The following Extended User Attributes component services are installed when the Content Server is installed:
The following services are extended to provide support for Extended User Attributes:
Service adds extended attributes to a user. The user does not have to exist before using the service. If this service is asked to add extended attributes which already exist for the user, the service modifies the previous entries.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dName: The user name.
ExtUserAttribInfo Resultset: A ResultSet containing extended user attribution information.
CheckUserMustExist: If set to true, a limited check is performed to verify that the user exists before extended attributes are added. This check only works for local users; it is not recommended to set this value for typical service calls.
The following example from add_user_attr.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Add a security group and an account to the user's extended attributes # with different applications @Properties LocalData IdcService=ADD_EXTENDED_USER_ATTRIBUTES dName=jsmith @end @ResultSet ExtUserAttribInfo 3 dUserName dApplication AttributeInfo jsmith appl account,abc/def,15 jsmith app2 role,contributor,15 @end
Service edits extended user attributes for a user. The user does not have to exist before using the service. All previously extended attributes are replaced by the new extended attributes provided.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dName: The user name.
ExtUserAttribInfo ResultSet: A ResultSet containing extended user attribution information.
CheckUserMustExist: If set to true, a limited check is performed to verify that the user exists before extended attributes are added. This check only works for local users; it is not recommended to set this value for typical service calls.
The following example from edit_user_attr.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Change the user to have all permissions with #all @Properties LocalData IdcService=EDIT_EXTENDED_USER_ATTRIBUTES dName=jsmith @end @ResultSet ExtUserAttribInfo 3 dUserName dApplication AttributeInfo jsmith appl account,\#all,15 @end
Service deletes specific extended user attributes for a user.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dName: The user name.
ExtUserAttribInfo ResultSet: A ResultSet containing extended user attribution information.
allowMissingAttributes: If set to true, the service suppresses errors when trying to delete attributes that do not exist (default = false).
CheckUserMustExist: If set to true, a limited check is performed to verify that the user exists before extended attributes are added. This check only works for local users; it is not recommended to set this value for typical service calls.
# Delete the #all account from extended attributes for jsmith @Properties LocalData IdcService=DELETE_EXTENDED_USER_ATTRIBUTES dName=jsmith @end @ResultSet ExtUserAttribInfo 3 dUserName dApplication AttributeInfo jsmith appl account,\#all,15 @end
Service deletes all extended attributes for a particular role/account for a specified application.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dAttributeType: The type of attribute to delete.
dAttributeName: The name of the attribute to delete.
dApplication: The application from which to delete the attribute.
The following example from delete_attr_by_app.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Delete the xyz account from extended attributes for appl @Properties LocalData IdcService=DELETE_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_BY_APPLICATION dAttributeName=xyz dAttributeType=account dApplication=appl @end
Service deletes all extended attributes for a user.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dName: The user name.
CheckUserMustExist: If set to true, a limited check is performed to verify that the user exists before extended attributes are added. This check only works for local users; it is not recommended to set this value for typical service calls.
The following example from delete_user_attr_all.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Add roles @Properties LocalData IdcService=DELETE_ALL_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_FOR_USER dName=jsmith @end
Service deletes all extended users attributes for an application.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dApplication: The application.
The following example from del_all_attr_app.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Delete all extended attribute information for appl @Properties LocalData IdcService=DELETE_ALL_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_FOR_APPLICATION dApplication=appl @end
Service places all of a user's extended attributes into a ResultSet in the binder. All of the data is put into the ExtUserAttribInfo ResultSet.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dName: The user name.
dApplication: The application name for the attribute.
dAttributeType: The type of attribute.
dAttributeName: The name of the attribute.
Adding one or more of the optional parameters enables greater flexibility in narrowing the query. The following example from query_user_attr_ext.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Query the extended attributes of a user @Properties LocalData IdcService=QUERY_EXTENDED_USER_ATTRIBUTES dName=jsmith @end
Service places all mapped extended attributes from a particular attribute into a ResultSet in the binder. All of the data is put into the ExtUserAttribInfo ResultSet.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dMappedAttributeName: The name of the attribute to be mapped.
dApplication: (Optional) The application name for the attribute.
dAttributeType: (Optional) The type of attribute.
dAttributeName: (Optional) The name of the attribute.
