8.1 About Folder Services

A typical service entry is similar to the following:

DocService 56 COLLECTION_PROFILE_SELECT_COLLECTION null null !csCollectionUnableToRetrieveCollections

In this example:

  • the first line indicates the service name: COLLECTION_ADMIN_SELECT_COLLECTION.

  • the second line and third lines list the service's attributes:

    • Service class: DocService.

    • Access level: 54, indicating this is Scriptable, Global, and Admin permissions.


    • Service type: null

    • Subjects Notified: null

    • Error message and parameter used for error message: Unable to Retrieve Collections

  • The remainder of the entry lists the service's actions, each line designating one action:

    • action type: for example, 3, indicating a Java method.

    • action name: for example, evaluate

    • action parameters: for example, <$isAdmin="true"$>. If no parameters are specified, double colons (::) are included.

    • action control mask: for example, 0, indicating 'Ignore error' or 2, indicating 'Must exist (at least one record must be returned by the query). If no control mask is specified, double colons (::) or 0 is included.

    • action error message, such as Item No Longer In History, or null if no message is available.

Each element of the service's action is separated by a colon (:).


All services have at least one required parameter. The IdcService parameter takes the name of the service as its argument. If other parameters are required, they are noted in the description of the service.

See "Customizing Services" for details about a service's attributes and actions.