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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Uses of Class

Packages that use TemporalException
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel Provides the interfaces for the users and identities in Oracle Role Manager. 
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource Provides the interfaces for the privileges, permissions, resources, and their mappings to roles. 
oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role Provides the interfaces for business roles, approver roles, system roles, and their grants and mappings. 
oracle.iam.rm.temporal Provides the interfaces and classes used for interacting with the business data of Oracle Role Manager. 


Uses of TemporalException in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.personnel that throw TemporalException
 Person InteractivePersonnelManager.createPerson()
          Creates a person with the system defaults.
 SystemIdentity InteractivePersonnelManager.createSystemIdentity(java.lang.String username)
          Creates a system identity with the provided identifier.
 oracle.iam.rm.common.PaginatedResultSet<SnapshotObject> PersonnelManager.findPeople(Filter filter, ColumnSetDef columnSetDef)
          Finds objects of type Person based on the filter provided, returning the values defined in the columnSetDef.
 oracle.iam.rm.common.PaginatedResultSet<SnapshotObject> PersonnelManager.findSystemIdentities(Filter filter, ColumnSetDef columnSetDef)
          Finds system identities based on the filter provided, returning the values defined in the columnSetDef.
 Person InteractivePersonnelManager.getEditablePerson(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the person identified by the provided object key if the person is editable.
 SystemIdentity InteractivePersonnelManager.getEditableSystemIdentity(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the system identity idenditifed by the provided object key if it is editable.
 Person PersonnelManager.getPerson(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the person identified by the provided key.
 SystemIdentity PersonnelManager.getSystemIdentity(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the systemIdentity identified by the provided key.


Uses of TemporalException in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.resource that throw TemporalException
 SysRolePrivilegeMapping InteractiveResourceManager.createRolePrivilegeMapping(SystemRole role, Privilege privilege)
          Creates a SysRolePrivilegeMapping object with the provided system role and privilege.
 java.util.List<SystemRole> ResourceManager.getMappedRolesForPrivilege(Privilege privilege)
          Returns the list of system roles that are mapped to the specified privilege.
 Permission ResourceManager.getPermission(java.lang.String name)
          Returns a Permission object identified by the specified name.
 PermissionAssociation ResourceManager.getPermissionAssociation(Permission permission, ResourceType resourceType)
          Returns a PermissionAssociation object for the specified Permission and ResourceType.
 java.util.List<Permission> ResourceManager.getPermissionsByResourceType(ResourceType resourceType)
          Returns the list of permissions that can be applied to the specified resource type.
 Privilege ResourceManager.getPrivilege(Permission permission, Resource resource)
          Returns a privilege identified by the specified permission and resource.
 Privilege ResourceManager.getPrivilege(java.lang.String permission, java.lang.String resourceType, java.lang.String resourceQualifier)
          Returns a privilege identified by the permission's name, resource type's name and the resource's qualifier.
 Resource ResourceManager.getQualifiedResource(ResourceType resourceType, java.lang.String qualifier)
          Returns a Resource object identified by the specified resource type and qualifier.
 Resource ResourceManager.getResource(java.lang.String name)
          Returns a Resource object identified by the specified name.
 ResourceType ResourceManager.getResourceType(java.lang.String name)
          Returns a ResourceType object identified by the specified name.