Adding one or more of the optional parameters enables greater flexibility in narrowing the query. The following example from query_attr_map_ext.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
<?hda version="11gR1-dev" jcharset=Cp1252 encoding=iso-8859-1?> # Query the attributes mapped from role 'guest' @Properties LocalData IdcService=QUERY_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPINGS dMappedAttributeName=guest @end
Service sets an extended configuration property. It can be used to either add a new property or modify an existing property.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dECPropType: The type of property.
dECPropKey: a key (generally relating to dECPropType).
dECPropValue: The property value.
dECPropSubKey: (Recommended) A second key; for example, the key can be a feature of what is defined by dECPropType and dEDPropKey.
The following example from set_property.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Set an extended configuration property @Properties LocalData IdcService=EC_SET_PROPERTY dECPropType=account dECPropKey=#abc dECPropSubKey=URL dECPropValue= @end
Service deletes an extended configuration property. It is important that the exact key be specified for deletion. This service does not automatically delete all subkeys under a key.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dECPropType: The type of property.
dECPropKey: A key (generally relating to dECPropType).
dECPropSubKey: (Recommended) A second key; for example, the key can be a feature of what is defined by dECPropType and dEDPropKey.
The following example from del_property.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Delete an extended configuration property @Properties LocalData IdcService=EC_DELETE_PROPERTY dECPropType=account dECPropKey=#abc dECPropSubKey=URL @end
Service returns a specified extended configuration property in the ResultSet PROPERTY_LIST. It is important that the exact key be specified; if you want to search based on just the key (not subkey) use EC_GET_PROPERTY_BY_KEY.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dECPropType: The type of property.
dECPropKey: A key (generally relating to dECPropType).
dECPropSubKey: (Recommended) A second key; for example, the key can be a feature of what is defined by dECPropType and dEDPropKey.
The following example from get_property.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Retrieve an extended configuration property @Properties LocalData IdcService=EC_GET_PROPERTY dECPropType=account dECPropKey=#abc dECPropSubKey=URL @end
Service returns a specified extended configuration property in the ResultSet PROPERTY_LIST.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dECPropType: The type of property.
dECPropKey: A key (generally relating to dECPropType).
The following example from get_property_by_key.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Retrieve an extended configuration property by key - gets all # accounts of key #abc (regardless of subkey) @Properties LocalData IdcService=EC_GET_PROPERTY_BY_KEY dECPropType=account dECPropKey=#abc @end
Service sets some default attributes that will always be applied to a user. The type is “defaults” and the key is “userattributes”, so these do not need to be provided.
Additional Required Service Parameters
dDefAttribs: The default attributes in the form of a comma-separated entry consisting of three items.
dECPropSubKey: A second key; the default attributes will load for all users whether or not this key is specified.
IsSecureDefaultAttribute: When set to 1 and used with the databinder when using the default Web services ( ) then it registers defaults that only apply to logged in users. (By default, default attributes apply to all users, including "anonymous".)
The following example from set_defs.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Sets some default attributes for all users @Properties LocalData IdcService=SET_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES dECPropSubKey=extprops dDefAttribs=account,#abc,15 @end
Service deletes some default attributes that will always be applied to a user.
dECPropSubKey: (A second key. If this parameter is not specified, the service will only remove the default attributes specified without a subkey; it will not remove other attributes.
IsSecureDefaultAttribute: If set to 1 and used with the databinder when using the default Web services ( ) then it deletes defaults that only apply to logged in users. (By default, default attributes apply to all users, including "anonymous".)
The following example from del_defs.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Deletes some default attributes for all users @Properties LocalData IdcService=DELETE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES dECPropSubKey=extprops @end
This service returns the default attributes that are applied to all users in the DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES ResultSet.
dECPropSubKey: If specified, it narrows the search for the default attributes to only the one matching that subkey.
