12.1 Folio Services

Individual service types are noted in each service description. The following services are described in this section:


Service that displays the contents of a folio node by returning the nodes, slots and links that are the immediate children of the requested node. By default this service is not recursive; if called recursively, this service returns a complete folio.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ContentContentFolios/resources/cpd_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The content ID of the folio.

  • RevisionSelectionMethod: Tells the Content Server whether to use retrieved information based on the latest revision, which could be in an unreleased state, or the latest released version. The value can be: Specific, Latest (which could be unreleased), or Latest Released.

Optional Service Parameter

  • parentNodeID: Retrieves details, but not the properties, of the contents of the specified node within a folio. If this parameter is omitted, by default the service retrieves the root node and its properties.

Example 1


Example 2



Service that adds content items to a folio and modifies a folio. Multiple changes can be requested as part of a single service call.

Prerequisite: Before an item can be added to a folio, the item must be checked in to the Content Server using the standard CHECKIN_NEW or CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL services.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ContentContentFolios/resources/cpd_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • NumChanges: Specifies the number of changes or updates passed as part of the service call. For example, to pass two changes, NumChanges=2.

  • change(n-1): Specifies the actual change to be made to the folio. The parameter default is one change, which is change() or change0. If there are multiple changes to the folio, as indicated by NumChanges, then a parameter must be passed for each change. For example, if NumChanges=3, then change(), change1, and change2.

    The value for the change(n-1) parameter must be in the following format: dID:Operation:TargetGUID:ParentGUID


    • dID: The dID of the folio to be updated.

    • Operation: One of the following choices:

      • removeNode: remove a node

      • addNode: add a node

      • addItem: add a slot

      • addContent: add an actual file

      • removeContent: remove a content item

      • modifyAttribute: modify a property

      • modifyTemplateAttribute: modify a template property

    • TargetGUID: The GUID of the node, slot, or content item in the folio to be modified.

    • ParentGUID: The parent GUID of the mode, slot, or content item to be modified. This is relevant for only some of the operations, such as addNode.

  • Change_data(n-1): Specifies the value for the operation specified in the change(n-1) parameter. The format is name:value pairs separated by commas. A carat (^) can be used as a separator if a colon (:) is required in any of the names or values (name:name^value).

    When adding content these properties must be specified:

    • dDocAuthor

    • dDocName

    • dDocName_encoded

    • dDocTitle

    • dDocType

    • dFormat

    • dID

    • dOriginalName

    • dRevLabel

    • docURL

    • docURL_encoded

    The property information can be retrieved using a DOC_INFO service call against the item you want to add to a folio. You can specify custom properties that you added to the folio definition as XCST or XCSD data.

Example 1

To add an item to a folio:


Example 2

To specify Change_date for the add content example (with no custom properties included in the folio):

change_data0=dFormat:text/html,dDocName:myDocName,dID=1111,cDocTitle=My Doc Title,dDocType=ADACCT,dRevLabel=1,dOriginalName=mydoc.txt,dDocAuthor=sysadmin,docURL=http://server/idc/mydoc.txt,dDocName_encoded=<URL enocded version of dDocName>,docURL_encoded=<URL encoded version of docURL>


Service that creates and checks in a new folio with a root node.

  • This service can use standard metadata parameters, such as dDocName, dDocTitle, and so forth. Any other metadata required by parameters used in this service must also be specified.

  • If auto-generation of content ID is set on the server and you do not specify the dDocName parameter, then a new content ID is automatically generated.

  • The dID of the new folio is listed in the LocalData section of the service response.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ContentContentFolios/resources/cpd_service.htm




Service that takes a version of a folio and creates a locked version and a new version.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ContentContentFolios/resources/cpd_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The content ID of the folio.

  • RevisionSelectionMethod: Tells the Content Server whether to use retrieved information based on the latest revision, which could be in an unreleased state, or the latest released version. The value can be: Specific, Latest (which could be unreleased), or Latest Released.




Service that locks a folio so that it can not be edited, only viewed. No further modifications are allowed on this content item.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ContentContentFolios/resources/cpd_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The content ID of the folio.

  • RevisionSelectionMethod: Tells the Content Server whether to use retrieve information based on the latest revision, which could be in an unreleased state, or the latest released version. The value can be: Specific, Latest (which could be unreleased), or Latest Released.




Service that creates a new version of a locked folio, where the new version of the folio can be edited.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ContentContentFolios/resources/cpd_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The content ID of the folio.

  • RevisionSelectionMethod: Tells the Content Server whether to use retrieve information based on the latest revision, which could be in an unreleased state, or the latest released version. The value can be: Specific, Latest (which could be unreleased), or Latest Released.




Service that returns a specific rendition of a folio revision to a browser. A copy of the folio is retrieved without performing a checkout.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ContentContentFolios/resources/cpd_service.htm

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The content ID of the folio.

  • RenderID: The type of rendition: PDF, ZIP, XML. A custom rendition can be used.




Service that generates and returns 25 group user IDs for use.

Location: IdcHomeDir/components/ContentContentFolios/resources/cpd_service.htm

Example 1