Uses of TemporalException in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.inherent.role that throw TemporalException
 void InteractiveRoleManager.assignRoleOwner(Role role, Person owner)
          Set the role's owner.
 Approver InteractiveRoleManager.createApprover(java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String membershipRule, java.lang.String status)
          Creates an ApproverRole.
 BusinessRole InteractiveRoleManager.createBusinessRole(java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String membershipRuleXML, java.lang.String status)
          Creates a new business role.
 ITRole InteractiveRoleManager.createITRole(java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String membershipRuleXML, java.lang.String status)
          Creates a new IT role.
 Role InteractiveRoleManager.createRole(java.lang.String roleType, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String membershipRuleXML, java.lang.String status)
          Creates a new role of the type specified.
 RoleMapping InteractiveRoleManager.createRoleMapping(BusinessRole businessRole, ITRole itRole)
          Maps the specified BusinessRole to the specified ITRole.
 SystemRole InteractiveRoleManager.createSystemRole(java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String status)
          Creates a SystemRole.
 oracle.iam.rm.common.PaginatedResultSet RoleManager.findBusinessRoles(Filter filter, ColumnSetDef columnSetDef)
          Returns a set of Business roles that meets the specified filter criteria.
 oracle.iam.rm.common.PaginatedResultSet RoleManager.findITRoles(Filter filter, ColumnSetDef columnSetDef)
          Returns a set of IT roles that meets the specified filter criteria.
 java.util.List<ITRole> RoleManager.findMappedITRoles(BusinessRole businessRole)
          Returns a list of ITRoles that are mapped to the provided BusinessRole.
 Person RoleManager.findRoleOwner(Role role)
          Gets the owner of the provided role.
 BusinessRole RoleManager.getBusinessRole(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the BusinessRole identified by the provided object key.
 Role InteractiveRoleManager.getEditableRole(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the editable version of a Role based on its object key.
 int RoleManager.getGrantCount(Role role)
          Returns the number of role grants associated with the provided role.
 ITRole RoleManager.getITRole(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the ITRole identified by the provided object key.
 void InteractiveRoleManager.setEligibilityRule(Role role, java.lang.String eligibilityRuleXML)
          Sets the eligibility rule.
 void InteractiveRoleManager.setMembershipRule(Role role, java.lang.String membershipRuleXML)
          Sets the membership rule.
 void InteractiveRoleManager.setRoleSOCHierarchy(Role role, java.lang.String socHierarchy, TemporalEngine temporalEngine)
          Sets the role's SOC hierarchy to the specified hierarchy.


Uses of TemporalException in oracle.iam.rm.temporal


Methods in oracle.iam.rm.temporal that throw TemporalException
 void TemporalEngine.cancelBusinessTransaction(long transactionId)
          Cancels the session that represents the business transaction.
 void TemporalEngine.cancelBusinessTransaction(long transactionId, boolean keepAudits)
          Cancels the session that represents the business transaction.
 SnapshotObject InteractiveSnapshotSession.createObject(java.lang.String structuralType, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ObjectKey> primaryKeys, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> attributes)
          Creates a new snapshot object.
 void SnapshotObject.delete()
          Makes the object ineffective.
 void SnapshotObject.delete(boolean cascade)
          Makes the object ineffective.
 oracle.iam.rm.common.PaginatedResultSet<SnapshotObject> SnapshotSession.findSnapshotObjects(Query query)
          Gets a paginated result set of snapshot objects based on a query.
 java.lang.Object SnapshotObject.getAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeKey)
          Gets the value of an attribute.
 oracle.iam.rm.i18n.Formattable SnapshotObject.getDefaultTitle()
          Gets the value that should be used for the default title of this object.
 SnapshotObject InteractiveSnapshotSession.getEditableSnapshotObject(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets an editable version of a particular snapshot object by its object key.
 InteractiveSnapshotSession TemporalEngine.getInteractiveSnapshotSession(long transactionId)
          Gets a snapshot session based on the provided live business transaction.
 SnapshotObject SnapshotObject.getMixin(java.lang.String mixinType)
          Gets the SnapshotObject that represents the mix-in type.
 ObjectType SnapshotSession.getObjectType(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets the object type for the provided object key.
 SnapshotObject SnapshotSession.getSnapshotObject(ObjectKey objectKey)
          Gets a particular snapshot object from its object key at a particular time.
 AttributeChangeSet SnapshotObject.setAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeKey, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets an attribute value to be effective as of the snapshot time.
 AttributeChangeSet SnapshotObject.setAttributeValues(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> attributeValues)
          Sets a collection of attribute values to be effective as of the snapshot time.
 boolean SnapshotObject.stateEquals(SnapshotObject snapshotObject)
          Determines if another SnapshotObject's state is equal.


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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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