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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IdentityToken
oracle.iam.rm.client Provides the classes and interfaces for the Oracle Role Manager client. 
oracle.iam.rm.server_api Provides the interfaces and classes used for remotely interacting with Oracle Role Manager. 


Uses of IdentityToken in oracle.iam.rm.client


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.client that return IdentityToken
static IdentityToken ClientFactory.authenticatePerson(java.lang.String username)
          Authenticates as a person identified by the provided userId.
static IdentityToken ClientFactory.authenticatePersonFromCredentials(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Authenticates as a person identified by the provided userId) and password.
static IdentityToken ClientFactory.authenticateSystemUser(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Authenticates as a system identity with the provided userId and password.


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.client with parameters of type IdentityToken
static Client ClientFactory.newClient(IdentityToken identityToken)
          Creates a new Client bound to the provided IdentityToken (and hence the authentication details).
static void ClientFactory.synchronizeIdentityTokenWithServer(IdentityToken identityToken)
          Resynchronizes the local copy of cached state with the server.


Uses of IdentityToken in oracle.iam.rm.server_api


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.server_api that return IdentityToken
 IdentityToken Server.authenticatePerson(java.lang.String ssoToken)
          Authenticates as a person with the provided the user ID.
 IdentityToken Server.authenticatePersonFromCredentials(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Authenticates as a person with the provided username and password.
 IdentityToken Server.authenticateSystemUser(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Authenticates as a system user with the provided the user ID and password.


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.server_api with parameters of type IdentityToken
 ServerBusinessTransaction Server.begin(IdentityToken identityToken, java.lang.String definitionId, java.lang.String operationId, java.util.Map argumentSet)
          Begins a new business transaction.
 void Server.cancelBusinessTransaction(IdentityToken identityToken, long transactionId)
          Cancels an existing business transaction.
 OperationVerificationResponse[] Server.checkOperation(IdentityToken identityToken, OperationVerificationRequest[] operationVerificationRequests, boolean fullyValidate, long transactionId)
          Requests verification for the specified number of operation verification requests.
 boolean Server.forwardBusinessTransaction(IdentityToken identityToken, long transactionId)
          Forwards an existing business transaction.
 java.util.List Server.getAllHierarchyNodes(IdentityToken identityToken, EntityKey entityKey, long transactionId)
          Gets all ServerHierarchyNode objects relating to a particular object.
 ServerBusinessTransaction Server.getBusinessTransaction(IdentityToken identityToken, long transactionId)
          Gets an existing business transaction by the provided identity and transaction identifiers.
 ServerConstraintViolation[] Server.getConstraintViolations(IdentityToken identityToken, long transactionId)
          Gets any outstanding constraint violations from a business transaction.
 java.util.List Server.getHierarchyChildren(IdentityToken identityToken, EntityKey entityKey, java.lang.String hierarchyType, java.util.Set entityTypes, long transactionId)
          Gets the child nodes of the specified entity in a specified hierarchy.
 ServerHierarchyNode Server.getHierarchyNode(IdentityToken identityToken, EntityKey entityKey, java.lang.String hierarchyType, long transactionId)
          Gets a ServerHierarchyNode relating to a particular object in a particular hierarchy.
 java.util.List Server.getHierarchyParents(IdentityToken identityToken, EntityKey entityKey, java.lang.String hierarchyType, long transactionId)
          Gets the parent nodes (recursive) of the specified entity in the particular hierarchy.
 ServerEntity Server.getHierarchyRoot(IdentityToken identityToken, java.lang.String hierarchyType, long transactionId)
          Gets the ServerEntity that represents the root object of the hierarchy type.
 ServerEntity Server.getMixin(IdentityToken identityToken, EntityKey entityKey, java.lang.String mixinType, long transactionId)
          Gets the mix-in entity of the specified entity.
 java.util.List Server.getRelatedObjects(IdentityToken identityToken, EntityKey entityKey, java.lang.String relationshipPath, long transactionId)
          Gets all of the related objects based on the specified relationship path.
 ServerAuditSummary Server.getServerAuditSummary(IdentityToken identityToken, EntityKey entityKey)
          Gets the ServerAuditSummary that represents the audit summary data for a particular entity.
 ServerChangeSummary Server.getServerChangeSummary(IdentityToken identityToken, EntityKey entityKey, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Gets the ServerChangeSummary that represents the change summary data for a particular entity's attribute.
 boolean Server.hasHierarchyChildren(IdentityToken identityToken, EntityKey entityKey, java.lang.String hierarchyType, java.util.Set entityTypes, long transactionId)
          Gets the child nodes of the specified entity in a specified hierarchy.
 java.util.List Server.lookup(IdentityToken identityToken, java.lang.String definitionId, java.lang.String operationId, java.util.List keys, long transactionId)
          Invokes a lookup operation on the server.
 boolean Server.quickValidate(IdentityToken identityToken, long transactionId)
          Runs lightweight validation tests.
 ServerPaginatedResultSet Server.resolvePersonApprovers(IdentityToken identityToken, FilterCriterion personIdentificationFilter, FilterCriterion approverRoleIdentificationFilter, java.util.Set columnNames, long transactionId)
          Finds those persons that are approvers for the person identified using the specified approver role ID.
 ServerPaginatedResultSet identityToken, java.lang.String definitionId, java.lang.String operationId, CriterionSet criteria, ColumnSet columnSet, long transactionId)
          Invokes a search operation on the server.
 java.util.Map Server.supplement(IdentityToken identityToken, long transactionId, java.lang.String definitionId, java.lang.String operationId, java.lang.String localName, java.util.Map argumentSet)
          Supplements a business transaction.


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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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