IsSecureDefaultAttribute: If set to 1 and used with the databinder when using the default Web services ( ) then it retrieves defaults that only apply to logged in users. (By default, default attributes apply to all users, including "anonymous".)
The following example from get_defs.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Returns all default attributes for all users @Properties LocalData IdcService=GET_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES @end
Service sets mappings from one user attribute to another user attribute. Only mappings from roles to other attributes is supported (mapping does not work when the source is an account).
Additional Required Service Parameters
ExtUserAttribInfo: A ResultSet containing extended user attribute information.
The following example from set_attr_mapping.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
<?hda version="11gR1-dev" jcharset=Cp1252 encoding=iso-8859-1?> # Add the 'contributor' role to all users with the # 'guest' role, and then consequently give all users # with the 'contributor' role read/write access to # account 'abc'. (This does mean that users with # the 'guest' role ultimately end up with access to 'abc'). @Properties LocalData IdcService=SET_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPINGS @end @ResultSet ExtUserAttribInfo 3 dAttributeName dApplication guest appl role,contributor,15 contributor app2 account,abc,3 @end
Service deletes mappings from one user attribute to another user attribute.
Additional Required Service Parameters
ExtUserAttribInfo: A ResultSet containing extended user attribute information.
allowMissingAttributes: If set to TRUE, the service suppresses errors when trying to delete attributes that do not exist. The default is FALSE.
The following example from del_attr_mapping.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
<?hda version="11gR1-dev" jcharset=Cp1252 encoding=iso-8859-1?> # Delete two attribute mappings @Properties LocalData IdcService=DELETE_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPINGS @end @ResultSet ExtUserAttribInfo 3 dAttributeName dApplication AttributeInfo guest appl role,contributor,15 contributor app2 account,abc,3 @end
The service has been altered to add extended user attributes at the same time the user is added. For additional information see "ADD_USER".
ExtUserAttribInfo ResultSet: A ResultSet containing extended user attribution information. If it is not included, no extended attributes are added.
The following example from add_user.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Add user with extended security data @Properties LocalData IdcService=ADD_USER dName=jsmith dUserAuthType=Local dFullName=Jennifer Smith dPassword=password @end @ResultSet UserAttribInfo 2 dUserName AttributeInfo jsmith role,guest,15 @end @ResultSet ExtUserAttribInfo 3 dUserName dApplication AttributeInfo jsmith appl account,abc,15 @end
This service has been altered to allow editing of extended user attributes at the same time. The old values are completely replaced by the new ones. For additional information see "ADD_USER".
ExtUserAttribInfo ResultSet: A ResultSet containing extended user attribution information. If it is not included, the extended attributes are not replaced.
The following example from edit_user.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Edit user with extended security data @Properties LocalData IdcService=EDIT_USER dName=jsmith dUserAuthType=Local dFullName=Justin Smith dPassword=12345 @end @ResultSet UserAttribInfo 2 dUserName AttributeInfo jsmith role,guest,15 @end @ResultSet ExtUserAttribInfo 3 dUserName dApplication AttributeInfo jsmith appl account,abc,7,account,xyz,15 @end
This service has been altered to delete a user's extended attributes if they exist. For additional information see "DELETE_USER".
The following example from delete_user.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# Delete user with extended security data @Properties LocalData IdcService=DELETE_USER dName=jsmith @end
This service acts as usual however the attributes it returns are contingent on the value of the getAllAttributes parameter. If the parameter is passed as true, this service returns a merger of both regular and extended user attributes. For additional information see "QUERY_USER_ATTRIBUTES".
The following example from query_user_attr.txt
illustrates the use of this service:
# The normal QUERY_USER_ATTRIBUTES, except it gathers all # attributes now @Properties LocalData IdcService=QUERY_USER_ATTRIBUTES dName=jsmith getAllAttributes=true @end