually this service is used when you have an external collection rather than a Content Server search collection. But in either case, the search collection must be created by the Verity search engine. Verity is an add-on product available for purchase for use with Content Server. For example, if you want to do a search on an external collection, you must provide the VdkVgwKey and sCollectionID parameters so the collection can be located by the Content Server.
Usually, the VdkVgwKey is the dDocName. Verity gives a unique ID to each content item, and the Content Server maps that Verity ID (VdkVgwKey) with dDocName (Content ID).
Location: IdcHomeDir/resources/core/templates/std_services.htm
Additional Required Service Parameters
QueryText: The search expression.
sCollectionID: The collection ID used by the Content Server to locate the collection.
SortField: The name of the metadata field to sort on.
Examples: dInDate, dOutDate, alternateFile.
Defaults to docID.
SortOrder: The sort order. Allowed values are Asc (ascending) and Desc (descending).
ViewType: The display format. If this parameter is not defined, ViewText is used by default.
Set to ViewText to display as Text.
Set to ViewHtml to display as HTML.
IdcService=VIEW_DOC IsCollectionID=external SortField=dInDate SortOrder=Desc QueryText=test ViewType=ViewText