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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SnapshotSession
oracle.iam.rm.inherent Provides the classes and interfaces for Oracle Role Manager entities, their mappings, and audit handling. 
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel Provides the interfaces for the users and identities in Oracle Role Manager. 
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource Provides the interfaces for the privileges, permissions, resources, and their mappings to roles. 
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role Provides the interfaces for business roles, approver roles, system roles, and their grants and mappings. 
oracle.iam.rm.resolution Provides the classes and interfaces for role resolution. 
oracle.iam.rm.temporal Provides the interfaces and classes used for interacting with the business data of Oracle Role Manager. 
oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model Provides the interfaces used for describing the deployed business data model of Oracle Role Manager. 


Uses of SnapshotSession in oracle.iam.rm.inherent


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.inherent with type parameters of type SnapshotSession
<T extends SnapshotSession>
InherentManagerSource.getInherentManager(java.lang.Class<T> managerInterface)
          Gets a manager that implements for a particular inherent manager interface with a specified value time.
<T extends SnapshotSession>
InherentManagerSource.getInherentManager(java.lang.Class<T> managerInterface, SnapshotSession session)
          Gets a manager that implements for a particular inherent manager interface with a specified session.


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.inherent with parameters of type SnapshotSession
<T extends SnapshotSession>
InherentManagerSource.getInherentManager(java.lang.Class<T> managerInterface, SnapshotSession session)
          Gets a manager that implements for a particular inherent manager interface with a specified session.


Uses of SnapshotSession in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel


Subinterfaces of SnapshotSession in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel
 interface InteractivePersonnelManager
          A read-write interface to manage system identities and persons in the system.
 interface PersonnelManager
          A read-only interface for searching or looking up persons or system identities in the system.


Uses of SnapshotSession in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource


Subinterfaces of SnapshotSession in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource
 interface InteractiveResourceManager
          An interface used to create secutiry objects such as resources, permissions, and privileges.
 interface ResourceManager
          A read-only interface to search for security objects in the database.


Uses of SnapshotSession in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role


Subinterfaces of SnapshotSession in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role
 interface InteractiveRoleManager
          A read/write interface to do management of roles from the database.
 interface RoleManager
          A read-only interface to retrieve roles from the database.


Uses of SnapshotSession in oracle.iam.rm.resolution


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.resolution with parameters of type SnapshotSession
 java.util.Set<ObjectKey> ResolutionEngine.getAllRolesForUser(SnapshotSession session, User user)
          Returns a Set of ObjectKeys of all the Roles a User has.
 Filter ResolutionEngine.getRelativeRoleFilter(Role role, SnapshotObject relativeObject, SnapshotSession session)
          Returns a Filter that represents all persons who are role holders of a relative dynamic role, (Relative roles are also known as Approver roles.
 java.util.List<RoleGrant> ResolutionEngine.getRoleGrants(SnapshotSession session, Role role)
          Returns a List of grants of the given role.
 UserRoleAssignment ResolutionEngine.getUserRoleAssignment(SnapshotSession session, ObjectKey assigneeKey, Role role)
          Returns the UserRoleAssignment for a given Role and User's ObjectKey, or null if none is found.
 java.util.Set<UserRoleAssignment> ResolutionEngine.getUserRoleAssignments(SnapshotSession session, Role role)
          Returns a Set of all the user role assignments for a given Role, or an empty set if none are found.
 java.util.Set<UserRoleAssignment> ResolutionEngine.getUserRoleAssignments(SnapshotSession session, User assignee)
          Returns a Set of all the user role assignments for a given User, or an empty set if none are found.
 Filter ResolutionEngine.getUserRoleFilter(SnapshotSession session, User user)
          Returns a Filter that represents all roles held by a person.
 java.util.Set<ObjectKey> ResolutionEngine.getUsersAssignedRoles(SnapshotSession session, User user)
          Returns a Set of the ObjectKeys of the Roles assigned to a given user via the UserRoleAssignment cache (all complex roles).
 java.util.List<Role> ResolutionEngine.getUsersBusinessAndITRoles(SnapshotSession session, User user)
          Returns a list of the specified user's business and IT roles
 java.util.List<BusinessRole> ResolutionEngine.getUsersBusinessRoles(SnapshotSession session, User user)
          Returns a list of the specified user's business roles
 java.util.Set<ObjectKey> ResolutionEngine.getUsersGrantedRoles(SnapshotSession session, User user)
          Returns a Set of the ObjectKeys of the Roles assigned to a given user via RoleGrants.
 boolean ResolutionEngine.hasBusinessRole(User user, BusinessRole role, SnapshotSession session)
          Indicates whether the specified person has the specified business role.
 boolean ResolutionEngine.hasITRole(User user, ITRole role, boolean includeMappedITRoles, SnapshotSession session)
          Indicates whether the specifed user has the specified IT role.
 boolean ResolutionEngine.hasITRole(User user, ITRole role, SnapshotSession session)
          Indicates whether the specififed user has the specified IT role, either through a direct role grant or through business role mapping.
 boolean ResolutionEngine.hasRelativeRole(User user, SnapshotObject relativeObject, Role relativeRole, SnapshotSession session)
          Indicates whether the specified user has a relative role with respect to some relative object.
 boolean ResolutionEngine.hasRole(SnapshotSession session, User user, java.util.Set<Role> roleSet)
          returns true if the user has at least one of the roles in the set.
 boolean ResolutionEngine.hasRole(User user, Role role, SnapshotSession session)
          Indicates whether the specified person has the specified role.
 boolean ResolutionEngine.hasSystemRole(User user, SystemRole role, SnapshotSession session)
          Indicates whether the specified user has the specified system role.
 boolean ResolutionEngine.isEligible(User user, Role role, SnapshotSession session)
          Indicates whether the specified person is eligible to be a grantee of a role.
 oracle.iam.rm.common.PaginatedResultSet<SnapshotObject> ResolutionEngine.resolveRoleMembers(Role role, SnapshotSession session)
          Resolves a Role producing a PaginatedResultSet that contains the role members.


Uses of SnapshotSession in oracle.iam.rm.temporal


Subinterfaces of SnapshotSession in oracle.iam.rm.temporal
 interface InteractiveSnapshotSession
          SnapshotSession that supports object creation and modification.


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.temporal that return SnapshotSession
 SnapshotSession TemporalEngine.getSnapshotSession()
          Gets a snapshot session based on the current state outside of a business transaction.


Uses of SnapshotSession in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.temporal.model with parameters of type SnapshotSession
 oracle.iam.rm.i18n.Formattable ObjectType.validateCreate(SnapshotSession snapshotSession, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ObjectKey> primaryKeys, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends java.lang.Object> attributes)
          Runs object-scope validation for creating an object of this type with particular attributes.
 oracle.iam.rm.i18n.Formattable ObjectType.validateUpdate(SnapshotSession snapshotSession, SnapshotObject object, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends java.lang.Object> attributeValues)
          Runs object-scope validation for updating a specific object of this type with particular attributes.


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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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